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Deng Suifu

Novel review《草根红学杂俎》

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  Read Me: wish tree banner / Deng then husband in order to meet the requirements of a number of readers and friends, I own more than twenty years of "Dream of Red Mansions" and Cao Xueqin's research papers and essays Talk for this little book compiled and published. Has played a whim to give it a slightly unusual title - "Dream of Red Mansions Miscellaneous grassroots group." Labeled a "grassroots" tag, not for unconventional, but rather just the right pigeon-seater. There is another meaning of course. The face of increasingly fierce in recent years, the red circles martial strife, intolerance, and I am the one hand, and then converting into during response; the other hand, not willing to stop at this, Farewell red altar. Guer determined to further Mr. Zhou Ruchang footsteps, simply from the Style subsolar and unfairness of the team, melting into a broader truly their own camp in a more free to go. In fact, this camp has always been on the cigarettes, even those who partner together. Arrived from the root sense, I called people from the steps from the red circles, has been a member of this camp. Only the people in this camp, has never been able to unite a, and therefore appreciate the banner and positions. But must admit, still persist in the field of Dream of Red Mansions "people from the war" this type of non-mainstream, non-traditional, non-professional researchers or enthusiasts say, their large number, the potential and impact of the wide really as much as some think that the "orthodox" who dominated a small amount of manipulation of "regular." On the other hand, orthodox researchers disdain for such people, contempt, exclusion, repression, and never stopped even for a moment. Weak point, they had to rate a Yan Bing, aloof; like I am a little stubborn, though also in its own way to continue the war, the end can not help but look ahead and behind, a great fast Weng then had to "cross points" to prevent the back Lengjian Worries. Called Dream of leading authority of Mr. Zhou Ruchang also angrily declared "out of red circles," is an obvious case of; in recent years, considerable efforts in the famous Dream called A suffered cold and teased away, is another significant cases. However, this branch of learning is the Dream of a movie. It is not always to the minority subjective will, in any conditions of hardship can be tough to survive and flourish and develop. Because it is people, especially in the sectors of the subconscious knowledge, has never had any one school different from other inter-lasting appeal and inspiration. This is Chinese culture for thousands of years through the accumulation and embodied in a great masterpiece of a very special cultural phenomenon, is also the "Dream of Red Mansions", and Cao Xueqin itself has a unique charm by Shiran - like the United Kingdom Shakespeare and his works, like the British nation. So, no matter what kind of power who control the monopoly of this branch of learning trying to make to a mystery, modeling, simplification, a few arbitrary bluffing to deceive the private domain, and the results are in vain. Who also do not limit the broad mass base of the door, "Classics" in Chinese culture, the vast expanse of land taken root and flourish. This is the "Dream of Red Mansions" lucky, lucky Dream, it is fortunate that the Chinese traditional culture! But we should also see pressure from the powerful, though not fundamentally prevent the normal development of Dream, but to a certain extent, undermined their style of study, contributing to the rising evil, detrimental to the reputation of Dream of Red Mansions, hurt most of the researchers, including the enthusiasm of many professional researchers. More seriously, even to suppress, destroy or distort the healthy growth of new Dream of Red Mansions. In view of this, it may Elegy compiled and published by the opportunity to take the liberty to yourself. Also similar to the fellow and his banner have tree - roots Dream of Red Mansions. In the near future or even want, invite a number of friends interested in this, stocked with a truly normal lively debate on academic issues of the Dream Garden. Dream of the so-called grass-roots, but has borrowed a sociological and cultural studies in humans are often referred to the "grass-roots culture" (grsss-rooted culture) concept, to flaunt like me, non-mainstream, non-traditional, non-professional, or even from a purely posed by non-governmental people swamp the edge of Red Mansions research communities, so different from the kind of complacent, conceited so-called "mainstream Dream of Red Mansions", "Dream Classic" or "Dream of Red Mansions by the hospital." Different from each other, does not mean refusing the other. Hope with each other in the process of development go hand in hand with each other close, regular communication, and ultimately to achieve integration - this should be the inevitable trend of academic development. But needless to say, at least at this stage, roots Dream of the reasons its own independent existence and unique advantages. It is love of classical Chinese literature in general readers more user-friendly, study more pure, more lively and flexible style, with broad space for development and strong vitality. Copper and contempt for all forbidden to no avail, the "wild fire not the spring comes again," the one. This collection, revenue for over twenty years of my four years 1979:2003 sporadic written by The Dream Zhangzhangduanduan papers and comments, prefaces a total of 40 articles. In addition to past earnings, "Dream on the draft" (Chongqing Publishing House, 1987 edition) book, "Cao added wife test", "<Dream of Red Mansions" topic identified "<Dream of Red Mansions 80 back to the original post is how lost "and ZI articles (including the epilogue) are all reserved, but also income in recent years a new written 18 articles written by these new, slightly less table of contents, length more than the previous articles, most published before, such as "A New Interpretation <Dream>," "cord hole flower master" are indeed descendants jump to change, "" Dream of the Century Review and Prospects "," Rise and Fall of Man Yee Dream, "" out of the ivory tower b>, etc.; a few chapters is the first time become available, such as "<Red> dialogue on a book record>," Cao Xueqin box Detective decryption - the so-called <the old rain Morningstar sets) of the interview summary> "new discovery <Comments On The Story) North Normal possession of My Views on "and so on. Revenue this collection of articles, other dare not say, should be rich in content, the children involved in the Dream of almost all aspects; the point of view, nor pick up what others, and more than a letter on the female yellow, mysterious, but After careful consideration made by the individual after the new see; in the style of writing, the research also sought to overcome the common stereotyped cavity and sour gas, lively as possible, tastes. Overall, however, is obviously the grass-roots cultural atmosphere, different from the Dream of the kind of orthodox writings. I have no doubt that these articles generate, more or less by the senior academics had red writing inspiration and nourishment, which in most of my article explained or comment. But I must once again I have always articulated a basic idea of scholarship: not blindly follow any one of the older generation, but does not admit any of the past academic school. After all, only Overwhelming grassroots in the mountains only. Fortunately, the National Cultural Studies has just published a new book "Red eye-catching red," so in less than three months in six successive printed, showing readers enthusiastically. Disdain of orthodox persons are called A and the National Cultural Studies on the red communication between the recently awarded the "Wen Wei Po Pen" essay award, even more out of academic intellectuals and the media light, without distinction of enthusiasm. It appears that there are roots to boost their noisy Tian Dream of Spring, and as natural as the impending spring up! Han Yu's poem: Days Street drizzle Run as crisp, very thick grass near Quewu; most spring has benefits, and must win over Yan Liu Royal! December 8, 2003 in Shunan Dream Interpretation fast on Feb. 28, 2004 reclassification Translator Description: This book highlights: "Dream of Red Mansions" correction 4, "Dream of Red Mansions" at correction using the form on Cao Xueqin of. "Dream of Red Mansions" to emphasize and highlight the "Dream of Red Mansions," the two tied for the handling of the heroine, not only manifested in the "12 hairpin Atlas", in the character name and many other related details of the arrangements, also the concept of permeated everywhere. . Dream of the people who engage in may have this feeling: in that gem, Tai-yu and Bao Chai when the three characters, often referred to in the name of their encounter some difficulties. Such as gem can be referred. "Treasure", Daiyu can be called "Dai," Po Chai but not the "treasure", and can only be renamed "Chai." This is still a problem. The gem, with her is up to and said, "Bao Dai"; to Bao Chai, together with her is also claimed that "Qin Dai"; the gem and Bao Chai with them, but harder to not only not also known as "Chai Po", is not a good way round is called "Chai Po", so he had a kind of short and back to France, the gem was renamed "jade." This can barely be gem and Bao Chai and known as the "jade hairpin" or "Chai Yu," the. However, as we also mentioned that treasure, Dai, chai three people, two places and said they need two, they can not approach what accommodation worked. I drafted this article for example, in a tie for that "gem, love of her is the tragedy" and "gem, Bao Chai marriage tragedy", the description of this to Mr. Chiu Shu Wu, "Bao Dai love tragedy" and "Servant character contradictions ", as also the names of them look short, but I have failed to do so. Because I can not die in the same place the gem's name changed to the two patterns, referred to as why the "Bao Dai jade hairpin love marriage tragedy and tragedy" - that are not there four individual thing yet? It reflects on the contradictions, about even the first "Dream of Red Mansions," the researchers - Cao Xueqin's relatives and aides Dream books, abnormal Wat old man, who also find it difficult. They made the "Dream of Red Mansions" comment is in these three figures referred to can be said that all kinds of things. On Gem, Daiyu, sometimes referred to as "yu", sometimes referred to as "two jade"; on Gem, Bao-Cai Chai, sometimes referred to as "jade hairpin ', sometimes also called" two treasure "; on Bao Chai, Tai-yu, and sometimes referred to as "Servant" and sometimes referred to as "hairpin frown ', sometimes also called" Xue Lin "... ... because it is arbitrary depending on the circumstances of changing the title, lack of regularity. But most telling is to notice, "Dream of Red Mansions," Cao Xueqin, author of I, also, this problem has a loss. To double the book description, and some called Jade a "treasure Brothers," "Po brother", while also known as Bao Chai as a "treasure sister," "Po Girl." If you remove the display of their gender, "brothers." "Sister" and is it not too confusing! Therefore, when describing to the Jia Mu. Ms. Wang nickname gem, they do not call "BoA", and said, "Erh." This, of course they may occur with the nickname of her is met arrived, so the writer ingenuity to take up a special nickname for her is the other number - "frown children." What is more, "Mourning grief Golden Jade" inside the "golden" jade "is clearly based on Bao Chai, Daiyu and raised; and" good to acknowledge that no color lost gold, jade is not only a sigh when the good "and" Gold, "" Jade ", but became Baochai and gem on the move. can be seen, including on myself, any person in the" Dream of Red Mansions "short on the three characters, all a big headache, or even completely laissez-faire . Please think about the main characters in a novel name, actually there are so many awkward, I am afraid that claim to be a rare Chinese and foreign literary works as a special case of it! Why does this happen? The reason is to, "Dream of Red Mansions," the three characters named, is interrelated with the Rather, Po Chin and her is the name of Jade with the hero's name with contact: Bao Chai and he has a common " Po ", Daiyu and he has a common" jade. "In other words, the name of Po Chai Daiyu two, in fact, a gem that contains the names were evenly divided; the gem's name is just a hairpin , Dai Er person's name, "unity." This book contains the names of three wonderful people, not only to fully express the hairpin, Dai Er finds itself in a tie for the book heroine status, but also fully embodies the treasure, Dai, Chai three main line from the book is an integral feature - Zhi and others claim to use, perhaps called "three-one 'it! In addition, reflecting the author of "Dream of Red Mansions" as the heroine of this book, parallel processing and suggests that there are many other places in the book. For example, the gem iQue fantasyland in the decorative painting on the performance of an object with two different aspects of it, always in a balanced, symmetrical layout, show a different brightness and color contrast - than the single describe one aspect of an object to, it will naturally be more three-dimensional and rich. So I want to emphasize is that "Dream of Red Mansions" is not accidental that in the "Dream of Red Mansions" of the deal, not the author of the game words or formalism guessing. Cao Xueqin and the desired objective have already achieved the aim is to emphasize and highlight the hairpin Dai Er well out in the book's heroine status. Admittedly, "Dream of Red Mansions" from two different sides to build a three-dimensional works to the main line, not only the way in breaking the traditional structure of the "Romantic" novel old sets, but also in the objective effect on the whole achieved extraordinary works unique and profound artistic realm.
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