近代中国 List of Authors
Su ManshuWang GuoweiZhao ErxunLi Dingyi
Liang QichaoCai DongfanLi BaojiaZhang Zuyiliangxizuoguanlaoren
Sun XimengHuang XiaopeiXu ZhenyaLiu E
Wu JianrenYi SuoLin ShuChu Renxun
Huang ShizhongDun LuYun JiantianzhuishengHuang Nadingshi
Leng FoSu YuWang XianqianXu Ke
Sun YirangYi ShundingSong YuqingLuo Dunrong
Zhang JianMa JianzhongXu NayingShe Dehui
Li JiarongMeng SenYi MingLi Suiqiumeizhou
Xia RenhuXu GuoyingHuang JunYu Gong
Huang ZhiQian JiboTao XishengJiang Zhichai
Gu HongmingHu KaimingChen LianhenHan Shishi
Xuan NaliyinZhang ChunfanWu WoyaoCheng Shanzhi
Zhou DahuangYun QingnvshilvyiLi HanqiuZhang Henshui
She ChucangCai YuanpeiHan ZhaoqiXu Dishan
Zhao Dengyu
近代中国  (1898 ADJuly 28, 1937 AD)
Name and Alias: 舜臣
Township: 山东菏泽

  Zhao Dengyu (1898-1937), the word Shun Chen, Han, Shandong Heze people. Feng joined forces in 1914, Feng served as soldiers carry protection. Participate in the Northern Expedition in 1926. 1933, he was the 29th Army Brigade 37 Division, 109, 132, he served as division commander.
  Comrade Mao Zedong spoke highly of Zhao Dengyu other KMT Japanese generals praised them for "to the entire Chinese people to the representative model is greatest."
  Great Wall after the war, was transferred back to the 29th Army stationed in Chahar Province, Zhao Dengyu was promoted for distinguished itself as the 132 Infantry Division, was awarded the Army rank of lieutenant general. August 1935, 29 military garrison was transferred to Beijing region. July 7, 1937, the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese attack Wanping City, 29 Army struck back. 29 military commander for the South Garden Sung Che-yuan Zhao Dengyu appointed commander, sits South Garden, Tong Linge, together with the deputy commander of all military command of South Garden. July 28, the Japanese and spent heavily to mobilize more than 30 aircraft, 29 military positions to launch onslaught, an imbalance of power as the enemy, our large casualties, the Japanese army from the east and west sides scored South Garden, the two sides into a fight war . At this point, Zhao Dengyu courage, personally led more than 30 guards, and command of 29 Army Guard brigades and groups of students of military training teams to conduct intense close fight with the Japanese. Then, suddenly received a superior's orders to troops to retreat to the dahongmen Zhao Dengyu area. Peep out the Japanese retreated dahongmen Zhao Dengyu intention to prepare, taken the lead in the South Garden to dahongmen machine gun was put up on both sides of the road to fire road blockades. To motivate soldiers, Zhao Dengyu troops to take the car to the direction of withdrawal Dahongmen, unfortunately, is in the car line to dahongmen Yuhe bridge near the blow up the car, Zhao Dengyu was seriously injured, an immediate withdrawal of the security guards persuaded the local, Zhao Dengyu not willing, but the Japanese lead the troops to fight back. At this time, a flying bomb, dismember his legs so that it fainted. Zhao Dengyu woke up, tears to the messenger said: "Do not control me, you go back and tell my mother Beijing city, her son died for the country, are also considered worthy of our ancestors, to call on her old rest assured!" Finished stopped breathing.
  General Anecdotes
  The west side of the Longquan this Taoranting Park alley, there was Longquan Temple Block, in order to apply for charitable educational and known Taoranting primary term of the present site. Respect the anti-Japanese heroes and martyrs of the old abbot, led by four monks, night out of the city in sorghum to find a general in the body, carried back for preparation of Longquan Temple. Avoid the eyes and ears for the Japanese, the coffin hidden in the temple will be 8 years. After the victory of the war, only 10-year-old Zhao Xuefen Longquan Temple to pay homage to, the old abbot comfort, she said: "The general did not go, I often hear the general cry in the night train soldiers password."
  November 25, 1946, the then mayor of Beijing Siyuan (Shandong Heze people) issued a "secret government Zi Instructions No. 729," the urban three roads named Zhao Dengyu Road, Tong Linge Road, Zhang Zhizhong Road, to commemorate anti-Japanese heroes and martyrs . After the founding of new China, to retain these three names, and are still in use.
  Zhao Dengyu Martyrs Cemetery, next to the Beijing-Guangzhou railway bridge crossing the West, daily shuttle train was in the past, just as Beijing is still guarding the door.
  Great Wall after the war, was transferred back to the 29th Army stationed in Chahar Province, Zhao Dengyu was promoted for distinguished itself as the 132 Infantry Division, was awarded the Army rank of lieutenant general. August 1935, 29 military garrison was transferred to Beijing region. July 7, 1937, the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese attack Wanping City, 29 Army struck back. 29 military commander for the South Garden Sung Che-yuan Zhao Dengyu appointed commander, sits South Garden, Tong Linge, together with the deputy commander of all military command of South Garden. July 28, the Japanese and spent heavily to mobilize more than 30 aircraft, 29 military positions to launch onslaught, an imbalance of power as the enemy, our large casualties, the Japanese army from the east and west sides scored South Garden, the two sides into a fight war . At this point, Zhao Dengyu courage, personally led more than 30 guards, and command of 29 Army Guard brigades and groups of students of military training teams to conduct intense close fight with the Japanese. Then, suddenly received a superior's orders to troops to retreat to the dahongmen Zhao Dengyu area. Peep out the Japanese retreated dahongmen Zhao Dengyu intention to prepare, taken the lead in the South Garden to dahongmen erected on both sides of the machine gun road to fire road blockades. To motivate soldiers, Zhao Dengyu troops to take the car to the direction of withdrawal Dahongmen, unfortunately, is in the car line to dahongmen Yuhe bridge near the blow up the car, Zhao Dengyu was seriously injured, an immediate withdrawal of the security guards persuaded the local, Zhao Dengyu not willing, but the Japanese lead the troops to fight back. At this time, a flying bomb, dismember his legs so that it fainted. Zhao Dengyu woke up, tears to the messenger said: "Do not control me, you go back and tell my mother Beijing city, her son died for the country, are also considered worthy of our ancestors, to call on her old rest assured!" Finished stopped breathing.
  Zhao Dengyu Road is located in north-central Xicheng District, Beijing. Xizhimen Avenue, north, south Fuchengmen monitor Avenue, to commemorate the anti-Japanese patriotic general named Zhao Dengyu. Edit this paragraph name came in.
  The official name of the modern characters named street, only three in Beijing, that the Tong Linge Road, Xicheng District, Zhao Dengyu Road, Dongcheng District of Zhangzizhong Road. The three heroes and martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the country's anti-Japanese are famous, early years, the men are Feng. 29 army generals serving as the period since 1934, after 29 troops stationed in Beijing and Tianjin, have lived in Beijing.
  The three streets named after heroes and martyrs to the anti-Japanese name, continue to be used in the liberation. "Cultural Revolution" period, Tong Linge Road renamed four new road, Zhao Dengyu Road renamed the China Road, Zhangzizhong Road renamed the workers, East Avenue. "Cultural Revolution" after the restoration of order, the Beijing municipal government in October 1984 decided to resume the original name.
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