宋代 List of Authors
Yu RumingYing JunLiu JiChen Bokui
Ye Mengde
宋代  宋(1077 AD1148 AD)

poetry comment《石林诗话》
Poetry《congratulate benedict》   《Shuidiaogetou Hao Zhou fish observatory for》   《Shuidiaogetou September The 15th day of a lunar month Shooting practice with the customer West park garden I even disease Cannot radio- (chem.)》   《Shuidiaogetou Send eight uncle North Korea requested》   《Shuidiaogetou Lake Pavilion completed》   《Shuidiaogetou Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Uncle Si Cheng Lynd Ancestral and Hugh official sing of one's feelings》   《Shuidiaogetou Guichou mid-autumn》   《Shuidiaogetou》   《八声甘州(寿阳楼八公山作)》   《Bashengganzhou The first month of the lunar year On the 2nd for a leap-year-old The first month of the lunar year Myristic acid ability the Beginning of Spring》   More poems...

Read works of Ye Mengde at 诗海
  Fewer words Yun, a for Suzhou Wuxian or Cheung Chau (now Jiangsu Suzhou) people, a way for Ukraine (Zhejiang Wuxing) people, a people for Zhejiang Songyang. Shaosheng four years (1097) Scholars, award Dantu Wei. Chongning initial grant Wuzhou professor called for the proposed amendment Selected military official ceremony, tired to move Imperial Academy. Jian Yan year (1128) In addition to the Ministry of Shang, Shang Zuo Cheng moved three years. Shaoxing, the Ren Jiangdong home comfort system, the Ambassador, and the government know our health, palace rear, fully anti-gold. Huzhou Bian mountain retreat after the Stone Forest Valley, from Shek Lin Jushi. Death Shaoxing 18 years, 72 years. "Sung" There are rumors. Mastery stories, in the "Book of Rites," "Autumn," "I" Zhu Shu, both Dynasty. Author of "Shilin Yan language" XXX, "recorded in the summer, then" two volumes, "Stone Forest Poetry" two volumes, "Jian Kang Collection," eight volumes. "Full Song" contains the word 102.
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Comments (1)

hepingdao wrote (2008-03-29 14:30:14):

  叶梦得(1077~1148) 宋代词人。字少蕴。苏州吴县(今江苏苏州)人。绍圣四年(1097)登进士第,调丹徒尉。徽宗时官翰林学士。高宗建炎二年(1128)授户部尚书,迁尚书左丞。绍兴元年(1131)起为江东安抚大使,兼知建康府。八年授江东安抚制置大使,兼知建康府、行宫留守,总管四路漕计。十二年移知福州。晚年隐居湖州卞山石林谷,自号石林居士,以读书吟咏自乐。死后追赠检校少保。
  《直斋书录解题》著录《石林总集》100卷,《建康集》10卷,《审是集》8卷。今仅存《建康集》8卷。其词当时即单集刻行。《直斋书录解题》著录《石林词》1卷。流传有吴讷《百家词》本,毛晋《宋六十名家词》本,叶德辉《石林遗书》本。《全宋词》据紫芝漫抄本 增补,共辑存词102首。