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段世 Duan Shi段正明 Duan Zhengming杨义贞 Yang Yizhen
高升泰 Gao Shengtai
大理  (?1094年~?1096年)
网笔号: 富有圣德表正皇帝


  Thailand soaring between the Northern Song dynasty Emperor of China in Yunnan Province, Yue Hou high side of the end of descent, Lotus Peak Mount Cangshan Dali native of Bay River. 1080, Yang Yizhen killing Emperor paragraph Yasuyoshi Dali, independent for the emperor. Qingping when official (ie Prime Minister) of the highs and Thailand rose by his father, the order of the high rate of oriental wisdom Horses Gongmie Yang Yizhen, crowned emperor of Dali in paragraph Ting-hui. 1081, high-rise and high lift Thai Chi father and son forced the abdication of Emperor Ming Hui Ting paragraph monk, then it is clear paragraph crowned the throne. Hau Thai soaring labeled good explain. Northern Song Shaosheng first year (1094), has been soaring in Thailand waste special section of the right is clear, self-reliance for the emperor. In 1096, soaring Thailand died. As the opposition tribes in Yunnan, asked his son dying Thailand soaring high Temin also political Duan, so high Temin crowned section is the younger brother of Duanzheng Chun Ming emperor as Dali, but then handle the control of Dali Gao hands, the Bank said the high country Lord. Soaring Thai Posthumous name table is full of holiness, the emperor.
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