字: | 長伯 | |||||||||
籍貫: | 江蘇高郵/遼東 | |||||||||
崇禎十七年(1644)三月初,李自成破大同、真定,逼近北京 ,崇禎帝飛檄加封他為平西伯,令其放棄寧遠(今遼寧興城)入衛京師,起用吳襄提督京營。吳三桂奉旨入援京師,十六日抵山海關,一路上“遷延不急行,簡閱步騎”,二十日抵達河北豐潤時,李自成領導的農民起義軍已進入北京,崇禎帝自縊景山(煤山),北京失陷,吳三桂撤兵退保山海關。李自成後曾多次招他歸降,吳三桂再三猶豫,因其妾陳圓圓被李自成部將掠去,其父也被拘押“拷掠甚酷”,大怒。遂上書清睿親王多爾袞 ,請清兵入關滅賊。李自成聞知此訊,4月13日,親率大軍十萬號稱二十萬,奔赴山海關攻討吳三桂。22日山海關之戰,吳軍初敗,吳三桂求救於清攝政王多爾袞,清兵入關。吳三桂與清軍在一片石戰役中聯合大敗李自成,受清封平西王。
順治十七年,朝廷以賦稅不足,令吳三桂裁減兵員。吳三桂將緑營及投誠兵從六萬人減至二萬四千人,汰弱存強,留下的全是精銳之師。清廷於康熙十二年(1673年)下令撤藩。吳三桂聞訊後叛清。自稱周王、總統天下水陸大元帥、興明討虜大將軍,發佈檄文,,聯合平南王世子尚之信、靖南王耿精忠及廣西將軍孫延齡、陝西提督王輔臣等以反清復明為號召起兵反清,揮軍入桂、川、湘、閩、粵諸省,戰亂波及贛、陝、甘等省,史稱三藩之亂。清政府調重兵全力鎮壓叛亂,逐漸扭轉了戰局,康熙十七年(1678年),吳三桂在湖南衡州稱帝,國號大周,建元昭武。其本人也開始蓄發,改穿明朝衣冠。同年秋在長沙病死 。其孫吳世璠 繼位 ,退據雲南 。康熙二十年(1681年)昆明被圍,吳世璠自殺,餘衆出降。吳三桂的子孫後代被徹底殺光。包括襁褓中的嬰兒。《清史稿》有吳三桂本傳。
清 吳偉業
鼎湖當日棄人間,破敵收京下玉關, 慟哭六軍俱縞素,衝冠—怒為紅顔。
紅顔流落非吾戀,逆賊夭亡自荒宴。 電掃黃巾定黑山,哭罷君親再相見。
相見初經田竇傢,侯門歌舞出如花。 許將戚裏箜篌伎,等取將軍油壁車。
傢本姑蘇浣花裏,圓圓小字嬌羅綺。 夢嚮夫差苑裏遊,宮娥擁入君王起。
前身合是採蓮人,門前一片橫塘水。 橫塘雙槳去如飛,何處豪傢強載歸。
此際豈知非薄命,此時唯有淚沾衣。 薫天意氣連宮掖,明眸皓齒無人惜。
奪歸永巷閉良傢,教就新聲傾坐客。 坐客飛觴紅日暮,一麯哀弦嚮誰訴?
白晰通侯最少年,揀取花枝屢回顧。 早攜嬌鳥出樊籠,待得銀河幾時渡?
恨殺軍書抵死催,苦留後約將人誤。 相約恩深相見難,一朝蟻賊滿長安。
可憐思婦樓頭柳,認作天邊粉絮看。 遍索緑珠圍內第,強呼絳樹出雕闌。
若非壯士全師勝,爭得蛾眉匹馬還? 蛾眉馬上傳呼進,雲鬟不整驚魂定。
蠟炬迎來在戰場,啼妝滿面殘紅印。 專徵蕭鼓嚮秦川,金牛道上車千乘。
斜𠔌雲深起畫樓,散關月落開妝鏡。 傳來消息滿江鄉,烏桕紅經十度霜。
教麯伎師憐尚在,浣紗女伴憶同行。 舊巢共是銜泥燕,飛上枝頭變鳳凰。
長嚮尊前悲老大,有人夫婿擅侯王。 當時衹受聲名纍,貴戚名豪競延緻。
一斛明珠萬斛愁,關山漂泊腰肢細。 錯怨狂風颺落花,無邊春色來天地。
嘗聞傾國與傾城,翻使周郎受重名。 妻子豈應關大計,英雄無奈是多情。
全家白骨成灰土,—代紅妝照汗青。 君不見館娃初起鴛鴦宿,越女如花看不足。
香徑塵生烏自啼,屧廊人去苔空緑。 換羽移宮萬裏愁,珠歌翠舞古梁州。
大順朝决定徵伐一事,吳三桂先期探知,大驚。他自忖斷無抵擋大順軍的力量。為自保計,他决定嚮滿清藉兵。條件是不但給予滿清財帛,而且“將裂地以酬” 。滿清對關內的這些變故並不詳悉。它衹知李自成陷京,崇禎身亡,應藉此中原大亂的機會與大順一爭天下。四月九日滿清大軍起程瀋陽。十五日行至翁後遇到吳三桂派來的特使。多爾袞等大喜且疑,並未加快行軍速度。二十日到達連山。吳三桂第二次使者至。言李自成軍已薄山海關,情況緊急。清軍聞訊日夜兼程二百裏,於二十一日傍晚抵達關外。二十一日白天,大順軍與吳軍已有交戰。吳軍幾不支。吳三桂再度遣使到清營,急催清軍加入戰鬥。此時明了情況的多爾袞再不以吳三桂所言“不唯財帛,將裂地以酬”為滿足,他的志嚮是入主中原,故改而堅持吳三桂必須剃發以降方出兵相助。此時,吳三桂已別無選擇。若明日單獨與大順軍交鋒,必將不敵,身傢性命必毀於一旦。於是衹得依多爾袞所示,親往清營,剃發跪拜。次日,山海關大戰展開。狡詐的多爾袞令吳軍先與大順軍戰。待交戰雙方皆疲,而吳軍已顯不支之時,方揮師躍入陣中。毫無思想準備的大順軍在“韃子兵來了!”的驚呼中兵敗如山倒。“一時之間,戰場空虛,積屍相枕,彌滿大野。”
Albert Wu Qing
Meet after the beginning of field Doujia, song and dance out of the flower Hou door. Xu Qi Li Harp trick will be, so take general oil wall car.
It turned out that non-born unlucky this time, only this time tears Zhan Yi. Ye Gong-smelling emotional connection, bright eyes white teeth no pity.
Hate the book serves him urging the military to kill, hard to stay in about the human error. Similar to each other is difficult En deep, and once a thief ants over Chang'an.
Wax torch usher in the battlefield, ti makeup sounded Canhong India. Special levy to the Qin Chuan Xiao drum, golden trail car Qian Cheng.
Long before the tragedy to respect the boss, her husband was good at Hau Wong. At that time only by reputation tired, Gui Qi Hao Jing Yan were induced.
Family bones into dust, - on behalf of the red makeup according to annals. Do not you see baby Museum of places since the beginning of mandarin ducks, the more female flower to see less.
Another View of surrendering
Late March to early April, Wu Sangui linger wander in Yongping, Yutian area. Chongzhen death, death Ming court, Gu Chen Ming court as he and all are looking for way out. And one of the most simple way is to surrender Dashun. This does not violate the ethical code. Regime change, since ancient times is no different. Since the first Ming emperor was actually a real thing Pinseng, then Rereading this Yizu why not do emperor?
Dashun regarding the DPRK decided to conquest, Wu Sangui early Discovery, was shocked. He said to myself not to resist Dashun off military force. Terms of protecting themselves, he decided to Manchu Set to Kill. Condition is not only to the Qing wealth, and "will be split in order to pay." Manchu on and off in an unknown note of these tragedies. It only knew Li Zicheng settlement Beijing, Chongzhen death, should take this opportunity to the Central Plains chaos of a war with Dashun world. April 9 Shenyang Manchu troops leave. On the 15th line to the Lions after the encounter sent a special envoy Wu Sangui. Dorgon so overjoyed and the suspect did not accelerate the pace of the march. Hill arrived on the 20th. Second messenger to Wu Sangui. Yan Li Zicheng Army has thin Shanhaiguan, the situation is urgent. Qing hearing the news, night and day for 200 years, on the evening of the 21st arrived outside the customs. On the 21st day, Dashun Jun Wu Jun has been at war with. Wu Jun few why he did not. Wu Sangui again sent envoys to the clearing business, urgent reminder Qing join the fight. At this point we do not understand the situation Dorgon to Wu Sangui said, "not the only wealth, will be split in order to pay" to satisfy his ambition is the Central Plains, so instead insist Wu Sangui troops help solve the problem must Dressed dynasties side. At this point, Wu Sangui have no choice. If tomorrow a separate encounters with the Dashun, will defeat, his life will be destroyed. And they have shown by Dorgon, personally clearing business, Dressed bow. The next day, Shanhaiguan war started. Wu Jun wily Dorgon make the first military war with the Dashun. When the two warring sides were tired, and Wu Jun was why he did not have the time, commanded the troops jumped into the array of parties. There is no ideological preparation of the Dashun Army "Tartars soldiers are coming!" The exclamation never led. "All of a sudden, the battlefield empty, dead relative sleeper product, Mi Man Ono."
If the fall of the Qing Wu Sangui many people not too clear about the specific process, then the personal experience of the Wu Sangui and fewer people know of. Realistically speaking, Wu Sangui do this is not a traitor of the material.
1612 (four years of Wanli) Wu Sangui born outside the customs of the Han in the town after the native of Gaoyou. Wu-hsiang of the gentry, his father is due to the rise of the Liao Dynasty Nurhaci a harsh policy of ethnic discrimination, on the Han major plus looting killing angry Pen for the Sword then organized militia, protectors. Yoshiyuki Ming Court, appointed to the post of Chief General Liaodong militia. His remarkable achievements, the "Liao Right Jubi," said. After the gold in the resistance struggle, Wu Xiang Liao territory and then some out of friendship forged court generals and to his sister married a Famous Jinzhou, link "to discuss prisoner Pioneer India," the Liaodong star Zuda Shou. Wu Sangui was born and grew up in the area is full of war and have a family history of war against money. This is undoubtedly a young age tempered his strength of courage and sense of anti-gold. In the battlefield, the brave youth of the Wu Sangui is. In a battle, he fell into the enemy positions, a red flag with a shot Prince. In kissing the prince approached brandished a knife ready to cut off the heads, the surprise that the prince suddenly knifed him in the nose. Wu Sangui face covered in blood, but undaunted, torn red dress that wound immediately after the rematch.
1641 (Chongzhen 14 years) Jin Song to the Ming army defeat the war ended. If 23 years ago after the Battle of the defeat marked the golden master of the external relations of the initiative, then Song Ming Kam of the Baize court that the failure in the war situation as absolutely shattered. Song Jin of the Ming court defeat to the loss of a large number of elite troops and the war will. Xiao Qiang Cao Jiao and other variables captured by Slaughter. Hong Chengchou, Zuda Shou such surrender. Wu Sangui only first-line pain pluggin in Ningyuan Shanhaiguan situation. Wu Sangui extremely difficult conditions in exile under the protection offered to revitalize the Military. Soon they organized an army of tens of thousands of people, adhere to Ningyuan Shanhaiguan and cities such as foreign relations. Liaodong war will or death in the same or lower case, the only remaining resist the Qing Wu Sangui become famous. Taiji has launched the following year the Battle of Horse. Send Aba Tai, tolg shuaibing away from the Wu Sangui defensive Shanhaiguan, typical agricultural village by the yellow line into the side. Burning and looting, Jiangsu, Shandong direct military front. Zhu Ming Kwan will all Wangfengertao inside. Only Wu Sangui still dare shuaibing Entering Yao Ji Qing, and quite frequently gains. And then to 1643, as noted earlier, Wu Sangui strong resistance to the Qing invincible Ningyuan City, third in the bitter taste of defeat.
In order to solve more than it difficult for Shanhaiguan this barrier, the Qing court to summon somebody to surrender Wu Sangui launched a powerful offensive. As the uncle Zuda Shou Wu Sangui and mentor Hong Chengchou and numerous brothers, colleagues, such as Wu Sanfeng, ancestral to law, such as have been surrendered to the Qing Chang Tsun-jen, Huang Taiji himself has written so summon somebody to surrender to him, but also told them there are all kinds of relations with Wu Sangui down to write to him to capitulate. But Wu Sangui end unmoved. Of course, this is because his father to stay in the capital appeared to be hostages, on the other hand when the awareness against the Qing Dynasty and Wu Sangui inseparable.
Face the facts of inquiry, should be recognized that the objective factors contributed to Wu Sangui degenerated into a traitor of the important reasons. This is Li Zi Cheng objective factors into the Beijing adopted a series of errors after the practice.
On the whole, Dashun approach is discarded in the stability of the regime itself so clearly the importance of bureaucratic co-operation, from the local point of view, is forced against the Wu Sangui. This is prompted Wu Sangui surrendering, but also to move from prosperity to Dashun the final destruction of critical failure. For those 10 days - just a moment in history - in the case of various historical records has a slightly different records. Dramatic changes in the face of Wu Sangui emotional behavior stricken. Documented that he had accepted the summon somebody to surrender Li Zicheng. Only when not fully open, then the father was detained after another copy to be swept and dominated the news love Kyi. There is, he reluctantly to accept his father's distress, but must not accept the love Kyi humiliated. He knew that he was the Manchu and the Rereading the two major forces in the slit. Whether stranded in the capital of the consideration for the father, or from his ten years of the Qing Dynasty and flame of hatred of view, his clique are surrendering Dashun is logical. But the 30-year-old flower of their youth generals cut a Rereading of envoys in parallel out of, "Lee from sending head thief," the obscurity, the respect from this should go cut off, and had been intended to take. Nevertheless he was surrendering, but there are still concerns, and even raise an army in the informed Rereading to a break after all wanted to Commit Suicide. But when he faced the reality, the only out of tricks to call in the Qing Dynasty. And this move took the capital of the Qing Dynasty moved to Beijing from Shenyang, Wu Sangui not regret it later to eat.
Envisaged, if the move to win over Dashun including Wu Sangui it out, including bureaucrats, the situation may be another round of situation. Rereading Instead of thousands of troops to suppress the Wu Sangui, but this military assistance to the North against the Manchu. Unity to stabilize the situation in the south after the Hui Ge. To the corruption of Hongguang Administration of Nanming to discretion, it is rational to be. Or because the northern tight Dashun considerable time, unable to move south in the cutting, which to a large number of Ming Li Zi Cheng and Wu Sangui and down the court, such as Datong Chief General Qin Xiang is enough strength to resist the sum of Manchus. Ming court once so difficult, was due to the Manchu, farmers combat troops on both sides, loss, hard-pressed. But if the situation simplified for large shun the Qing Dynasty, Qing ride that aspect of North China, Central China will no longer see the status. After a period of stable interest-bearing, the new uniform will also Dashun South China. As a unified force Dashun complex it is clear whether there is outside the customs territory, which is open to question. Unified Dashun Song will be a replica of the weak? Will actually lead to today's China territory south of the Great Wall? These problems have left the title of this article, do not make redundant.
Folk historians do not start more than that is Ming Wu Sangui Panchen, but because of the Manchu banner of "revenge for the Jun Fu" in the name of knocking at the gate, with a death sentence for the capture of Beijing's Li Zi Cheng Chong Zhen Emperor was Ming had canonized Jianzhou Jurchen Department (later King) but it was people. Rereading the Joint bowls together to fight the Dashun regime, at the time seemed reasonable, but again. Ming when the Chinese national consciousness is not strong, as long as the rulers of the country ways to the Han Chinese to accept, Han rule does not exclude the Alien. This is either the Xianbei Northern, or Western Xia, Liao, Jin until the Yuan and Qing Dynasty, mixed in the initial stages of the founding of the Han Chinese are usually not met strong resistance.