明朝民變 人物列錶
葉宗留 She Zongliu陳鑒鬍 Chen Jianhu劉通 Liu Tong
蔡伯貫 Cai Baguan黃蕭養 Huang Xiaoyang高迎祥 Gao Yingxiang
徐鴻儒 Xu Hongru段鋹 Duan Chang劉守分 Liu Shoufen
王斌 Wang Bin張普薇 Zhang Puwei僧省悟 Seng Shengwu
李添保 Li Tianbao張璉 Zhang Lian田九成 Tian Jiucheng
劉六 Liu Liu
徐鴻儒 Xu Hongru
明朝民變  (?1622年1622年)
網筆號: 中興福烈帝


  Xu Hongru (? -1 622), the Shandong Province Juye people, White Lotus only the late Ming and China become leaders. Revelation two years (1622), Xu Hongru in Yuncheng raise his flag against Ming, ZTE Fulie claimed emperor reign Shing Hing Shing. Volunteers to headband-jin, come Juye, crossing the Grand Canal, captured thoen, Zouxian attack Qufu. October, Chao Tingpai military repression, Xu Hongru betrayed by a traitor, prisoner killed by government troops, the uprising failed, is the herald of change for the late Ming China.

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