元代 人物列錶
忽必烈 Hu Bilie完澤篤可汗 Wan Zedukehan麯律可汗 Külüg Qaγan
普顔篤可汗 Buyantu Qaγan格堅可汗 Gegeγen Qaγan葉順鐵木耳 She Shuntiemuer
阿速吉八 A Sujiba札牙篤可汗 Ĵayaγatu Qaγan忽都篤可汗 Qutugtu Qaγan
宜林奇葆 Yi Linjibao烏哈噶圖可汗 Uqayatu Qaγan
札牙篤可汗 Ĵayaγatu Qaγan
元代  (1304年1332年)
姓: 孛兒衹斤
名: 圖帖睦爾
網筆號: 聖明元孝皇帝
廟號: 文宗

  元文宗圖帖睦爾(Tugh Temür,1304年-1332年)是元朝第八位皇帝(1328年—1329年在位;後復位,在位時間為1329年—1332年,在位時間共計4年),他是元武宗的次子。
  元文宗病死於1332年九月,終年29歲,廟號文宗、漢文謚號聖明元孝皇帝,蒙古文謚號札牙篤可汗(Ĵayaγatu Qaγan)。

  August 1328, the Minister decided to establish the king and the World 㻋 week, but because of the long distance meet on the first week of the king's younger brother, the King of Chu Mu Tours map posts. Li Shun, who favored both days in September, made Binggong most. Most of the Privy Council in the matter Yantiemuer know (now Beijing) Yong Mu Seoul Figure quote for the emperor, and defeated the days Shun, who favored the court, the world stability.
  However, during the reign of Wen-tsung, the prime minister Yantiemuer count on active, playing court, the Yuan court administration more corrupt, the decline of national power more. Master of literature during the reign of the domestic multi-peasant uprising broke out, of great turmoil is brewing.
  Yuan Wen-tsung, and BU A loss in the Queen gave birth to three sons: the eldest son of A. A stab stab Na te (died young), the second son of Guna A stab (later renamed Yan posts Guth, were deported to death by Yuan Hui), third son of peace is satisfied ( early death).
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