元代 人物列錶
忽必烈 Hu Bilie完澤篤可汗 Wan Zedukehan麯律可汗 Külüg Qaγan
普顔篤可汗 Buyantu Qaγan格堅可汗 Gegeγen Qaγan葉順鐵木耳 She Shuntiemuer
阿速吉八 A Sujiba札牙篤可汗 Ĵayaγatu Qaγan忽都篤可汗 Qutugtu Qaγan
宜林奇葆 Yi Linjibao烏哈噶圖可汗 Uqayatu Qaγan
格堅可汗 Gegeγen Qaγan
元代  (1304年1323年)
姓: 孛兒衹斤
名: 碩德八剌
網筆號: 睿聖文孝皇帝
廟號: 英宗
陵墓: 起輦𠔌

  元英宗碩德八剌(Šudibala,1304年—1323年)是元朝第五位皇帝(1321年—1323年在位),是元仁宗之子。延祐七年(1320年),仁宗去世,17歲的碩德八剌在皇太後答己及鐵木迭兒等人的扶持下登基做皇帝,是為元英宗,改元“至治”。英宗自幼受儒學薫陶,登基後繼續推行“以儒治國”政策,頒布了元朝正式法典—《大元通製》,並在宰相拜住、中書省平章政事張圭等的幫助下實施了一些新政。元朝國勢大有起色,但新政卻觸及到了蒙古保守貴族的利益,引起了他們的不滿,而且英宗下令清除朝中鐵木迭兒的勢力,隨着清理的擴大化,鐵木迭兒的義子鐵失在至治三年(1323年)夏天趁着英宗去上都避暑之機在上都以南15公裏的地方南坡的刺殺了英宗及拜住等人。史稱南坡之變。英宗死時衹有21歲。他死後廟號英宗、漢文謚號睿聖文孝皇帝、蒙古文謚號格堅可汗(Gegeγen Qaγan)。

  Shuo Yuan Hidemune de Ba La (Šudibala, 1304 年 -1 323) was the fifth emperor of the Yuan Dynasty (1321 -1,323 reign), was son of yuan Ren. Nobusuke seven years (1320), Ren died, 17-year-old German master had eight stab at the Queen Mother A and Tiemudieer the help of others to do the emperor ascended the throne, is the element Hidemune, reign title "to the rule." Hidemune influence of Confucianism since infancy, became the King to continue the implementation of the "Confucian rule" policy, issued a formal Code of the Yuan Dynasty - "Great Yuan pass system", and Prime Minister Bai Zhu, Zhang Gui, Central Secretariat Pingzhang government affairs with the help of implemented a number of New Deal. Yuan national strength has improved, but the New Deal has touched the interests of Mongolia conservative nobles, aroused their discontent, and ordered to remove the DPRK Tiemudieer Hidemune forces, with the clean up of the expansion, Tiemudieer's adopted son Iron loss to rule in three years (in 1323) to go to all summer took advantage of Hidemune summer in both the machine 15 kilometers south of the southern slope of the assassinated local Hidemune and Bai Zhu et al. Known to history as the southern slope of the change. Hidemune only 21 years old when he died. After his death the posthumous names of Hidemune, Science posthumous title of Emperor Xiao Wen Rui-Sheng, Jian cell Mongolian Khan posthumous name (Gegeγen Qaγan).
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