蒙古帝國 人物列錶
成吉思汗 Ghinggis Khan也可那顔 Tolui窩闊臺汗 Wo Kuotaihan
乃馬真脫列哥那 Nai Mazhentuoliegena貴由 Gui You海迷失後 Hai Mishihou
蒙哥 Möngke阿裏不哥 A Libuge
阿裏不哥 A Libuge
蒙古帝國  (1232年1264年)
姓: 孛兒衹斤
名: 阿裏布哥

  阿裏不哥(Ariq Böke,約1232年—1264年),又譯阿裏布哥,蒙古貴族,是成吉思汗第四子拖雷之幼子,蒙哥、忽必烈、旭烈兀之弟。

  Montgomery reign, stationed in the Mongol capital of Karakorum, the policy has always been against Kublai Khan's finished. Montgomery's death by a Mongolian native nobles elected as sweat. Kublai Khan heard the news, also Kaiping own throne, the two sides fierce civil war, which lasted four years. Ali is not a decisive battle in 1264 when the elephants transported from the south Colombian attack military Khan, Kublai Khan destructible. Brother Ali is not exhaustive surrender, Kublai Khan to the confinement, and soon died, or that Khan was poisoned.
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