蒙古帝国 人物列表
成吉思汗 Ghinggis Khan也可那颜 Tolui窝阔台汗 Wo Kuotaihan
乃马真脱列哥那 Nai Mazhentuoliegena贵由 Gui You海迷失后 Hai Mishihou
蒙哥 Möngke阿里不哥 A Libuge
海迷失后 Hai Mishihou
蒙古帝国  (?1248年~?1251年)
姓: 斡兀立
名: 海迷失
网笔号: 钦淑皇后


  Lost Sea, the name turn towering sea lost, the Mongol Empire in the third by the sweat of your Queen. 1248, by the death in your, hold ogadai grandson missing out the door (width a son) help him, in July 1251 the General Assembly ignored Riehle Taiwan, separate Mungo to sweat, the sea lost custody up. Montgomery came to the throne, the sea lost secretly instigated ogadai Department of princes and sorcery stab in the back Mungo, Mungo ordered into the river were drowned. Yuan established, chasing lost to Yen Shu posthumous Sea Empress.
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