金国 List of Authors
Wan YanagudaWan YanshengWan YandanWan Yanliang
Wan YanyongWan YanjingWan YanyunjiWan Yanxun
Wan YanshouxuWan Yanchenglin
Wan Yandan
金国  (1119 AD1150 AD)
Last Name: 完颜
First Name: 合剌
Temple Name: 熙宗
Tomb: 峨眉谷思陵
Reign1135 AD1150 AD
天眷1138 AD1140 AD
皇统1141 AD1149 AD

  Days of 15 years (in 1137) in November Huijong edict abolished Liu Yu Qi regime, Kim Sung peace negotiations.
  Affair: Jin Guohan of
  Huijong succession until, finished result is the abolition of a working knowledge of a very strong class Bo, Crown Prince of this old system, the emperor established his son as crown prince. This has led the DPRK have been able to Taizong Taizong as the eldest son of Prince Wanyan were dissatisfied pan. Taizong therefore Huijong more tolerant future generations. But then launched a number of pan or rebellion, but was calm.
  Wong president nine days in December Dimba (Julian calendar on Jan. 9, 1150), was the right king Wanyanliang Hailing the prime minister killed, aged 31.
  Fei Wang Wanyan element of sacrificial flesh scattered d
  De Fei Wu's ancient theory
  Princess Pei Man's

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