北辽 List of Authors
Ye LvchunXiao PuxiannvYe LvyaliYe Lvshulie
Ye Lvyali
北辽  (1094 AD1123 AD)
Name and Alias: 撒鸾
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 梁王
Reign1123 AD1123 AD
神历May, 1123 ADOctober, 1123 AD

  Yelv Ya Li (1094 -1 123), the second son of Tianzuo Liao, Luan spread the word. Year-old sealed the King of Liang. April 1123, under the forces defected from Kinbyo Tianzuo, then Tianzuo West Ben, Ya-li was Yelü Dashi escort to Sha Ling. May, Yelv jari independence for the emperor, reign title of God calendar. October Yelv Jarry died.
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(1123 AD1123 AD)
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