陈朝 List of Authors
Chen WenzanChen DaotanChen PoxianChen Qian
Chen BazongChen XuChen Houzhu
Chen Poxian
陈朝  (503 AD559 AD)
Name and Alias: 兴国
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 武皇帝
Temple Name: 高祖
Township: 吴兴下若里
Tomb: 万安陵
Reign557 AD559 AD
永定October, 557 ADDecember, 559 AD

  Emperor Wu of Chen is the founding emperor of the Chen Northern and Southern Dynasties, Shido and Yuan, Gong Jian hard. Many of the feudal emperor in China, not many wise monarch, Emperor Wu of Chen but is one of the generation of the British Lord.
  Emperor Wu of Chen fishing martial arts when young, wide range of interests. Ancient histories of his youth when this rating: suave, generous, Shido and Yuan, ignore family property, "informed and decisive, as was the push services," also known as Emperor Wu of Chen "and the long, read materials on the history books, well read book on military strategy, Ming latitude climate, isolated virtual, Dun Jia the art, many martial arts. "to the Emperor Wu of Chen, Chen Changxing's descendants up to the world through 10 multiply, has Ran a large number of large families, but the Northern and Southern patriarch system in the prevalence of Chen Changxing still is a poor family.
  Liang Tatung 10 a year, Emperor Wu of Chen Zhou Sima by the office to pay, and Wu Ping (in this vicinity of Vietnamese Wing) Prefecture, to pay the state crusade against local separatists. Pay the state put down, is the Liang Taiqing years (548). Hou Jing Liang was besieging the capital, Emperor Wu died of hunger, Xiao Gang was helping as a puppet emperor.
  LIANG Cheng-Sheng three years (554) in September, the Western Wei Fabing raid Gangneung, Wang Sengbian not timely rescue, Liangyuan Di was killed. Emperor Wu of Chen and Wang Sengbian repeated discussions, the ninth son of Emperor Jing of Liang Ying Liang Yuandi (543 ~ 558) to our health, ready to emperor.
  Emperor Wu of Chen interested in the reunification of the motherland, put down after the chaos Hou Jing, who personally led troops three times Guangling, in order to recover lost territory. Emperor Wu of Chen in the Pacific two years (557) Zen Liang emperor actually ordered the dangers, both public sentiment required, is forced by the current situation. Mr. Chen Ba in a tumultuous world, despite the hundreds of battles, to clean up is left undone in the country, the reign of three years, he was yin to energy, clean politics, the stabilization of the situation south. In June AD 559, Emperor Wu of Chen's death.
  Majestic issued by Emperor Wu of Chen Ying is contained in the annals of a story. The hero of the story called the Emperor Wu of Chen. Six where he and his last all morning - Chen Dynasty, because only 33 years old and half of the territory, so that the world has been misunderstood or even ignorance, people remember more of his offspring - and the absurd Chen Houzhu rouge wells. This is no doubt deepened the understanding of Chen Dynasty country poor and weak and dissolute emperor useless impression. However, the now 83-year-old famous Chinese contemporary historian, "History of the Six would" founder, Nanjing University, Approaching the professor has a different view is: "Emperor Wu of Chen is the rare Southern British Lord. He grew from a village official general, but also by the general rule as emperor, take down a fragmented country. can be said that he and his built CT Chen, though short is very important, and Emperor Wu of Chen Nan, I called the first British Lord. "Approaching the think so. Emperor Wu of Chen's home in Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, today. According to historical records, although Chen is a local big, but deep in the door section of the Southern view, Chen can only be regarded as a poor family only. But it is so cold inside the door, but out of a future British Lord Emperor Wu of Chen. "Chen Shu" said the Emperor Wu of Chen "read book on the art of war, many martial arts" and "History of Southern Dynasties" is recorded in him: "read materials on historical records, a good reading book on military strategy, Ming-wai waiting, alone is true, the art of Dun Jia, many martial arts." In At that time, to read historical books, book on military strategy, and there are people who can be called martial arts Wenwuquancai the. "From the village official to the emperor," This is Approaching the political path of the Emperor Wu of Chen's evaluation. Initially, Emperor Wu of Chen Xiaoli country only. Then bosom of his ambition to serve the country, have limits as to Liang (now Nanjing) to be a guard oil depots Xiaoli, Liang Chaogui in the family are appreciated, the meteoric rise, and for active and counter-insurgency areas in Guangdong to fame. Ultimately, the achievement Chen Pa Xiandi industry is that famous "Hou Jing Rebellion." By pacified "Hou Jing Rebellion", Power High-I, the Emperor Wu of Chen Liang gradually control regime, and in the Pacific two years (557 years) spent Liang emperor.
  Felt powerless in the Chen Dynasty
  In fact, Emperor Wu of Chen not put down in the square, the eight-time by changing the emperor ode, when the regime are in the whole of the South perils. Liang generations of emperors are no hospice: Emperor of hunger, Jane Wen is suffocated by the soil pressure in the head, and Yuan in surrender insult suffered by the soil suffocated, as well as Xiao Zhengde, Xiao Dong, Xiao Ji, Xiao Yuan-ming, have you for the princes, but very tragic end. But this is far from what several people dead, rise and fall of dynasties, political instability to the south of lives have been rich. But this time without a strong emperor, it has been from the South Eastern Han Chinese culture will be severely damaged. Thus, history has chosen the Emperor Wu of Chen, who was appointed to the dangers, Rangbi at the time of hopelessness. Chen Zhaoli States, a time when the chaos soon Hou Jing, for several years of war against the South's economic, cultural, causing serious damage. Several monarchs side of the Binh Dinh Tran large and small local separatist regimes, while healing the wounds of war, the South's economy, culture gradually been restored. This beginning is in between 550-557 AD, Emperor Wu of Chen put down the size of civil strife, against a battle outside a shame. Emperor Wu of Chen basis, the successor Chen Wendi good governance, national power became strong and prosperous; Chen Xuandi order to achieve unity of Emperor Wu of Chen's last wish, sending troops the Northern Expedition, defeated the Northern Qi Dynasty, with the Huainan land, which is Chenzhao Ding Sheng period. If due to the text after the emperor of being addicted to alcohol, does not plan ahead, and country last vacate the Sui Dynasty.
  Emperor Wu of Chen was born in the second year of Emperor ascended the throne, the beam-day supervision of two years time, China is to split time in the North-South confrontation, both within and outside the war continued, frequent wars of the socio-economic, cultural, causing enormous damage, seriously affecting development of productive forces, the people are very poor. Emperor ascended the throne, the country's almost no major war, but lost several Northern Expedition, but also increased the burden on the people. Emperor although diligent, studious, superior talent, can be considered a university who are politically committed some fatal errors: first, the "special Ningfo" light on the capital limits as more than 500 Buddhist temples built by, support monks and nuns more than 10 million people], people overwhelmed the bottom one is the emperor treatise human identity, one is the leader of all living beings the role of Emperor Wu combination, Shoushuliangduan, indecisive, politically gradually toward downhill; Second, You Rong officials, relaxation criminal wide governance, the bureaucratic class people who fish the attitude of indulgence, not shaken the country; third, the children of asylum, even children in the perverse behavior of absurd extreme, Emperor still could not bear to kill a result, side left open the potential problems.
  These three mistakes blocking the Emperor's vision, that ignores the people's livelihood. Emperor Wu of Chen to live in such an era. Pa Chen Xiao Ying Hou Fu start Ku Li was named after the missionary had a chance to come into contact with the elite of society. Xiao Ying is a nephew of Emperor Wu, Li Ren Wuxing prefect, North Xuzhou (state government in Fengyang East), provincial governor, to do Huangmenshilang, Weiyuqingdeng level, Emperor Wu of Chen Hsiao Ying Fuchu should have been appointed chief of staff. Liang Datong about six years (540), Hsiao Ying-term provincial governor of Guangzhou, Guangzhou Emperor Wu of Chen Fuchu directly with any soldiers join the army, soon after as river viceroy, Gaoyao prefect. The next year, pay the state (government in Hanoi, Vietnam today is about 30 km northeast of Office) Tyrant rebellion launched by Ben Lee, sent packing, cross prefectural governor Xiao consultation. Datong eight spring, Emperor Qian Jiang crusade, Linyi China (now Vietnam, South Vietnam) King Fu Bei attacks from Ben Lee. Datong April, the Ministry Ben Lee Fan Repair in nine German (now Vietnam, Vinh) big break Lin Yi Wang, Liang crusade armies are gone. Lee Ben control of the North Vietnamese, the first month in imitation Liang Liang system Datong years, set Baiguan, claiming to be the more God. Emperor has ordered a new state (governance emerging in this Guangdong) provincial governor Luzi Xiong, Gaozhou (government in this near Yangjiang, Guangdong) provincial governor Sun Jiong rushed troops and sits in Guangzhou by Xiao Xiao Ying and counseling moderation. At that time the South is the arrival of spring, the grass is growing, rampant malaria season, Lu, Sun 2 to send troops after a request to be cool autumn, but the two refused Hsiao, lean expeditions. Lu, Sun led the two men will have to hurry off. Caixing to Hepu, really infected air attack, the deceased up to Liu Qicheng, take the opportunity to slip away also many, a crusade army collapse without a fight. Xiao Yan Xiao received consultative tip, mistaking Lu, Ben Lee Sun 2 to traffic and deliberately stay forward, Prince in Royal Decree in Guangzhou. This aroused men Jiu Jiang Zhou Wenyu Lu Zixiong, Du Ming Monk's grievance, the same year in May to launch a mutiny, rebel soldiers surrounded the Guangzhou city, ready to catch the second Xiao Dai and Yi Lu, Sun 2 will be, and then to Beijing confessing. Kung Fu one day, tens of thousands of soldiers, rebels gathered outside the city of Guangzhou, Guangzhou emergency. Emperor Wu of Chen in the high-News reported that the rate of 3,000 troops, day and night, rushed rescue, a battle Solutions tight encirclement, Zhou Wenyu, Du Ming Rebel Monk captured. Emperor Wu of Chen kill a small scale, has shown the British Wu Xiongqi will be only slightly, this alarmed the imperial court, Emperor Wu also visited Guangzhou mission portrait master, under the Emperor Wu of Chen as painting, to show recognition. Liang Datong decade (544) Winter, Xiao Ying He died in Guangzhou. New Year, Emperor Wu of Chen Xiao Ying coffin escorted back to our health, transportation Tai Yu Ling, Xiao Yan Zhao Ming is encountered issued, for the delivery of any Emperor Wu of Chen Zhou Sima, leader Wu Ping (now Vietnam, near Wing) Prefecture, with the new cross prefectural governor Yang Day tickets to pay state crusade Ben Lee. Emperor Wu of Chen returned to Guangzhou, called together the officers and men, prepared to do military information. Emperor Wu of Chen and Yang tickets crusade army in Datong 10 year (545) December arrived in cross state. In the harsh environment, after three years of hard work, they finally got rid of Ben Lee headed to the local separation of forces, recovered a cross, love, morality, Lee, Ming and a few states (about this North Vietnamese territory). Counter-insurgency throughout the delivery process of the state, although Yang ticket "starred", the real central figure is Emperor Wu of Chen, his command of the army, in fact cross the backbone of the state to quell the rebellion. But then the very particular about Family History Society, virtuous Emperor Wu of Chen has yet to be court reuse, exchange, after the state put down, still river viceroy was appointed, Gaoyao prefect, with none of rose on a provincial governor, had only had a seven-gun Governor various military military. Emperor Wu of Chen led the reinstatement of this Part, when soldiers return to Gaoyao is Liangtai Qing years (548).
  Emperor Wu of Chen Gaoyao back soon, is met Hou Jing rebellion. Hou Jing, it was in hands of general Gao Huan Dong Wei Chengxiang, Jue Wang Feng of Henan, the staff Rendong Nan Road, to larger units, the military governor all 13 states military, Gao Huan's death, refuses to accept Gao Huan's son Gao Cheng's rule, Ju-Bing rebellion and in Liangtai Qing Dynasty (547) in February seeking refuge Liang, Xiao Yuan Ming Emperor sent his nephew to lead the troops and the Eastern Wei war, resumption Hou Jing, Xiao Yuan-ming and Hou Jing, but were defeated, Yuanming captured, Hou Jing fled Shouyang (now Shou County, Anhui). Hou Jing is a political rogue, take the Shouyang, where it was anti-Liang Ju-Bing Liang Taiqing two years in August to punish orders as an excuse to dig crafty people, cross the river surrounded the station in October the city. Leung gathered reinforcements from various quarters, but another intrigue, became the fire opposite bank. 2nd March, Hou Jing break Miyagi, Emperor sick to death, Prince Xiao Gang (503 ~ 551) was Hou Jing Fu as a puppet emperor. Emperor Wu of Chen received the news of the siege of the city station, the immediate preparation of Fu Yuan. However, Emperor Wu of Chen's boss was stabbed Shiyuan Jing Guangzhou Zhong, Yuan Jing Zhong Wei of this is down to, by Hou Jing temptation, ready to respond to Ju-Bing Hou Jing. Faced with such an attempt to betray the country's boss, Emperor Wu of Chen did not obey, but the decisive confrontation Ju-Bing, Yuen King Chung desperation, hanged themselves. Emperor Wu of Chen Ying Liang Royalty Qujiang on Hou Hsiao Bo guarding Guangzhou, Feng Xiao Bo, then put down the order of Siheung (now Guangdong Shaoguan side) and other 10-gun rebel, army moved Siheung town. Taiqing three years in November, Emperor Wu of Chen Qian Jiang Yu Ling large presence, gather Siheung local officers and men prepared to continue to advance. However, Xiao Bo, narrow-minded, set the expense of national interests, both hard and soft, just want to Emperor Wu of Chen to help him guard the door. Xiao Bo, the inducement to face coercion, Emperor Wu of Chen had sent envoys to Gangneung, put into the seventh son of Emperor Wu, Xiao Yi Xiang Dongwang (508 ~ 554) name, by Xiao Yi restraint.
  Tai Po first year (550) the first month, Emperor Wu of Chen army starting from Siheung, arrived in great Yu Ling, Xiao Bo Feng beat of life in the South field (now about 15 km south of Study on the Traditional Office) to support interception Tsai, Cheng-sheng stationed in South Kang. Emperor Wu of Chen Xiao Yi was awarded to Hemingway general, cross prefectural governor. After nearly a year and a half, Emperor Wu of Chen and the prefectural governor to respond to the high Hou Jing Shi Li moved to the area to start a tug of war in Nam, and finally capture cut to move Shi Li, Tai Po in two years in June his troops Nam, along the lower Gan Jiangbei. August, Emperor Wu of Chen and Xiao Yi ready Wang Sengbian joined forces under the Ministry of the military governor. As Emperor Wu of Chen resourceful, suave, generous, Wang Sengbian on reputation, so Wang Sengbian feel dread. At that time, all Road King Sengbian other military just short of rice, the situation looks bad, and Emperor Wu of Chen has been filled with rations 500 000 Stone, in this critical moment, Emperor Wu of Chen with this situation, the rapid feed 300 000 Stone to Western military, This is to dispel the misgivings Wang Sengbian, West also won the prestige of the army. Emperor Wu of Chen when his troops Nam Hong, Liang war situation has undergone a fundamental change, Xiao Wang Sengbian subordinate generals, Neglect you, the land law and so on, in Baling (now Hunan Yueyang), Ying Zhou (now Wuhan) along the beat Hou Jing main, Zeishuai any contract, SONG Zi Xian captured, Hou Jing from offensive to defensive. Tai Po two years in October, killing Emperor Jianwen Hou Jing Xiao Gang, self-reliance for the emperor in November. Tai Po for three years the first month, Emperor Wu of Chen South conquered army from Yuzhang (now Nanchang, Jiangxi) starting, when three million people have been Jiashi, Crossbow 5000, boat ship 2000, all under the surface, and another former Army 5000 Monks from the Xiaojiang Du Ming command, has arrived in Pen River mouth (Poyang Lake into the Yangtze River estuary). February, Wang Sengbian army and from other West Xunyang action, in Imperata Bay (now east of Anhui Huaining) joined forces with Emperor Wu of Chen. Wang Sengbian altar set with Emperor Wu of Chen Teng oath, the conclusion of the Covenant. Crusade army captured along Wuhu, regardless of maturity (now Anhui Dang), and Hou Jing Jian Kang in March launched a major battle, and finally completely destroyed Hou Jing riot forces, Hou Jing killed. The king Sengbian, Emperor Wu of Chen urged the officers and men from various quarters such as Jin, Xiao Yi in Gangneung emperor, that the history of Liangyuan Di. Emperor Wu of Chen was ordered to guard the Jingkou (now Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province), Wang Sengbian guard in our health. Liangyuan Di Chong Shangxuan true, violent vicious, narrow-minded, but also opinionated, both academic giant, but also a political dwarf. LIANG Cheng-Sheng three years (554) in September, the Western Wei Fabing raid Gangneung, Wang Sengbian not timely rescue, Liangyuan Di was killed, court officials and the people who have been looted in the strong, the son of Emperor Wu of Chen Chen Chang, nephew of the in Liangyuan Di Chen Xu palace value of things, this also abducted to Chang'an. Jiangling almost a heap of ruins.
  Emperor Wu of Chen when his troops Nam Hong, Liang war situation has undergone a fundamental change, Xiao Wang Sengbian subordinate generals, Neglect you, the land law and so on, in Baling (now Hunan Yueyang), Ying Zhou (now Wuhan) along the beat Hou Jing main, Zeishuai any contract, SONG Zi Xian captured, Hou Jing from offensive to defensive. Tai Po two years in October, killing Emperor Jianwen Hou Jing Xiao Gang, self-reliance for the emperor in November. Tai Po the first month for three years, Emperor Wu of Chen South crusade army from Yuzhang (now Nanchang, Jiangxi) starting, when three million people have been Jiashi, Crossbow 5000, boat ship 2000, all under the surface, and another former Army 5000 Monks from the Xiaojiang Du Ming command, has arrived in Pen River mouth (Poyang Lake into the Yangtze River estuary). February, Wang Sengbian army and from other West Xunyang action, in Imperata Bay (now east of Anhui Huaining) joined forces with Emperor Wu of Chen. Wang Sengbian altar set with Emperor Wu of Chen Teng oath, the conclusion of the Covenant. Crusade army captured along Wuhu, regardless of maturity (now Anhui Dang), and Hou Jing Jian Kang in March launched a major battle, and finally completely destroyed Hou Jing riot forces, Hou Jing killed. The king Sengbian, Emperor Wu of Chen persuade soldiers from various quarters such as Jin, Xiao Yi emperor in Jiangling, which in the history of Liangyuan Di. Emperor Wu of Chen was ordered to guard the Jingkou (now Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province), Wang Sengbian guard in our health.
  Liang Yuandi nephew, so the son of the Prince in the Western Wei Xiao Cha military surveillance and was taken as a puppet emperor, established a local, but 300 years of "Girder" small kingdom. After the fall of Gangneung, Wang Sengbian correspondence with the Emperor Wu of Chen continued, after repeated discussions, the following year in February to meet the ninth son of Emperor Jing of Liang Liang Yuandi (543 ~ 558) to our health, ready to emperor. Emperor Jing of Liang to the limits as long, the Northern Qi Dynasty (Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Zen has been generation) high-Yang Wen Xuan Western Wei forces in the South reconciled to expand, would like to take dilapidated Leung, come to divide, to send his brother Shangdang Wang Huan-led troops south high, originally escort Eastern Wei Chen positive marquis prisoners to board the Liangguo Di Xiao Yuanming bit. King at first refused to allow Sengbian be. Cheng-Sheng four years in March, Qijun Bing to Dongguan (now Chaohu Southeast), Wang Xu prefectural governor Sengbian removal of the cross to lead the troops intercepting Pei, Pei transverse to the defeat of death, the king Sengbian among themselves in terror to lead the troops out regardless of cooked Tuen. Meanwhile, Qi Wang Sengbian on the one hand and, on the other hand continued correspondence with the Emperor Wu of Chen. Emperor Wu of Chen Yuan-ming Shaw insisted on not satisfied, however, Pei Wang Sengbian with the horizontal broken, and gradually weak and down, yielding to pressure from the Northern Qi, Ying Xiao Yuanming in July to the limits as emperor. Emperor Wu of Chen bitter dispute is invalid, Wang Sengbian hate unilateral interests and unauthorized waste legislation, in September, in Jingkou Ju-Bing, raid Stone City, killing the king Sengbian to the ouster of Xiao Yuan Ming, Emperor Jing of Liang emperor ascended the throne. Emperor Wu of Chen appointed viceroy, with a total intake Liang Zhaojun country event. Rebellion of Hou Jing Liang through to this time, in fact, divided, Huainan was occupied Eastern Wei, Western Wei capture of Sichuan was the Yangtze River except Gangneung an "Girder" Xiaochao Ting, the Xiang Zhou (Changsha, the state government in this) there is a king Lin. Lin was also a general hands Liangyuan Di, Emperor Yuan was killed after Western Wei, Lin has been pushing for the chief and Zhujiang River, the soldier dead weight. Later, the backers, also a teenage children Xiao Zhuang (Liangyuan Di's grandson) as emperor, with Qi force, massed troops at the Ying Zhou, Jian Kang attempting to conquer one fell swoop. Emperor Wu of Chen adjuvant Liangjing Di Emperor Jing of Liang, the domestic inter Lin, there are many small military governors did not pledge allegiance, such as the earthquake in the prefectural governor Wu Xing Du niche in Yising (now Jiangsu Yixing) prefect Wei contained in Guiji (now Zhejiang Shaoxing ) east of Yangzhou thorn Shizhang Biao, in Suzhou, the younger brother of Seng-Chi Wang Seng Bian, Xiao Bo, etc. There Lingnan. Eastern Wei and Western Wei were the two countries began to be Qi, Zhou Chan on behalf of the Northern Zhou in Gangneung, a Girder support small dynasty, Hu Ju Han River and the Yangtze River, Northern Qi down to the accepted land law and Liang, Xu Si-Hui, Ren some other forces, and sent Dizi Chong, Liu Xiao Dharma and rail, the East and old, etc., were Shotai first year (555) and the Pacific end of the first year (556) in June, two large-scale violations of our health.
  Emperor Wu of Chen Jian Kang Junmin rate of heroic struggle, with a weak force, defeated the two invasion. Emperor Wu of Chen in the Pacific two years (557) Zen Liang emperor, not the Quartet put down, the eight-time ode, but being in distress.
  Qi stepped in at this time, the Battle of Han Shan Wen Xuan to capture Chen positive marquis Liang Xiao Liang Yuan-Ming Li for the "Emperor" put to the party high-Huan Wang sent him south also, and wrote to request the king Sengbian meet. Unreasonable demands on the way, Wang Sengbian naturally refused. See persuasion failed, they stormed the high-Huan Dong Guan, Liang Jun, big break, to kill the cross-Pei Liang general. The military situation for the Northern Qi Wang Sengbian by deterrence, forced to agree to accept Hsiao Yuan-ming. May, Hsiao Yuan-ming into our health, emperor, reign title heaven, the crown prince Li King of Liang.
  Eastern Campaign finally successful, but our health is not very clean up the situation. Qi openly southward invasion, and constantly reinforce the rebels. From the first year of October 29 Shotai Xu, any attack, according to Stone Town, to the Pacific the first year (556 years) until the lifting of martial law on June 16, after more than 220 days, our health through a period of soul-stirring days.
  Jian Kang Chaochen anxious to make peace, Emperor Wu of Chen no choice but to agree. But he thinks the Qi is not trustworthy, that Liang weak, will send soldiers over again. In mid-December, both peace negotiations. Liu Dharma North also, as Wang Zi loss of damage to and nothing missing soldiers were killed Qiwen Xuan Emperor.
  On the 29th, the Qi into the city to the east of Taiwan, Ni Tong, Taiwan began to appear outside the city that serves rural cavalry. From this day, ever the fierce battle to defend our health began.
  However, Emperor Wu of Chen soon found myself in the back position without retreat, south, north, east appeared the enemy on three sides, our health was surrounded. The time limits as the external contact has been cut off, not to transport grain, cavalry coming, account discrete, seek nothing.
  In 556 AD, Liang Taiping first year on June 12 of this battle is bound to leave in history a few eye-catching name. Here I will combine historical data, combined with my personal imagination, describe the day's fighting.
  But soon the Qi from the confusion of feet and a large number of reinforcements arrived to the Department of Hou are surrounded. Hou Andu horse was shot, the Lok Ma fell to the ground, dozens of soldiers surrounded them and arrest in Qi. When this time, Xiao Mo shouted, horse immediate concern, of Qi Bing looked scared and fled. Hou big guns the chance to wave, triumph over an enemy cavalry, snatched the horse battles the powerful.
  On the 13th, Liang Jun burning warships left the Qi River, a complete end to the war. On the 15th, limits as declared martial law. Thus, the limits as the end of the Battle. Emperor Wu of Chen won, but as hostages Qi Chen Tan Long been killed.
  Emperor Wu of Chen Liang Jingdi personally helping to power, came to the throne only 13 years old, about the current situation absolutely no ability. At this time, Emperor Wu of Chen, see if the rot continues to spread throughout the, blind loyalty to Shaw, not act decisively, drastic, and ultimately escape with the fall of Xiao Royal towards the common fate of people, would be another calamity. Therefore, Emperor Wu of Chen emperor actually ordered the dangers, Rangbi at the time of hopelessness, is required for public sentiment, but also forced by the current situation. "Liang Shu" by Yao Silian that many tragically Heng Huo Liang, tide has irrevocably, "King Queen high to be negative with the interpretation of the game", Liang emperor abdicated, Emperor Wu of Chen equal provoked a heavy burden. Thinkers of the Ming and Qing Wang Fu-chih, while advocating on behalf of monarchical power can be Zen, but still insist on political and moral point of view of the founding monarch of the personality of character, that the Emperor Wu of Chen's political and moral than Wei, Jin, Qi, Liang and other North Korea, and evaluate said: "The high non-loyal, JS Chen, and Paul Dynasty China, Yan Sui for decades to be unified, then the power will carry on Zai Wei!" The reason why Emperor Wu of Chen leapt from the ordinary citizen, the peak of social politics, in addition to the historical opportunity Shiran , it should be fine with their own cultural quality of the. First, Emperor Wu of Chen has a high military training.
  Wang Sengbian killed, the Ministry raised his army against the rest of Emperor Wu of Chen. Shotai first year of the October earthquake niche and Yising prefect prefectural governor Du Wei set, Wujuntaishou Seng-Chi, etc. According to the city resistant Emperor Wu of Chen. Du niche elite 5000 attack rate of removal Doute Great Wall (now Zhejiang Changxing East), son of Emperor Wu of Chen Qian Chen not be able to strike deflected. Emperor Wu of Chen Zhou Wenyu School Department will attack Yising (now Jiangsu Yixing), combat negative, Emperor Wu of Chen Sui Zi led his army east to discuss, Gongba the water outside the city gate. Qiao (now county of Anhui province), Qin (now Jiangsu Luhe) 2 prefectural governor Xu Si-Hui Qi down to the state, by Emperor Wu of Chen Dong discussion Yising the machine, Peru and the prefectural governor Yu Ren about to hit limits as 5,000 elite troops (now Nanjing) , occupy the Stone City. Emperor Wu of Chen Wei said lower set also save our health, severance Zhou Wenyu Tu shrine attack to save the Great Wall. Huang Pei help avoid another life he attacked Wu Jun (now Jiangsu Suzhou), Seng-Chi abandoned the cities to escape Wuxing. November, 5000 Northern Qi Qian Bing holds regardless of what crossing the river (today Anhui Dang), to aid Xu Si-Hui, Ren about. The rule of Emperor Wu of Chen in the city (Jiangsu Nanjing leave this area) to introduce legislation to block reinforcements gate. Qi has ordered security prefectural governor Dizi Chong, Chu prefectural governor Liu Shirong, Liu Huai prefectural governor to lead the troops million in Hu Shu Dharma (now Nanjing Yangtze River north) across the river, sending rice to the Stone City 30000 Stone, horse dry horse. Emperor Wu of Chen was informed that a further paper Jiankang, life safety and have a night raid Wu Shu Hou, Qi ships burning more than a thousand ships, off its food operation, and large aircraft (now the town of Huai River in Nanjing Bridge East) repair Hou Jing so base, troops entrenched. Qi army also built two stone gate south of the south bank of the Qin Huai River, and Liang Jun-phase resist. Xu Si-Hui Ye attack the city gate, etc., Emperor Wu of Chen Jing personally led a cavalry attack on a the next door. Xu Si-Hui troops were routed, then submitted Liu Dharma Left stone quarry to meet the North Qi Yuanjun since. In December, have lost XU Si Hou Hui, capture hundreds of people, Emperor Wu of Chen Qi army captured stones. Water South Second gate, defeated the Northern Qi Dynasty soldiers. Xu Si-Hui, Ren Qi water around areas such as military thousand people ready to step into the stone, Emperor Wu of Chen Jiangning check, according to troops, not the Northern Qi Dynasty into the military, garrison Pukou (now Nanjing North). Emperor Wu of Chen Hou have sent military attack rate of the water, big break Qi Jun, Xu Si-Hui, Ren about other single Ge escape. Emperor Wu of Chen siege Stone City, off the Kap Shui Mun road, city water, Qi will be sent envoys to Emperor Wu of Chen Liu Dharma sum, then Emperor Wu of Chen Qi alliance with the signing of peace treaty. Xu Si-Hui, Ren ran around with Liu Qi Dharma. Emperor Wu of Chen Qian Jiang captured immediately regardless of what. The following year the first month, severance Chen Qian, Zhou Wenyu capture Wu Xing (modern Zhejiang), Du niche defeated and killed. Ben Chai Seng-Chi, etc.. February, capture Guiji (now Zhejiang Shaoxing), cut barbed Yangzhou Shi Zhangbiao demand. Thus, in addition to filling twist Jiangzhou Hou Jiang prefectural governor, Yuzhang, the king noted the remnants Sengbian level.
  Peace two years in February, Hou Hsiao Liang Bo Qujiang anti-Emperor Wu of Chen in Guangzhou, Ju-Bing Northern Expedition. Wuling had to Nam (modern Jiangxi) to Yingzhoucishi Ministry Ouyang Wei, Fu and Tai, Xiao Zi (Xiao Bo nephew) for the former military, to Yuzhang, sub Tuen points: Ouyang Wei, Tuen Pleioblastus Beach (now Jiangxi Fengcheng Southwest), Fu-tai, according to plantar port city (today Nanchang South). South Jiangzhou thorn Wu Shi Yuxiao are in the new (now Jiangxi Fengxin West), Ju-Bing Xiao Bo response to his brother, Xiao-Qi Yu Shou-Jun Cheng Mai, since his troops out of Yuzhang guarding the stone, and Xiao Zi join. Emperor Wu of Chen Ping, General Zhou Wenyu sent his troops onslaught. Zhou Wenyu to Yuzhang later, the Israeli army attacked the main focus of Qiao Xiao-Qi Yu Monk degrees are the best of the berthing wins its last rate only, established in Yuzhang gate stick. Zhou Wenyu rations do, Zhu Jiang intends to withdraw, and Fostering allowed, sent envoys sent Linchuan (now Jiangxi Nan) in the history of Zhou Di Zhou Di allow delivery of food. Zhou Wenyu the old ship was old and weak, down the river, burn Yuzhang retirement fence paradox. Xiao-Qi Yu are be found, undefended prepared. Zhou Wenyu troops from the trail night and day, take Qian Shao (now the Northeast Jiangxi Fengcheng). Shao Qian Ouyang quite upstream, Xiao Zi. There downstream Fu Tai, Xiao-Qi Yu are, Zhou Wenyu, according to the building of a town, cut off the enemy contact. Ouyang Wei, and others shocked, and retreated into the Mud River (today Jiangxi dry Southwest). Zhou Wenyu Yan Wei generals sent prisoners Ouyang Wei, Zhou Tiehu such attacks. He again sent his prisoner to attack the small law Fu-tai. Xiao Zi, Xiao-Qi Yu are military hearing the news, managed to get away. March, Xiao Bo Ouyang Wei, and so on in Nam that defeat, the military panic, the Ministry of Chen Fa Wu, Shi-Yu Tan far in Siheung (now Guangzhou Shaoguan North) beheaded Xiao Bo, holding their heads down beam. April, Xiao Zi, Xiao-Qi Yu are still resisting, according to Stone. Ping Chen Pa Advance Security are assisting the Southern General Hou Zhou Wenyu conquer. Hou An all night burning the ships submarine division, Zhou Wenyu rate of water forces, Hou An infantry are coordinated attack rate, a drop Hsiao-tzu, Xiao-Qi Yu Wu are to escape the new. Ouyang Wei, Emperor Wu of Chen to prefectural governor for the balance and sent his campaign against South, Ouyang Wei, Ouyang knot g Siheung son, Wei, to the South, Chen Wei Jie Jiang, then g Guangzhou. May, Xiao-Qi Yu are also down.
  Battle Ping Lin
  Emperor Wu of Chen Li as the Empress Emperor Jing of Liang, Lin refused to accept, in the Pacific two years in May, great order ships, the attack Emperor Wu of Chen. In June. Emperor Wu of Chen Ping, General Zhou Wenyu Life, Ping An all South General Hou Jun 20 000 realignment and other waters in Wuchang (now Wuhan) crusade against Wang Lin. October, went into Hou arrived in Wuchang, Fan Meng Lin Department will abandon the city receded. Zhou Wenyu military by the Yuzhang (now Nanchang, Jiangxi) into Wuchang, and Hou are divisions, that Emperor Wu of Chen stand for the abolition of Emperor Jing of Liang Dynasty, Hou believe that without just cause, because of the two will be parallel, not with subordination, subordinate pay dispute so besieged Ying Zhou (now Wuhan) not be able to. Wang Linjun to trap into the mouth (now Wuhan Southwest), Hou withdrew all is moving troops to Zhuankou (now Wuchang), leaving only the Han Shen Shou Qu Thai (that Hankow), Hou security are not into the case of wind, and Wang Linjun confrontation A few days later fighting, Hou Andu Jun defeat. Zhou Wenyu, Hou An all Dengjun captured. Shen Thai only managed to get away. Wang Linjun Migrant Ying Zhou, also sent to the Department which struck Fan accounted Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang, Jiangxi). Yongding years (558 years) the first month, Lin shuaibing 100,000 to Pen River into the city (Zhisuo Jiangzhou, this Jiujiang, Jiangxi), presence of white water pump (9 Jiangxi), prefectural governor Lu learned over the North River to protect themselves, according to the control mid-stream, Wang Lin to the east, the dare is to the Northern Qi for help, please stand back south Liang Yongjia Wang Xiao Zhuang, Ji Diwei, reign title apocalypse. Xiao Wang Lin Chuang Liang sijung as prime minister, recorded in Book of thing. June, Emperor Wu of Chen Hou and then fill removal, rate of water Jun Gong Lin Xu degree, but also to lobby Philosophy Xie alternates. August, Lin agreed to withdraw troops Xiang Zhou (now Changsha), Emperor Wu of Chen Zhao armies still in great mine (now Anhui Wangjiang). Three years of October, Lin learned that Emperor Wu of Chen death, complex led his army eastward, complex ownership Yongjia Wang Xiao Zhuang out Tuen Ruxu I (this nest County, Anhui Province), North Qimu Rong Yan led his army to force the Yangtze whom temporary support. November, invaded large Lei Lin, Chen Hou Zhen, Hou Andu, Xu Bing degree of co-resistance. An prefectural governor Wu Mincher night attack Pen River City, will be appointed by the Department of Zhong Lin defeated Wang Lin, the momentum his troops east under the first year in the days of Kerry in February, to the gate into the mouth (oral East in Ru Xu). Hou fill Wuhu troops and military stand-off over a hundred days. Dongguan (ie Ruxu I) water rose, Lin cited Hefei, Wuhu military assist in the vicinity of the water. Hou Zhen Hu threshold into the state (now Wuhu Southwest), Lin out boat Jiangxi, and Chen Shih-separated state of confrontation. The next day the two armies at war, Wang Linjun retreat to the West Bank in order to protect themselves. Evening, once a major storm, Wang Linjun into the pump repair, Hou Zhen military has returned to Wuhu. Under the Northern Zhou Dynasty by Wang Lindong the occasion of the military governor removal Jing, Xiang other 52 states all the military, the provincial governor Jingzhou tens of thousands of assault troops in the history of Ning Ying Zhou. Lin fear morale shaken, is the rate of water forces the east, Northern Qi water army Bo-ball to people assist in the fight, Murong child will be another rate cavalry in Wuhu in 2000 to coordinate the West Bank, Wang Lin. Tight when the southwest wind, Wang Lin from day to get help, leading the arms straight take our health (now Nanjing), Hou Zhen was the end of his troops out of Wuhu. Wang Lin with a Fire Attack, because the wind had anti-burning ship. Hou Zhen Wang ship to shoot ship hit on, he kept a boat collision Chong Jian Wang, and sprinkle the dissolved iron, Wang Linjun defeat, drowning and being anti-depleted non-commissioned officer. Lin retreat Pen River City, want to host casual and death, has no join themselves to, is with his wife ran the Northern Qi Dynasty.
  China's ancient sages of the Emperor Wu of Chen's historical status and achievements are fully affirmed. The following people had Emperor Wu of Chen's life in-depth research, the evaluation is very authoritative.
  Guiyouguang: Ming Dynasty writer Guiyouguang fully affirmed the Emperor Wu of Chen military plunder against backward forces to protect the historical achievements of Chinese traditional culture, with "Esa emperors, number is the most virtuous" to praise the Emperor Wu of Chen (Gong Jian hard-working, Chi Norihiro far, Esa emperors, for the most number Yin. impressively Joseph Chan, the great cause of Shilin. lonely Pei Township, I hereby sigh).
  Emperor Wu of Chen chronology
  AD 548, Hou Jing rebellion, Emperor Wu of Chen shuaibing dealing with them, eventually defeated Hou Jing.
  AD 559, Emperor Wu of Chen died.
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