北周 List of Authors
Yuwen JiaoYuwen YuYuwen YongYuwen Yun
Yuwen ChanYuwen TaiYuwen Gong
Yuwen Yong
北周  (543 AD578 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 高宗
Temple Name: 高祖
Tomb: 孝陵
Reign560 AD578 AD
保定January, 561 ADDecember, 565 AD
天和January, 566 ADMarch, 572 AD
建德March, 572 ADMarch, 578 AD
宣政March, 578 ADDecember, 578 AD

  Wu into two (560), powerful ministers Yuwen Yuwen care poisoned Emperor Ming Yu, immediate care for the large common phenomenon, as the emperor Yong Lu Guogong of Yuwen. Charge of affairs of state still. Seven days (572), Yuwen Yuwen Yong Heaven's protection, before personally handle state.
  Yuwen Yong frugal living a very happy and hope that it go beyond the ancients, Yuwen care and Qi on the over-ornate palace repair all damaged, less harsh on the next ex, but clear and decisive decision, anti-working class, conquest when attend to personally line array, with all one's strength was his soldiers.
  Yuwen Yong is the history of our country is an outstanding talents of the main ethnic minorities, history seems to give him a chance, but ultimately did not give him time.
  Emperor Wu of waiting for 13 years. In 572 AD, Yuwen care from the same state back to Chang'an, Emperor, and he met the Queen Mother, Empress Emperor Wu said that the recent Yuwen care often want to read and drink "wine Patent" to Her Majesty, let him stop drinking. Yuwen care do not know of dollars, so I agreed. When he was reading, when Emperor Wu of punching his head, the eunuch Wei Ho Spring and the help of the public killed Yuwen nursing, master real power.
  A bold monk had asked the Emperor said: "The Buddha is the Messiah, Shien Bu Road, His Majesty cancel Buddhism, not afraid to be punished it?" Yu Wen Yong said: "As long as the people happy, fate of the nation, I would rather suffered misery." This What a mind.
  Hanwang praise,
  Tao Wang,
  Yuwen Yong chronology
  AD 563, Yuwen Yong Qi troops crusade, unfortunately failed.
  AD 577, Yuwen Yong Qi third time using military forces, capture Sarkozy, Ye City.
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(560 AD578 AD)
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