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英雄莫問出處 富貴當問緣由
東魏軍重新奪回北豫州和洛州,侯景俘獲高仲密妻兒送至鄴城。由於高乾、高敖曹都是高歡功臣,高仲密的弟弟高季式聞說是兄長起兵消息馬上跑回自首,都沒有被連座族誅,衹是殺高仲密一傢長幼。高澄打扮得漂漂亮亮,盛服去見將被處死的高仲密妻子李氏,問“今日如何?”李氏默然,於是被高澄納為妾侍。為一女子之故,勳臣外叛,老父幾死,兩魏兵人死傷數十萬,高澄這一禍根當時竟無人敢於指摘。( 最為讓後人感覺荒謬的是後來的結局。高澄日後被傢奴刺死,其弟高洋篡魏自立,建立齊國,後來被尊謐為齊顯祖。高澄從高仲密處得來的李氏入高澄母親婁太後宮中為女宮(官名昌儀)。齊顯祖高洋死後,仁弱的太子高殷繼位。幾位漢族大臣楊堷、鄭頤等恐怕高洋的弟弟高演、高湛日後篡位,密謀派二王外出做刺史以消除威脅,並把此事嚮高殷的母親李太後做匯報。李太後自認為和李昌儀是通傢,就把楊堷等人的密信給她看,這位二夫之婦李昌儀倒對婁氏太皇太後忠心耿耿,馬上密報給婁氏。太皇太後婁氏當然喜愛自己兩個親生兒子高演和高湛,一共密謀殺掉楊堷等漢族大臣,不久高演廢侄子高殷自立(次年派人扼殺高殷)。高演僅當了兩年皇帝,因打獵馬驚墜地傷肋而死,傳位給親弟高湛。高湛繼位後酗酒淫虐,把高澄、高洋、高演的幾個皇后姦淫殆遍(都是其親嫂),又鴆殺高澄長子河南王高孝瑜,把高澄的三子高孝琬折斷大腿殺死。待日後高湛的兒子高緯即位,又毒殺高澄第四子蘭陵王高長恭。而且齊國滅亡就亡在這位齊後主手裏。究其本由,如果高澄不搶奪高仲密之妻李氏,此人就不可能在太皇太後婁氏處當女官。高洋的太子高殷自幼由漢族大臣和宿儒輔導,雖不失懦弱,但確為仁德之主,憑藉父祖之力和北齊將大之強,說不定能一統北方。而高澄從高仲密處搶來的李氏一泄密,造成幾位漢族大臣橫死,仁德的小皇帝被廢殺,高湛、高緯皆兇殘荒唐,最終造成齊國傾覆。
蠕蠕公主 鬱久閭氏 鬱久閭阿那瑰女也
彭城太妃 爾朱氏,北魏孝莊帝元子攸皇后
小爾朱 爾朱氏 北魏建明帝(長廣王)元曄皇后
上黨太妃 韓氏
馮翊太妃 鄭大車,
高陽太妃 遊氏,
馮娘 生浮陽公主
長女高皇后 北魏孝武帝元修皇后
"Mirror" Volume 152, recorded in the Northern Wei Wu Wei Ye Cai Er Zhurong-year-old Queen Mother, and thrown into the Yellow River to drown the little emperors, courtiers in heyin Heaven's more than two thousand, his troops again recently established as the subspace of Yau Wei Di two brothers killed, the subspace of Yau hijacked in a tent, ready to dispose of. Lamb, Er Zhurong sergeant shouted, "both off Yuanshi, Seoul Yun Gee Hing." "When the military governor Gao Huan Goodness emperor, so many similarities." "He set aside the book Zhou Yue Biography" written on the history of this section also do so. But if look "of Wei" and "Wei Shu" in Gao Huan's Tai Chi "brilliant century" back into "King Wu Xian (Gao Huan), etc., saying: 'not if Wang Feng Changle Security world', was also Bong Chong Tai "" Wing will usurp the throne, and brilliant (Gao Huan) admonished ... ... "- contrary to historical records, large:" Zhou Shu "," Mirror, "said Gao Huan Er Zhurong and advised him to curry favor with the usurper self-reliance," Qi book "," Wei Shu, "but to say that is a high-Huan Wei room feel good person loyalists were high! Why so? "Weishu" The author is Wei received, he is a shattered Wei Zhao of Qi courtiers, together with the Northern Qi Dynasty emperors all brutal and licentious, under high pressure Gaojue natural to beautify the old emperor, or is unfounded Gao Huan in the future, rebelled against Dole Yun Gee reasons; plus the income I Wei is also unethical writers, who he and his good relationship with these people in the history books ancestors beautify predecessors, who, and he well he deliberately does not give into the transfer of these officials or family members intention to demonize others and arrogant shouting: "Why So boy, am and Wei received pornographic! Yang of the can to make it to heaven, suppression of the can to make it into the earth!" "Wei Shu" into after the dispute continued, after the person was as "dirty history"; "Northern Qi book" Lee, author of 100 drugs, his father, Li Delin also into the Sui Northern Qi Gaoguan, the former Conceal reasonable. "Wei is" Most of the 100 drug Lee compiled on the basis of his father written. "Book Week" is a Tang dynasty Linghu de fen editor, "Mirror" is the main essays Sima Guang Song, more objective stance, is the meaning of the consolidated public home based on the compilation made, surely the truth of history More. Although history is free to the people to whitewash the "actors" can be Looking at the history of the public to view one's life story, his character, personality, act in ways to make comprehensive judgments he, too, will find difficult to cover in the appearance of the following true.
Gao Huan, muddy six-word greeting, Bohai Xiu (now Hebei Jing County) people. Sixth-generation ancestor Jin prefect who have high hidden. Later, another official Murong the three ancestors of the Yan State. His great-grandfather of high lake in the Murong Bao perished when the Xiangfuweichao. His grandfather was appointed the high-Mi to be censors Wei Zhao, because offense was exiled to the town of Huai-Shuo. His father, the high trees at birth has long family background fallen tree health is a "sex pass rate", "not industry", idle dissolute sons, Gao Huan's youth is indeed "in extremely difficult conditions to grow." Since childhood, Growth in the side of the town, surrounded by soldiers Xianbei, Gao Huan is a totally Xianbei of the dead, dance all day, get the gun stick, Aoao barking. Until he and wife Xianbei married woman's dowry was obtained from horses, there are horses in the border town of force only when the main team (squad) qualifications. Few people were interested in this Po Lahu children, only the section of the town of Gao Huan long that looks unusual, qualifications Sublime, he said: "When you have a health economy the world's talent, this life is not lived in vain! I do not see this age that you developed, I hope you will all be able to take care of my children and grandchildren. "It was a few little encouragement, Gao Huan life forget. After waiting for him to master Wei Zhaoguo handle, posthumously awarded the section chief for the common phenomenon, and promoted to section chief with the son of an official section of Ning.
Let's talk about Gao Huan, must first tell the Northern Wei Dynasty in the six towns uprising. Six towns along the Great Wall and the construction of six military town. Have fields and (now five original counties in Inner Mongolia), Huai-Shuo (now Guyang County in Baotou City in Inner Mongolia), Wuchuan (now Wuchuan County), Fu Ming (now Inner Mongolia Siziwangqi), soft Hyun (now Inner Mongolia and Hebei Xing and the county is still Yixian Tuchengzi junction), Huai Shortage (now Hebei Zhangbei County). Such as national defense Rouran Northern invasion, a special Xianbeis stationed troops and horses here for years. Six towns of the Han and other ethnic crime in the Mainland Government and the people who are or exiled to come here. Wei Zhao treatment early on would be a good side. Emperor Xiaowen south of Luoyang, the rapid localization, princes towards stores to clean itself, six town army and the people not to be marginalized, but also by Chaoguei contempt and contempt. Wei Xiaoming Emperor Masamitsu four years (523 years), Rouran southward invasion, soldiers in the town of pregnant people without food, waste edible, consult the town will ask for public assistance, and food, meal good fight. Town will not be allowed. Soldiers, stand no tolerance people, gathered to town to kill the uprising, six town chaos. 524 years, the fields and the town of South Korea broke six dial Ling (Hun tribe) revolt, massive, sweeping border town. Wei was shocked, and joint Rouran with repression, kill six broken dial Han tomb, the soldiers captured more than 200,000 people all relocated to the area of Hebei. Hebei successive floods and droughts had continued, then I 来了这么多 thrall, intensification of conflicts, rebel constantly, connecting with Duro week, fresh on the cultivation of propriety, the towns of Real Problems military uprising in the town will, and mutual merger Gong Sha, chaos into a ball. Finally, these uprisings, rebellion are all powerful minister Erzhu Rong Wei Zhao's forces suppressed. Gao Huan Er Zhurong is captured by the trust, and was promoted to the Weidui Chang Er Zhurong (military governor).
Wherever they wantonly broken, but never had sprouted gather people to build a solid base behind the idea, which is the Hu family in the concept of a topic that does not exist - they finished because of this dynasty lost status, so Speaking firmly opposed, even against the Han Chinese, let alone learn from Han Chinese rule in the essence of those thoughts. Few years, millions of Real Problems owned public space, but just wandering around in the North China Plain on the water. However, after several years of Hebei war, but also to the point where the people have to do, do-not enough to feed millions of people sat eating.
Real Problems was powerful, and horizontal Hebei invincible hand, do not put Erzhu Rong District 7000 people read it in the eyes, heard him, and exclaimed, ordered the army to prepare Morohito their long rope to be Er Zhurong "to is tied to access. " Real Problems to the millions of soldiers from dozens of Ye City north of the array, the Ji Zhang and Jin.
At this point, Shangdang Wang Mu days before the troops arrived in Chaoge into the south, barely considered the battlefield, and Musho, Yang Chun military has yet to start.
Yun Gee〗 〖discuss destroy Seoul
6 Most of the town of rebel prisoners of war Xianbei people, there are many Han Chinese, Huns, high-car person, on the whole person, Qiang. They were placed in Hebei move, has repeatedly been Lease Hubing Shi Er Ling Yun Gee violence, often rebels, the size of the second sixth, killed more than half are still endless rebellion. Emperor Chong Wei just hanged, master court politics Erzhu Zhao Wei (Er Zhurong cousin) have a headache, to Gao Huan advice. Gao Huan replied: "Six endless town rebel prisoners of war, they can not all killed, King confidant person you should choose to guide them. Another rebel, it blamed the generals can not always kill a large number of soldiers." Seoul Zhao-think some very good suggestions when asked who to command. He set aside one seat drinking is not allowed to chirp in the next silly recommendations to the town of Gao Huan to guide the six prisoners of war. Gao Huan pretended rage, blow up play allowed mouthful Maoxue He appropriated without front landing, scolded: "The Taiyuan Wang (Er Zhurong) was alive, how that kind of on how, now the king died in Taiyuan, the world Er Zhuzhao princes heard something, what you are, turn your Royal Highness can not make irresponsible remarks about the speaker! "Er Zhuzhao very moved, feel Gao Huan loyalty, I must take Jiu Jin Gao Huan six towns that fall the unification of army soldiers. High favor in the overjoyed. Yun Gee has been in the hands of Seoul mixed things missing that I could direct command of the army, leave their day will be, out of a congratulatory call this big foolish to allow himself the nomination, Er Zhuzhao they drink too much, to issue such a command . I am afraid that after sober regret Erzhu Zhao, Gao Huan immediately after a large camp declared that: "I was ordered to rule the town of soldiers, all to the Fen River East by my orders." Ben Yangqu immediately Chi Chuan, the establishment of a large military camp system. Six prisoners of war has always been the town of Er-Yun Gee and his men hate the deed Hubing Shi, a very short period of time to complete the collection went to Gao Huan Department.
Soon, Gao Huan petition Erzhu Zhao, and said, frost drought in Shanxi many soldiers without food, the request moved to Shandong to resolve the issue rations. Gao Huan meant to stay away from Erzhu Zhao, get rid of his threats and control. Er Zhuzhao long Shimu Rong Shao Zong see the book immediately advised: "The not! Now four chaos, the people harbored different look. Guise of high public and his talents, but also in the grip of foreign soldiers, as by a dragon in clouds and rain, can not control him anymore." Er Zhu Zhaoyong no plan, said he and Gao Huan is the brother of worshiping handle. Mu Rongshao case said: "The brothers are still not credible, let alone sworn brothers!" Er Zhuzhao furious, the Murong Shaozong locked cell, ordered the transfer of high Huan Jun Shandong. Gao Huan his troops from Jinyang start, midway Er Zhurong wife met with a cart of belongings from the car back to Luoyang, Shanxi, another good horse 300, and sent all the horses to have been robbed. Er Zhuzhao furious after hearing weeping wife, entered the room Murong Shaozong released Asking. Murong Shao Zong said: "Gao Huan still captive." Personally led his army to catch up so Erzhu Zhao. Chase Xiangyuan, coincided with the surge zhang shui, Gao Huan river and Bese: "I take Princess Ma (Er Zhurong wife he was appointed North township princess, not Wei Chaozong room female) is to be used against Shandong thieves. If Princess of the evil of others you believe, I cross the river to death, I'm afraid you to kill me, I immediately betray their death these people away. "Erzhu Zhao bold no brains, horse Ferry, and Gao Huan seated in the tent room, taking the saber to Gao Huan, cut out the neck to Gao Huan (very much like a bum not afraid of death Tianjin momentum). Gao Huan crying, telling their favor Giurgiu family and their loyalty. So two people Huanyin very drunk, but also vows to kill the White Horse. Night, Gao Huan Jing Wei ambush their warrior to kill Erzhu Zhao, Gao Huan immediately stop: "Now kill Erzhu Zhao and his henchmen must go coalescence Ben revenge, we Mashao Bing hungry, not with the enemy, if there heroes seize the opportunity, will become the disaster. Erzhu Zhao aggressive no plan, or let him good. "Next day morning, Er Zhuzhao come home, ordered to Gao Huan Ferry over to his Camp. Gao Huan also like a hero strong guts in the past, the Department will be discouraged Teng Sun. Er Zhuzhao river and shouted abuse, helplessness, they make life difficult for the water surging troops, only Chi also Jinyang. Gao Huan back to camp, to the unified control of the military families of soldiers there, pretend to study Yin greeting. Nian Yin is Erzhu Zhao Huan placed in the high camp of confidants, to monitor Gao Huan. Gao Huan Yin waist down after the sword boasts a beautiful idea, get to watch. Nian Yin I do not know of dollars handed knife and Gao Huan. Gao Huan readily knife, Er-Yun Gee eliminated the last nail in the military.
Gao Huan went to Shandong, the serious military discipline, Qiuhaowufan, each had at Medina, his dismount grab the reins, the local people very happy, by the support. After all, by the Empress family of Endor, Gao Huan have no idea of its control of the Wei Zhao Er-Yun Gee how loyal he has not dared to break the pick and Seoul Yun Gee. In order to allow its soldiers no turning back, and he raised his army together, he came up with an account - he sent his men forged Erzhu Zhao's military orders, ordered the town of Gao Huan the rate of 6 to return all prisoners of war in Shanxi, as the deed Hu Protracted military-steps to attack Wu. Six towns had been prisoners of war suffered bullying Seoul Hu Bing Qi Yun Gee, now to be imposed when the deed issued to barbarian's slave soldiers, all living death feeling. Gao Huan pretend to strict military life emergency, the army in the simple selection million Yubing Shi, immediately press start. Teng and Wei Sun Department will also pretend to be soldiers of King plead for leniency on the 5th. They worry they fear the soldiers, followed by high-Huan-relief on the 5th and then pretending to departure. Six non-commissioned officer until the time of panic brewing town was almost the same level of attainment precisely, Gao Huan as commander in chief, who advance with this one thousand military farewell ceremony, he also tear drops fell like rain, make a Left with no look. About to embark on the road to Shanxi soldiers a voice crying, sadness came from, earth-shattering. Gao Huan sigh, said: "I and you are the town of household origin, family Oh. Now to fight the West, certainly have to die! Delay the military period, to the destination have to die; fat ration Lease barbarian when-steps , have to die! short, is a dead end. how can we do? "soldiers in the next immediately say:" Only rebel! "Gao Huan very anxious look," rebellion is a matter of last resort, who can lead it? " soldiers bird call, pushed a total of Huan. Gao Huan a last resort, look for the public bear the blame. Hesitated again, six towns and prisoners of war he said: "you people from the same town the exercise was difficult. Think about a million people were Real Problems, is that war is not military rules and discipline non-lax system, and finally escape the Failure. If I led you push, no longer the same as before, and can not bully the Han (the town of prisoners of war mostly Xianbei six people), can not violate military orders. Otherwise, I do not revolt with you. "" You call the shots from the life and death! " thousand troops voices in unison. Gao Huan then slaughter of cattle slaughter sheep, reward the soldiers, in the letter were dispatched troops.
Gao Huan send letters of Left Lung Ye City, personally shuaibing Ma Tunbing purple street. That time, Gao Huan horses discontent 2000, but 30,000 soldiers, while the enemy soldiers there are 200,000 of the public. Zhonggua match the situation, the high connectivity in love with his ox or donkey with its own army escape route blocked, Han tomb in the area were placed in circular array, soldiers of no return, there Bisizhixin. Warring armies soon, Er Zhuzhao flew on sounding of blame Gao Huan Yun Gee rebel Seoul. Gao Huan Li no loss at the moment does not address the poor: "Originally, we want to jointly assisting the emperor, the emperor now what?" Er Zhuzhao horse words: "The Wing King (Emperor Xiao Zhuang killed before the reign title) slew Taiyuan Wang (Seoul Zhu Rong), I only do that revenge. "Gao Huan loud reproach:" In the past we have given them together in the Er Zhurong, you advised him things I clearly rebellious. Moreover, the emperor to kill the Minister, any report of Yes! Today I cut off your Gratitude! "Yan Bi, armies at war. Gao Huan in the Army from the collar protrusion, general high Aocao the left forces, Gao Huan cousin of the high mountain to Youjun. Gao Huan in the military against unfavorable, forced to retreat. ZHU Zhao-jun headed straight from Seoul. Yue sudden high rate of 500 cavalry to meet the enemy soldiers before, Gao Huan other general clean up of a general retreat Hulü London rallied the soldiers scattered back from the Er Zhuzhao they pounced to, general rate of more than 1000 high Aocao from cavalry attack infiltration front transverse in Seoul ZHU Zhao-jun defeated. Rout the occasion, Er Zhuzhao on Murong Shaozong lamented shouted: "No public statement, so this."
Murong family flee. Already Shoushuliangduan large military governor Husi Chun et al first to step back to Luoyang, try staying in Seoul Yun Gee gang killing. Er Zhu Shilong, Giurgiu law degree, have captured Seoul Zhu Tianguang cut. Yun Gee are established for the Fall Festival Emperor sent reward Min Gao Huan. Gao Huan now before the legislature that the stability of Emperor Wang is a distant branch, went on to send its observation of the root section Weijland Emperor Min man how to prepare to re-establish his welcome. Weijland root sections that look brilliant Emperor Min, I am afraid the future is difficult to hijack. Senior cadres of the brothers and other men are also advised that section Min Gao Huan Yun Gee the emperor was established Seoul, its name is not correct, advise Gao Huan destroy him. Gao Huan took section of confinement in the temple of Emperor Min. Jian Lai choose to, select Pingyang Wang repair. Element amendment was hiding in a good relationship with his assistant minister Wang Sizheng where Sanji suddenly see Wang Sizheng with Gao Huan troops looking for him, scared being smart: "You are betraying me it." Ideological say it is not. Asked: "Can you guarantee me a life?" Ideological replied: "things changeable, I can not say for certain." Yuan Revised owned by 400 cavalry in the middle, to high-Huan big tent. Zhong Huan bowed down by the high state, cried s garments, Yuan repair Huibai that dare not. Royal Highness then know not to kill him, but to make him emperor. Wang handwritten sheet stability, Christianity and Islam have handed it in his hand, so to sign an agreement. Per repair as emperor, that the North Weixiao Wu Emperor.
〖Dominate the court, the emperor fled to〗
Min emperor the subjects as originally Festival, but also snatch away the Luoyang kill Ben Hill Husi Chun Yun Gee gang, see Gao Huan powerful, heart uncomfortable, he and Nanyang King ingot Ju, Bue with general element border and to persuade Wang Sizheng Xiaowu remove Gao Huan. Husi Chun rearrange intrauterine captaincy candidates, increasing the number of guards to elect hundreds of brave warriors as Xiaowu the guards. Repeatedly to hunting in the name of the emperor, and Husi Chun-step array of soldiers, each plot. Has sent a congratulatory call with out squads of Yue, He Sheng brother secretly dial contact, preparing internal and external response. Wei Zhao Sagong senior cadres of the high-Huan loyalists, Xiaowu senior cadres that have been used to buy, take a chance in the Waring Gardens feast sudden alliance with the senior cadres of the prayer became brothers. Since it was all of a sudden, senior cadres no time to think about, said he, "to put their lives Xu country, not a Janus-faced." And then see Xiaowu increase Bue, they often pay extranodal Chen Yue He, who set aside, that incident will occurred, secretly persuaded Gao Huan prepared. Gao Huan call to the senior cadres and state negotiation, senior cadres on independence for the emperor to persuade Gao Huan. Gao Huan felt premature, put on a great fear of the way senior cadres rejected the proposal. Senior cadres of the dilemma, not guess Gao Huan mind, the court in the capital is difficult to be caught in between the two factions, so close Kai Gao Huan requested assignment, was appointed Xu prefectural governor. Xiao Wu Di was informed that senior cadres to any official outside, afraid of his own secret plans leaked Gao Huan things, the pre-emptive, Zhao Gao Gao Huan had established that senior cadres with their vows, repeatedly ends. Gao Huan senior cadres and Xiaowu Covenant that the issue is also very angry, took senior cadres advised to inform themselves to the emperor of Wei Di. Two people together and the sons of the senior cadres of the response to the question. High-level cadres to be sold by both sides, the self-less on the "sexual Ming Wu, Chun has book" hero could not do anything in Hebei, said: "His Majesty your self different map, and now I hand the minister repeated. To take charge of the blame nothing to say! "So Prince in. Xiaowu they send someone to kill the younger brother of senior cadres of high Aocao. High Aocao rob Heaven's own decree, Ben Jinyang defected to lead a dozen high-Huan. Gao Huan and he cried, yelled, "Son of Heaven slew of high common phenomenon." Senior cadres have defected to another brother, Takayuki close Gao Huan. Emperor of the knife through the murder of the brother, who can get killed younger brother of the respect the letter, Gao Huan wrists high, we can see that end.
534, Weixiao Wu Tai prepare his troops attack the troops of Gao Huan in Jinyang, issued an edict of martial law, claiming the South cutting Leung. Also, and Husi Chun Zheng made Henan states were soldiers and horses, were in the suburbs of Luoyang military parade. In order to paralysis Gao Huan, Gao Huan said he Mizhao to lead troops to attack the Yuwen Tai and Ho Kansai allocated win. Gao Huan what, he immediately responded, saying that under his Wǔ total of 220,000 troops and horses have been starting a crusade to help aid the emperor, and eliminate the DPRK and crafty, in fact made it clear that I have and you want to lead troops rushed to Luoyang one side gets the better competition. Xiao Wu Di and Gao Huan had a showdown at this time, he order the book Scheeren Atsuko liters (this bit is for the grass emperor Xiao Zhuang Chao Heaven's Erzhu Rong Ye, CA) to write their own name to a high-Huan seal the historic letters: "Zhenbu labor-foot blade, sitting as the emperor, who called with me parents, your high I were king. this thing back without the king, to discuss regulatory phase of attack, then making body and the children, but also as Wang oath. Yuwen recent concern for the mess, He set aside should, thus, the martial law, with the desire that the king all the support. this concept it is, but no different track. Southeast is not bin for a long day today, half under the account, Wu did not wish to extremely poor soldiers. I not only ignorant, I do not know Ningren whom? are the death of senior cadres, not only at Zhenyi. king suddenly on Aung (Aung high Aocao name) made his brother caused the death, were the eyes and ears it is easy to be light! as News Library Di dry language Yun: 'The main intention of seizing the fainthearted, nothing to put this long-jun, it is not controlling, but for the 15th this line can waste from the more established than those.' this discussion , between Wang Xun people naturally, not at the mouth of the eloquent minister! to old letters Takayuki rebels, fled Teng Sun this year, do not sin them off, who does not blame the king. Ruo serving his prince to make sincere, why not cut to send two. Wang Although Kai Yun 'West to', and 4 the times, or for degrees south of Luoyang, or for the east Esa, those words should be self-blame, rather those who can not hear the doubt! Wangruo Yan Ran Home North, in this Although millions of people were finally free map he heart; Ruo raise his flag South refers to scratch the horse only round, You Yu Fen Kong Quan and war dead. I of the few German, Wang has been established for the common people ignorant, or that in fact can . If the plans for others, then Akira I evil; Jialing also killed the king, shame Jifen quiet and have no grudge! the expected one monarch and his subjects, if comply with deeds, not plan today from Separation to this! "
So Xiaowu to Yuwen Tai for the Kansai to larger units, Shang Zuopu She, gave to her hand. Gao Huan has issued an edict declaring the evil, both from the public must crack. Gao Huan declared that his army; "alone to Giurgiu good at life, built in the righteous cause at home and, on instructions from on the Lord, the Cheng Guan Ming Lu, Wang was Husi Chun structure slander, to serving the counter. This table a stage where, just punish Chun . "as the pioneer of high Aocao, mighty from. Yuwen Tai was also made around the claim Gao Huan Xi sin, starting from Cao Bang to Hongnong Tuen military. He allocated xinshengtun military Ru water. Both sidelines waiting for change. 534 in July, thousands of parents and teachers Weixiao Wu Imperial army Tunyu River Bridge to Husi Chun Yu Mang Shan to the north of precursor array. Husi Chun thousand troops and horses, please take advantage of high-Huan Chen Ye crossed the Yellow River to attack because of the shaky foothold. Xiaowu good start that this account, Huangmenshilang Yang W advised: "Now this critical moment, the military power to others, fear of his birth changed. Husi Chun crossing attack if successful, exterminate it, but then a high-Huan birth to another high-Huan ah. "Xiaowu heard this, he immediately ordered his troops to stop Husi Chun. Hu Sichun sigh: "I do not have account emperor is really God's outmoded Wei room." In the vicinity of Yuwen Tai Kwan also heard in the wind, on the left say: "Gao Huan few days forced march 8, 900, the tired troops welcome enemy, is taboo military strategists, just by their tired surprise. today and honor the emperor to Wan Cheng Yu Jia personal expedition, not a decisive battle to take the initiative to cross the river, but along the entrenched, it is unwise. and the river thousands of miles, as long as the place was broken, losing no doubt. "
Armed forces did not clash, one has Jiaxian Zhi Xiao Wu Di, Tian Guardian, who secretly about falling, Gao Huan his troops to cross the river soon. Weixiao Wu emperor hastily convened his court discuss countermeasures, some say to Ben by Liang, He set aside some say the south won, some say the West to Yuwen Tai, and some say keep luokou fight to the death, word of one after another, can not be decided. Courtiers and Husi Chun Won Bin of power struggle, the army of Emperor Wu Office run Shiko and deceive the Emperor Gao Huan said the army had been approaching. Xiaowu excited and nervous, anxious and called Husi Chun also sent military side, one side with a rate of several thousand troops and horses ready capitalists princes fled. We secretly know that the emperor fled to the West, most of the night and ran away. But only Bue Riding alone to follow the letter of General Fox emperor alone. Imagine, tens of thousands of troops to the direction of running of Luoyang, but only one single letter fox horse alone reverse the chase, moving scene. Xiaowu sighed: "You generals resigned their parents, left his family and children follow me, 'chaotic world knowledge loyal' cogency ah." Visible light of day, the handsome, loyal Although the odd man final Yuwen Tai victimized, but future generations incomparable glory: as Zhou Mingjing Queen's eldest daughter, and four women Motosada Queen, queen and seven women for the Emperor Wen. Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang and three children were overturned his descendants, philosophers have official promotion into the Jazz, Menting illustrious. This is something for the future.
536 years, the high rate of force for every three pontoon Huan, ready to rush in Hosaka crossed the Yellow River. The first thing small about the Battle of Wei World War began. Yuwen Tai indeed soldiers in Washington, he Zhu Qiang said: "Gao Huan surrounded on three sides, our military, that he built pontoon bridge across the river onslaught, really want to attract the attention of our army, to march from the west sides of sinus Thai folder We successfully. sinus Thailand is a member of the Xiaojiang Gao Huan, fighting and winning frequently, men will be proud from the heart, we made Jones the first attack of sinus and Thailand, Gao Huan is victorious and wins. "generals of you did not agree that the sight of high Huan , and no war against the U-turn but hit sinus Thailand, the event went wrong will be annihilated. Yuwen Tai's nephew Yuwen same depth views with him, that if Hosaka engaged in high-Huan Jun, sinus Tacon will take advantage from the negative impinge upon the two sides together with the attack will fail. He suggested that the election to ride straight out of a small elite soldiers off (in Tongguan Zhizuo), sinus Thai impatient to go to war will come, and Gao Huan cautious, certainly wait and see, then hit back over sinus Thai Gao Huan, the enemy can be broken. Sure enough, the military conflict to a small Western Wei Guan, sinus does not Thai sudden emergency defense, led his troops to go array, Yuwen Tai popped from the Relevant Problems in ze big break sinus Thailand, East Bing Wei killed or injured and exhausted, sinus Thai suicide. Thin ice because of the Yellow River, one soldier baggage can not be past, only demolition of pontoon bridge back to the military. After the chase from the Western Wei Jun, Gao Huan Xue isolated rear of the general extension of the First World War cut into bad 15 blades, and war abnormal tragic, they finally secure a high-Huan a pedestrian escape. The first time the two sides fight, to Gao Huan failure.
Gao Huan high Aocao troops into another way success, business start Suoxiangwuqian mountain in his success on the Luo Meng shuaibing when he was shot in the flow vector, a wounded, of which three are penetrating injuries, death recovery, he jumped up free riding helmet Xuncheng, a great encouragement to the morale, and capturing the Los Angeles. City grams, he was lying in the healing tent, feeling they have to die, sigh: "Unfortunately not see his brother when the high season-style provincial governor." Gao Huan heard this, immediately the appointment of high-quarter formula and the prefectural governor. High Aocao, especially among the third brother, were expensive, with its well-known in when word Aocao world. Long Mei Bao to be this person, male body posture different from rebellious youth since, gather loot knight 4. "Taiping" contains three of their poems, including "sign-line poem": "Long kinds of 1000 sheep, with 100 Hujiu Springs. Chao Zhao Dawei Mountain hunting, women welcome every night." One can imagine that when he was young Bohemian life. Er Zhurong evil its Hidetake, trapping him off in Luoyang. After God killed Er Zhurong Xiao Zhuang know Gao brothers hero, was returning home along the Yangtze River to personally send them recruiting-steps. High Aocao emotional generosity, leaving sword, also said Xiaosi heart. Emperor Xiao Zhuang killed, he defected Gao Huan, Seoul Yun Gee big break. Section later killed his brother Emperor Min senior cadres, but also sent to kill him, he went to Jinyang return rate of more than a decade riding high Huan. General guidelines that Gao Huan, mishaps reported more meritorious. Little off the war, but also high-Ao Caoquan Jun, was awarded the Secretary for a large military governor for the Army, the military governor system 76. Gao Huan was under the generals to Xianbei mainly Han Chinese are contemptuous, but only fear of high Aocao. Gao Huan in the Order will be large, often with a orders Xianbei language, but as long as high Aocao in the side, he must switch to Chinese speech. Liu and high Aocao Xianbei will not and, once two people in a same procedure, there are people following the report of many people drowning river Yifu, Liu deliberately said: "life is only worth a penny of the Han Chinese, with his die! "high Aocao heard this, he was furious, his sword to chop Liu. Liu fled also camp along the high Aocao convened under the sounding drum, Lebingyugong. Finally persuaded by other people for a long time before they stopped. Another time high Aocao prefectural governor and North Yu Zheng Yan Zu play the game holding lance (lance with both hands holding each other all hit, similar to the fencing), to send subordinates Zhao Zheng Yan Liu discuss military ancestors. Zheng Yan Zu high Aocao not let go, and send troops to the angel Liu lived with wooden flails flails standing by myself. Liu's Xianbei Pian Jiang used to rely potential arrogance, the side shouting: "yoga is easy, removing is hard." Higher Aocao heard this, from the followers out of the hands of a stab wound to the neck Mengjin to the touch of the man, said, "What is difficult to !, "their heads chopped off. Liu Wen did not dare come after the theory of knowledge. There are a high-Aocao to big government to call on the prime minister Gao Huan, door guard would not let him go, he Douzhuan horse bow miss the target, shot the door Huishou Death. After Gao Huan had heard about the no blame. Thus, high Aocao position in high-Huan mind how important!
537 years, Gao Huan their soldier 200 000 Since the spout starting to rush Po-chun. Second World War things Wei (complanatus war) started. Yuwen Tai Kwan as the great famine in the drought, with less than one million army horse farm barn in constant rest for five days, and was longing to break hunger almost skinny Sergeant Huanguo Lai. Gao Huan told to cross the river to fight, rushed off into the preparation. High Aocao farmers with 30,000 troops and horses put Huan surrounded. Gao Huan's staff persuaded: "The Western Wei Zeibing famines and chronic hunger, so risk to Su Shan Zhou rob food store, now has surrounded the constant high Aocao agricultural silos, grain movement will not go out. Zhudao our best to divide our forces, not with enemy soldiers of engagement, until the wheat harvest season hours, most of the enemy soldiers and civilians died of hunger, Yuwen Tai die have to surrender. so we better not crossed the Yellow River. "generals Hou Jing also advised:" hundreds of thousands of army soldiers in one fell swoop here, in case numerous, are hard to build troops and horses. as the army into two, one after another and enter. former military victory if, after the attack on the military effort; former military defeat if the latter can take place inside the military to meet the enemy when the attack as a reserve. "Gao Huan these two views are not taking it, since Pu Jindu forward over the Yellow River.
Gao Huan that Yuwen Tai soldiers that led his troops will be the enemy. Yuwen Tai Lee Pil that men outnumbered, can not set the ground array can be covered in the ten miles outside the reed marsh Wei Qu ambush. Yuwen Tai possible that this account, the command sergeant had died down, lying in the reeds, heard the drums out on together. Gao Huan Qiang give his men to persuade the military governor Hulü: "Yuwen Tai just want to fight to the death, like a mad dog, like life should be excluded on the bite. Wei Qu reed dense, muddy, soldiers at war no access to the full, as its stand-off, then secretly sent crack troops Yan Xi Chang'an, take away the enemy's safe havens, so the Yuwen Tai must be captured alive. "Qu Wei Gao Huan heard reeds, an inspiration," let the fire burn the enemy, how? " Hou Jing has always been smart this time out of a bad idea, said: "The declaration should be captured alive Yuwen Tai people, if he is fired coke, who would believe what we really victory." hesitate pace back and forth between the general Gao Huan Qi Peng Yuesheng battle assignment, cried loudly: "We are numerous, a hundred people capture one, afraid you do not win the war?" Gao Huan was ordered onslaught. East Bing Wei Western Wei soldiers saw few, all Tangong aggressive, should war to loose shapeless. The juncture of the Western army, Yuwen Tai personally beating Drum, an ambush on the soldiers reeds sky soldiers Fen Shen Ting, Lee Pil-armored cavalry division and from the side of a prominent horizontal strike, Eastern Wei army was cut into two, Juncu great fear. Lee's brother Lee Bute standard was a little man, Yong Fen exception, each trap array mounted on horseback when they left buried in the right hack, hack, East Bing Wei just saw him Napi like "drone" of the horse, exclaimed "avoid the little man." Yuwen Tai saw the distance, on the left and right sighed: "courage so, why bachi footer!" Its next general Geng Zheng Lu martial arts you are exquisite, into the array for each lap robe Couture body armor all the enemy Xianxue Ran too rosy. Yuwen Tai said: "The concept of the A-chang, will know a lot of enemies to kill, why does the number of heads of power." Gao Huan generals are not stuffed. Deep Ruxi Wei Peng Yue general array, the number of root length to the stab was too intestines flow out his hand to fill back to intra-abdominal intestines dip further gun battles. See a soldier, scattered, Gao Huan would like to withdraw troops gathered after the attack. Official name back after a while, consulting his said: "People camp empty pockets, scattered soldiers dead, no one answer." Gao Huan reconciled, still hesitant. General Hulü King persuaded: "the public mind discrete, not reuse, we should immediately east of the Yellow River throughout other." Gao Huan, according to the fixed saddle sigh, Hulü gold to whip horses hit a pedestrian fled to the river almost not find a boat to cross the river embarrassed. This war down, Gao Huan funeral Jiashi 80,000 people, discarded armor battle 180 000. Getting lost high Aocao Press, withdrew from agricultural Huan, surrender of Luoyang. Western Wei Yuwen Tai after this win, fine grain foot soldiers, happy.
The following year, 538 high-Huan Hou Jing from the general Yuwen Tai Yong Kim regained the city of Luoyang, Luoyang, a large number of houses destroyed temple officials. Yuwen Tai has been with Western Wei Emperor Wen ingot torch back to Luoyang Jisaoweizhao first Mausoleum Temple, after hearing his troops rush to the rescue, chicken beheaded general MO Gao Huan Wen Lou loans. Hou Jing night to break out of Yuwen Tai pursuit. Hou Jing put a large array, the North, according to River Bridge, south Mang mountain, and Yuwen Tai army at war. Infighting among the horses in the flow vector surprise Yuwen Tai Yi, the Yuwen Tai thrown to the ground. Dong Wei Dajun chase came up, so are scattered away. Military governor Lee Mok dismount, hit with a whip lying on the ground Yuwen Tai embarrassed, pretend shouting: "You stupid soldiers, princes go where you go, and how his stay here?" Chase around the East Bing Wei Liang palm turned shoe , listen to the tone identified Yuwen Tai Lee Mok-honored person is not a high official, were turned back to kill more valuable dispersed targets. Lee Mok-Fu Yuwen Tai launched, both fled. Since then West Weihou Jun ranging from the military potential revival, the U-turn engaged the Houjing Jun, Hou Jingjun defeat, defeat away. High Aocao gas proud heart, has been looked down upon Yuwen Tai, life is about to write a large sheet of Guan Ming will name banners and display precious canopy, Kuama chicken. Western Wei forces to mobilize the military siege of the best in high Aocao, resulting in the army do not, the final run to the hayang Nancheng Riding Alone. Gao Huan happens Morimasa is a high-Wing-lok, Tang Shu, prime and high Aocao had a knot to close the gates to prevent high Aocao city. Hero dragon lying shallow, Yang seek justice call on the city, no one answer; he drew out his sword to slash gates, like lacking natural cleavable hole to escape into the city. Gates and thick, cut for a long time have not cut open. Western Wei brigade pursuers arrived, high Aocao know that life is not over, turned Angtou welcome ago, excited voice shouted: "Come on! And Ru-founding the public!" (Which means cutting off the head bearer, Western Wei will certainly founding The weight of public title Feng Shang). Chopping off heads of soldiers back to high Aocao Western Wei, the reward silk million by paragraph, an annual amount of the issue, until the founding of the Zhou Yuwen Tai destruction, not to the finished silk reward.
Gao Huan hear high Aocao death, such as the liver and gallbladder funeral, the high hit 200 Jungun Paradise, Grand Preceptor posthumously high Aocao as large Sima, Qiu. The River Bridge War, two enormous array Wei, inclusive hanging far, from morning till night, fighting dozens of joint, aerosol four plug, the situation changing, round and round with death, who do not know who wins. Western Wei Fox independence letter, Gui-war and others negative, the confusion I wonder Yuwen Tai and Western Wei Emperor Wen messages are owned by abandoning the military first. Upon seeing other generals, also fled with them, know of this situation, Yuwen Tai also burn camp Dunzou. Scholars origin Wang Sizheng dismount, right-hand long I left thorn thorn, a thorn on the down several people. As the trap array too, from by key death, he himself never faint because of heavy losses, due to darkness the enemy withdraw troops, it was not beheaded. Wang Sizheng wear rags bad when every time a war, the enemy's generals do not know his identity, so heads are not taking away. Soon, his subordinates in the body of the heap to find him, helped him back to camp launched. General Choi Woo Ping East war under the Horse, riding around in order to persuade him to escape, he was furious: "The prime minister Yuwen Tai love me as child, how can we be afraid of death today, too!" To lead a dozen soldiers shouted in unison, onslaught East Bing Wei, anti-wide. East Bing Wei surrounded him more than ten weight, but also fear their valor are not near to. Cai Yu bow hold is full, four arrows turn in front. Dong Wei Bing find a long knife in his hand wearing a thick straight soldiers Cai Yu, thirty steps away from the left and right arrows to persuade Cai Yu. Cai Yu said: "Our lives are all in this stone, how can virtual hair!" Enemy soldiers rushed 10 paces away, Choi Woo shot an arrow to come. Seeing the East Bing Wei surrounded them suddenly Lala spread. Du Camp was and still is about. River Bridge War, both sides basically break even, but lost high-Huan Han general high Aocao.
AD 543, the two Wei Fourth World War (Mang Shan Wars) kick off. The fuse of war is high due to high Aocao brother Chung-density caused by the north of Western Wei Yuzhou surrender. The deeper reason is because Gao Huan's son Gao Cheng lusty lead. Takasumi 14:00 on by Cheng and his father's concubine, adultery, and was almost killed by Gao Huan, such as from sub-dealing by Sima, kill the first divisions of the slaves silence, father and son until the restoration of good. Later, Gao Cheng Gao Zhong close they look beautiful wife Lee, a meeting on the belt she rushed in to Luanche want to rape. Lee refused, belt she do crack, get out of high sec close to tears after. Coincided with the high density will extroverted Chung prefectural governor of northern Henan, angry horror under the arrival on a surrender to the Western Wei, Eastern Wei's strategic location Hulao Pass down Ruxi Wei hands. Yuwen Tai Chung parents and teachers of high Cohesion secret armies, the military to Luoyang, surrounded by river bridge Nancheng. Gao Huan personally Qiangbing of thousands to cross the river from the north shore of the Yellow River, according to Mang Shan showers, a few days without a fight. Yuwen Tai try to stay rods, Chen Ye Teng Mangshan want to raid Gao Huan. Gao Huan reconnaissance cavalry rushed to inform that the Western Wei forces only to carry grain from Bing Xie Shi has been forty miles away from the high-Huan. Gao Huan Le Bing, positive matrices to be the enemy. At dawn, armed forces intersect, Gao Huan Peng general music to thousands of cavalry straight Ruxi Wei Northern Army, which all collapse to have been deep Ruxi Wei camp. Ben Gao Huan was reported that the defection chicken Peng Yue, Gao Huan furious. Long, dusty northwest, Peng Yue sent envoys victory, captured the Cambodian Western Wei Wang Lintao the five princes and the Governor will be a total of 48 staff and other people. Gao Huan Ming drum onslaught, beheading three thousand level. Peng Yue Gao Huan Pine pursuit Yuwen Tai. Yuwen Tai find any, ran at once to cry Peng Yue: "This is not Peng Yue general? You kill me today, tomorrow, you still use it? Why do not immediately further business, leave my gold and silver treasures together with the machine? "Peng Yue yokel, but also feel mean there, give it up Yuwen Tai, back to Yuwen Tai camp in the bag full of discarded immediately Benhui Campbell on the complex life to Gao Huan. Appears to "play Bandits", "keep bandits" is not the Tang Dynasty general invention, since the Gou punish Wenzhong, Liu Bang killed Han Xin, "Tusigoupeng" has been the most fear into military matters, after being Tang, Yuan, Ming, and many regarded as a best generals, from time to time on the vertical "bandits" slipping through the net, something that the world, only the right to respect and protect Taketo bit heavy, but also to avoid the curse cast aside the bow once the birds are gone. Peng would like to see Gao Huan, Zhangzhaodazui report: "Black Otter chance to escape, had been broken guts horror." Gao Huan Peng Yue war has not only pleased that he let go of Yuwen Tai very angry, Yue Peng life lying on the ground, in person at gentlemen before seizing the big head Meng Wang hit the ground, teeth long, hand held knife cut off the spot several times Peng Yue head, weighed again, did not start with forbearance. Drum Manlianshixue, Yang Gao Huan head begged to give him five thousand troops, back to front complex chase Yuwen Tai. Gao Huan cursed: "You people keep running, said matrix compound to recover any back." Sent to 3000 to take pressure piled on the Peng Yue silk back, because in order to reward the success of its defeat.
Next day, things Wei armies regroup complex war. Yuwen Tai Wei East Armed Forces joint attack, Gao Huan defeated, infantry have all been captured. Gao Huan a time to mount was shot, Yang Soon own hands Helian dismount the horse vacate Gao Huan, together with seven subsequent protection. Pursuers gather to high-Huan Wei Xingqing confidant military governor said: "You get out of King, I have 100 arrows waist, enough to kill 100 people, protect your withdrawal." Gao Huan moved, said: "If we can survive to Your caring prefectural governor. If you died, you son of provincial governor to do. "Wei Xing Qing said:" My son is too small, the provincial governor want to do with my brother. "Gao Huan promise. Wei Xingqing one rear rejected a war, to make vector, was knifed to kill Western Wei Bing Luan. Eastern Wei soldiers have surrendered to please Gong, Gao Huan escape to the direction of the report to the Western Wei, Yuwen Tai recruiting 3000 death squads, are short-enforcement troops, the military governor celebrate the big band led by the military catch up call wins. Random array into, He set aside Cang Huang Sheng find escape is high Huan, Executive lance ride to catch up with 13, chasing a few years, several times, almost invariably, barbed lance tip and Gao Huan, shouted: "He f Hun ( Gao Huan words), I call Po Hu He (He appropriated the word Po Hu wins) today must kill you! "exhaustion Gao Huan alarm, almost immediately died of heart attack at once. His followers in the arrows next to, shoot turned Western Wei Liang Qi, He set aside another death wins mount. Deputy Ma arrived until, Gao Huan had run out of sight. Sheng He sighed aside: "today has forgotten to bring bows and arrows, really ah God!" After the war, Gao Huan Ye City back to the Liu He Ba Yue's sons to stay in all the entire home without mercy. He later died of mad hear dial victory. He heard the call Yuwen Tai Sheng death, tears for a long time, on the left and right, said: "Zhujianglindi, look all was panic, but only HE dial colors as usual public and chicken, the real person is Dayong ah."
As the Western Wei Gui-generals of the five men army defeated, the battlefield situation has changed. East Bing Wei regroup, come rush ahead. Yuwen Tai attack, losing to fall back, his troops fled, Eastern Wei army pursuit. Since independence, who believe Fox scattered collection of Western Wei Eastern Wei Death pursuers from the back of harassment, Yuwen Tai was fortunate to escape before, Tuen military Weihe River. Gao Huan Jiang Bing into the Shan Zhou, urged his men Kaneko Gao Huan win the draw, will be able to unify the two Wei. But the other generals are not fighting, aspiration failure, afraid to fight another day. The time Yuwen Tai has become a spent force, as long as the high-Huan Jun to, certain death. Gao Huan Zhi captains see disheartened, they ordered the army also lost a great opportunity. Agriculture has been the breadbasket of Yuwen Tai Huan Wang Sizheng adhere to hear the news of the Western Wei and military defeat, not only to escape, but people open the gate, his clothes lying in the tower on the solution, the prizes to the officers and men, to motivate his soldiers, that their courage. East Bing Wei immediate concern after a few days under the city, see the city wide open, and they know that Wang Sizheng reputation, big heart cowardly, Jing Bu fled war. Zhuge Liang's "Empty City" is as Romance, Wang Sizheng the "empty city in mind" actually contained in the official history.
Dong Wei and Luo Zhou recapture North Yuzhou, Hou Jing Zhong secret wife and children sent to capture high-Ye City. As the senior cadres, Gao Huan high Aocao are meritorious, the younger brother of Chung-dense type of high season is the elder brother heard that news immediately raised his army back to surrender, were not even seat family punish, but to kill a high-Chung secret seniority. Takasumi look good, Morikoto meet will be executed in secret high-Chung Lee wife and asked, "How do today?" Lee Moran, they were Takasumi incorporated as a concubine. A woman, therefore, to Xunchen foreign rebels, his father a few dead, hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries of two Bing Wei, Takasumi the curse was actually no one dares to criticize. (So that future generations feel the most ridiculous is the outcome later. Takasumi slaves after being stabbed to death, his brother Gao Yang Wei Zili usurp the establishment of Qi, was later respected as Qixian Zu Mi. Takasumi from high-density office come Chung Lee Lou's mother, Empress Palace into Takasumi for women Palace (Guan Ming Chang instrument). Qixian Zu Gao Yang's death, Prince weak high-Yin Yan throne. Several Minister Yang Yin Han, Zheng Yi Yang's younger brother, so I am afraid of high high performances, Gao Zhan later usurped the throne, the king secretly sent out to do the second provincial governor to eliminate the threat, and the matter to the High Empress Dowager Li Yin's mother to do reporting. Empress Dowager Li and Li Chang-yi is from that links home, Yin Yang, who took the secret letter to her, the two married women to Lee Chang-meter back on the Empress Dowager Lou's too loyal to close immediately reported to Lou's. so of course the Empress Dowager Lou's son loved his two high performances and high-Cham, a total of plotting to kill Yin Yang Han and other ministers, the near abolition of the high performances of high Yanzi Li nephew (sent people to kill the following year of high Yin). High play only when the emperor for two years, fell to the ground because of hunting horses scared to death rib injury, transfer to a pro-brother-bit high Cham. high Cham throne after the alcohol child sex, to Gao Cheng, Gao Yang, the high performances of several Queen's rape Almost all over (all of its pro-Sister), and poison to kill the eldest son of Henan Wanggao Xiao Yu Gao Cheng, the third son of Gao Cheng Xiao Wan broken thigh high kill death. to be the son of the future high-latitude Cham throne, but also kill the fourth son of King Lan Ling Gao Cheng Kao Chang Christine. and perish on Qi Qi emperor of death in the hands. The root of this by the, if not snatch Takasumi Lee Chung-secret wife, who can not be too empress dowager in Lou's office when the female officer. High-Prince high-Yin Yang Han since childhood by the Minister and the Suru counseling, although losing weak, but indeed the Lord of Rende, with Fu Zu Qi to the strength and the strength of a large, perhaps to unify the North. and Gao Cheng Gao Zhong from the Lee Middle Office robbed a leak, resulting in a number of Han Chinese Minister of violent death, the Emperor Jen was spent to kill a small, high-Cham, high latitudes are cruel absurdity, eventually leading to collapse of Qi.
Three years later, AD 546, the fifth Wei East war - the war broke out in the wall of jade. In October, over Pentecostal army of thousands of high-Huan again led the siege of the lower reaches of the Western Wei Dynasty in the stronghold of Fen Wang wall (Ji County, Shanxi Province this year). Western Wei Wei Takahiro star defenders.
Jade in the city, but thousands of soldiers. Gao Huan of thousands of troops, siege day and night, nonstop. Wei Takahiro Mubujiaojie, command refused to fight. West Weishou Jun Kap Shui Fen for the city troops from drinking, Gao Huan sent dug channel change, happen overnight. He also piled soil in the south mountain, like with high swept down into the city. Wei Takahiro tower on the original two high booths Bondage poles, has been making wooden bridge above the earth mountains, throwing a stone throw fire, not near the city of eastern Bing Wei. Gao Huan Wei Takahiro sent on shouting: "Even if you take the upstairs and the days Takahiro Wei Qi, I would wear to head into the city and get you!" Gao Huan sergeant really dig tunnels from the ground, to dig through the influx from the Chenggen city. Wei Takahiro week in the city dug a big ditch, Gao Huan soldiers as long as the length from the tunnel at the end of fall into the ditch and immediately sent on the spot Qinsha. He is also a long trench filled with firewood, as long as the tunnel openings are exposed, they send someone to the hole filling straw, into the torch, the gas discharged into the tunnel to air within the drum, holes burned into the Middle East, Bing Wei suddenly broken bone. Gao Huan also used a giant tree in front of security attack angle iron car hit the city, due to heavy attack very sharp car, crashed into anything right away simply repeating what destroyed. Wei Takahiro sewing cloth for the numerous big giant mantle, the soldiers take the suspension ends, with the direction of attack transfer vehicle, due to a large mantle left vacant by Ying Peng soft attack vehicle, hit object is dissolved before the forces have been a blank. This account No, East Wei Bing Ma paid again loose on the bone tied to the pole, the oil soaked burning, to burn a large mantle while burning the gates. Wei Takahiro then tied pole for cutting edge, the cut off the other side of the pole. Do nothing, the high Huan sent around the city through tunnels 20, helping the middle column, then raging fire burning inside the beam tunnel collapse, many also will collapse destroyed the wall section. Wei Takahiro collapse in the city office to a large Mucha another tree, followed by imposing sharp lance crossbow, East Bing Wei was not scored. Soon Wei Takahiro then sent to seize the high ground of mountain soil. Gao Huan sent to join the army of the motherland (WANG Ting) said Wei Takahiro down: "You isolate them entrenched, the Quartet no rescue, the ultimate fear not hold on, early surrender forget." Wei Takahiro replied: "I am serious solid city, soldiers, more than food. Attacker Since the workers, who often keep Yat. I am afraid that your troops can not go back ah. I Wei Takahiro Kansai man, never to surrender, General. "ancestral (WANG Ting) was on the city shouting" city people have to cut Wei Takahiro who worship Qiu, Feng founding public tours silk 10000! "reward to the city shooting (reward order). Wei Takahiro reward on the back of the hand written "to cut high-Huan reward those who are here." Shot is also outside the city. Eastern Wei hard jade wall more than 50 days, killed 70 000 people died, are buried in a pit. Jiugong high, has died, so the military, Gao Huan Anger disease, a lie can not afford. One night a big star fall in the camp (the ancients that the meteorite is falling star), Gao Huan horror, Disembarrassing and go. Way home, the military myths Wei Xiao large crossbow shooting high prime minister, Western Wei heard about this message, also sent troops around shouting: "Jinnu serve, and fierce body from the die." To make morale will not sway, regardless of disease Gao Huan weight of the body, convened in open Camp Zhujiang drinking, so Hulü imperial Le Kim singing songs: "Chile chuan, Yin, the days seem Qiong Lu, cage cover fieldwork. green and wild the vast, wind-swept pastures see cattle and sheep. "Gao Huan in person and sing, Aigan tears.
Squirming Princess Yujiulü's Yujiulü A woman was also Rose
Shangdang Toffee HAN
Floating Princess Yang Feng Mother Health
Mu Niang
Second son ︰ Gao Yang, the North Qiwen Xuan Emperor, the mother was Empress Wu Ming Lou
Five sons ︰ High You, Pengcheng Wang Jing Si, Er-Yun Gee Big Mother
Eight sub-︰ high include two, Xiangcheng of King, the mother was Empress Wu Ming Lou
11 sub-︰ high Shi, Yang Kang Mu Wang, Yu's mother
14 sub-︰ high profit, Feng Yi Wang, Zheng mother
Queen's eldest daughter, North Weixiao Wu Tai Yuan Gao repair Queen
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