duàn xiān bēi zuòzhělièbiǎo
duàn juàn Duan Riliujuanduàn zhēn Duan Qizhenduàn chén Duan Wumuchen
duàn jiù liù juàn Duan Jiuliujuanduàn shè chén Duan Shefuchenduàn Duan Mobo
duàn Duan Yaduàn liáo Duan Liaoduàn lán Duan Lan
duàn kān Duan Kanduàn qín Duan Qin
duàn juàn Duan Riliujuan
duàn xiān bēi 
xìng: duàn
míng: jiù juàn

   duàn juàn míng gēn wèi shūsuǒ zài,《 jìn shū zuò duàn jiù juàn), shēng nián xiángyuē dāng zhōng guó jìn shí duàn xiān bēi de shǒu wèi shǒu lǐngzài wèi jiān xiáng
   juàn zǎo nián céng bèi mài yángjīn zhōng guó tiān jīn shì xiàn wán de guān wèijiā shǐ zài yòu zhū qiú cháng huì qiú cháng jiē yòu tuò wéi yòu guān méi yòujiù tán zài juàn kǒu zhōng juàn fǎn 'ér tūn liǎo xià xiàng bài tiān shuō yuàn shǐ zhù jūn zhī zhì huì xiāng jìn zhōng
   hòu lái yáng shēng huāng guān rèn wéi juàn shēn qiáng zhuàngjiù mìng dào liáo jīn zhōng guó běi shěng qín huáng dǎo shì dài tǎo shēng huó juàn zài zhāo yòu liú wáng zhěhòu lái zhú jiàn qiáng shèng
   juàn shì hòuyóu duàn zhēn chéng wèi

  Section on land dependents (this name was based on "Wei Shu" contained in the "Book of Jin" is to segment the land dependents), birth and death years unknown, about when the Chinese Western Jin Dynasty period of the first section of the Department of Xianbei leader, is also not known during the reign of .
  Lu dependents on the death, by his brother Qizhen succeeded him.
duàn xiān bēiduàn juàn Duan Riliujuan
hòuyījūnzhù >>: duàn zhēn

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