宕昌国 List of Authors
Liang QinLiang MihuLiang HuziLiang Michi
Liang MijiLiang MiboLiang MijieLiang Micheng
Liang MiheLiang MiyongLiang MiboLiang Mitai
Liang XiandingLiang MidingLiang Laogan
Liang Micheng
宕昌国  (?488 AD)

  Nan Qi Shu were recorded: Mi bearing system in 488 years (six years, the Southern Qi Wudi Sun, the Northern Wei Wo years) the former monarch after the death of Liang Mi Jie, labeled by the South to Chi Jie Qi, Governor State of Zhu River cool 2 military, Anxiqiangjun, East Qiang XiaoWei, river cool two prefectural governor, Dangchang Wang.
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