南燕 人物列表
慕容德 Mu Rongde慕容超 Mu Rongchao慕容纳 Mu Rongna
慕容镇 Murong Zhen王始 Wang Shi
慕容德 Mu Rongde
南燕  (336年405年)
姓: 慕容
字: 玄明
网笔号: 献武皇帝
庙号: 世宗
陵墓: 东阳陵


  Murong Germany (336 -405 years), later renamed Murong prepared German word Yuen Ming, 16 countries during the Southern Yan emperors, Xianbei people, is the youngest son of the former Yan Wenming Murong Huang Emperor, Emperor Murong former Yanjing Zhao Jun, Later Yan Cheng Emperor Murong Chui are all his brother. "Book of Jin" contains the "year without twenties, eight feet two inches in length, posture majestic appearance." And "Bo Watching the book, of the Qing Shen, and more talent."
  396, Murong Chui death, testament to Prince Murong Bao Ye City (now China's Henan Province Linzhang) commissioned by the German guard Murong. After Murong Bao throne, that Murong Germany To Chi Jie, the military governor of Hebei, Yan, Qing Xu, Jing, Yu-six states of various military, especially Jin, Ju Ji major general, Jizhou, leading Nanban XiaoWei, guard Ye City.
  Jianping six years (405 years), Murong Germany died Murong over the throne. Night death of four gates from the coffin carried out of ten mouth, a secret buried in the valley, so in fact he was not buried in the cemetery, "Dongyang Mausoleum," who then buried between unknown. Murong De Xian Wu was later posthumous title for the emperor, the posthumous names of King Sejong.
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