姓: | 石 | ||||||||||||
名: | 勒 | ||||||||||||
字: | 世龙 | ||||||||||||
网笔号: | 明皇帝 | ||||||||||||
庙号: | 高祖 | ||||||||||||
陵墓: | 高平陵 | ||||||||||||
石勒召集部属商议对策,右长史刁膺主张投降,并求扫平河朔以赎罪,等东晋退兵后再图他计。石勒听后,愀然长啸。中坚将军夔安建议先移营高地以避水,石勒说:“将军何其怯乎”(《晋书·石勒载记》)!孔苌、支雄等三十余将官建议:“及吴军未集,苌等请各将三百步卒,乘船三十余道,夜登其城,斩吴将头,得其城,食其仓米。今年要当破丹阳,定江南,尽生缚取司马家儿辈。”石勒笑著说:“是勇将之计也 ”(《晋书·石勒载记》)。还各赐铠马一匹,以示嘉奖。最后石勒只好问计于张宾:“于君计何如?”张宾说:“将军攻陷帝都,囚执天子,杀害王侯,妻略妃主,擢将军之发不足以数将军之罪,奈何复还相臣奉乎!去年诛王弥之后,不宜于此营建。天降霖雨方数百里中,示将军不应留也。邺有三台(即铜雀台、金虎台、冰井台)之固,西接平阳,四塞山河,有喉衿之势,宜北徙据之。伐叛怀服,河朔既定,莫有处将军之右者。晋之保寿春,惧将军之往击尔,今卒闻回军,必欣于敌去,未遑奇兵掎击也。辎重迳从北道,大军向寿春,辎重既过,大军徐回,何惧进退无地乎”(《晋书·石勒载记》)!当时,石勒经过两次向南进军的实际经验教训,也认识到据点必须选在北方,张宾的划策,在关键时刻起了关键性的作用,故石勒决策回军北上,在河北一带建立据点,这是其霸业的重大转捩。
石勒出身低微,早年饱经懮患。他富于军事才能,政治上也颇有识度,自比在刘邦(即汉高祖刘邦)、刘秀(即汉光武帝刘秀)之间,鄙视曹操(即魏武帝曹操)、司马懿欺负孤儿寡妇以取天下。儒生读《汉书》给他听,读到郦食其劝刘邦立六国后人时,石勒大惊,说这样何以能统一天下。当听到张良劝阻,才连忙说“赖有此耳”。石勒深以自己是胡人为耻,甚至创造出来一个“国人”的称号来给自己族人命名。但凡在他面前提胡人两个字的,都被其虐杀掉。后来身死族灭,他的“国人”集体也化灰灰,连渣都没剩下。石勒主要参谋张宾是汉人,他攻下冀州郡县堡壁后,蒐罗“衣冠人物”,组成“君子营”。后赵建国后,“ 典定士族”,区分士庶。选拔人才的办法,大致也是沿用九品中正制。石勒往往从谏如流,对于臣下劝阻的事,有时虽不同意,也暂且停办,说是为了“成吾直臣之气也”。
父亲 :周曷朱
母亲 :王氏
妻子: 刘氏 、程氏,部下程遐之妹,石弘之母。
子女 :
Shile when Army is occupying army and the Central Plains for Gas Han in two strongest teams. In September for Gas advisers persuaded Mi Tun Liu Qingzhou their account (this rule northeast, Zibo, Shandong) and the Department will Andongqiangjun Cao Yi Mountain Union soldiers destroy Shile common. Liu Tun called for Gas Sui Qian Cao Yi Mountain led his troops to be; the same time pretending to be also invited Shile with Qingzhou. However, half way Shile Liu Tun captured executed for Gas plot brought to light and I do not know. Coincides with the indemnity will Xu Miao, sorghum lead his troops soldiers leave, Mi soldiers gradually decline. And Shi Le alive after Gouxi for Gas wrote to Shile deliberately said: "The public was Gouxi and heinous, How God! To Xi, for the public left, indemnity for the public the right, the world is less than scheduled." Shile see that this is the proud soldiers of the terms, Zhang Bin said: "The base for Gas-bit re-made, pre-requisite fear of their dog-yi." Zhang Bin advised Shile lure and take the opportunity, said: "The concept of royalty has Qingzhou heart, homeland of the state, solid favor of the music, clearly not independent and the state of public thought or Down? kings and later returned to those who are not fat, fear out of public heel then have been regulated out of public ambition, but not be Seoul. this does not map the , Cao Yi Mountain Complex to fear, for a total of wings, after the Sui Yu regret, what clinics and evil! Xu Miao not only to the military potential weaker, and watch his still under control of the Huai Sheng, may induce the destruction of the "(" Book of Jin Shi Le set in mind "). Shile its terms.
Way in the north, as was sharp ethnic, Shi Le army carried past, are invading, so Sergeant forage very difficult. July, went to learn the county (now southwest of Henan ji xian), Wen Ji County, thousands of people to the ice, the wall head on Fang. Shi Le Jin to be his troops from the North crossing the spine, for fear the opportunity to come to the ice attack, asked of dollars in Zhujiang. Zhang Bin Jin said: "If news all in dereliction of duty in ice boats, not on the Fang, the brave can simply thousand strong, cunning diving, Xi Qu its vessels to economic force. Ranks only economic, we can capture the ice will also" ("Book of Jin Shi Le set record"). Shile its design, set up ambush defeat to the ice, winning a large number of military information to forage, the military potential to revitalization.
Ye Shi Le was a long drive to attack the North Zhonglang Jiang Liu performed in three. Department will play a deep Liu, Mu Mu, etc. mobilize tens of thousands of people descending on the Le. But Ye City guard still solid, and sometimes difficult to overcome, but only consumption of troops, Zhang Bin has suggested that: "Liu still thousands of public speech, three risk solid, yet to know Death attack and defense, the homes of the can from the collapse. Wangpeng Zu , LIU Yue Shi enemy also advised its failure to keep, close regulation into the city, according to Han, wide storage and transportation, West intrinsic Pingyang, sweeping set and thistle, Huan Wen of the industry to economy also. and the next with people today, the war had passed, the procession are living, people without Dingzhi, difficult security foolproof, the system the people. husband was to prosper, lost perish. Handan, China Xiang, Zhao old capital, the mountain with insurance, type win the state, may choose this 2 eup, and all of the, then life will be four, granted to slightly odd, pushing death sequestration, ignorant and weak attack, then Qunxiong can be eliminated, the king of the industry can plan carry on "(" Book of Jin Shi Le set record "). Shile from dollars into the country, according to Xiang that base. Zhang Bin said: "Today I have this, the more stones, the Avoid Pengzu also deep, and I fear no solid city, capital reserve is not wide, I get killed. Wen Jia-Shing Kwong Ping counties fall, can revenue contingents Zhujiang Wild Valley swept. Congregation of the Mission Pingyang, CHEN Yi meaning of this town "(" Book of Jin Shi Le set record "). Shi Le and from design, life Zhuqianggonglue Jizhou counties near the barrier, collecting food items to send to Xiang country. And on the table in the handi Liu Cong, Liu Cong was reportedly sealed after the military governor Ji Shi Le, quiet, and, doing all four states military, Jizhou, owned High Shangdang. Since then, Xiang Shi Le dominated the country and change the past, mobile warfare, began to establish their own bases for the unity of the North, set up after laying the foundation for Zhao regime.
Shi Le Xiang, according to a State, on and Jin Da Sima You state (rule thistle, this Beijing Southwest) provincial governor Wang Jun a direct conflict, when Quang Binh (now Hebei jize SE) jackals Chang, Yu-lun tens of thousands of public ownership, Court holds Township (now Hebei Xingtai Northeast), was ordered to quiet prefectural governor Wang Jun Jin. December, Shi Le removal Kui security, support of 7 male will attack Yuan Township, breaking its external base. Wang Jun emergency removal viceroy Chang-rate armies and land in western Liaoning Xianbei illness paragraph and paragraph piece Midi dependents, Duan Wen Yang, end of paragraph 5 million Cup, attack Xiang country. When moat not repair, only re-built across the city gate. Descent into the Tuen Example Duan Jun Yang (now Xingtai City Northeast), known for Yong Han Duan known Shile Qianjiang waged war, were defeated. Section illness Lu dependents then created the war and getting ready for siege, Shi Le Tribes and even fear. Shile of the men said: "Bandits to turn this force, Bizhong I scarcity, fear of attack around puzzled, not to save outside, absolutely exhausted within the grain, vertical and Sun Wu rebirth, nor solid too. Happiness of the concise and soldiers, a large array in the field to decisions of, collecting? "Zhu Jiang are said:" should stick to fatigue Kou, another in the old self back, chase and attack of, contempt not be able to carry on. "Shi Le Zhang Bin and pore Chang asked:" argues, ru. "Zhang Bin and holes do not agree to stick to fatigue Chang enemy, let it settle for attack strategy, he said:" I heard on the six dependents grams to die in North City earlier this month, much to the public, keep days of war to our military Potential few weak, that can not play, meaning must be slacking off. this kind of public for Duan defended, in particular the end of hate the most, the Death of Fine Yong, noted that in the end hate can Wufu played, said of the weak. speed chisel North barrier to conflict over the door 20 Road, candidates keep thieves out yet, surprise, straight off the end of hate, the enemy will shock anxiety, namely, less established, so-called lightning. at the end of the public both hate Ben, I break loose from . escapement after the end of hate, PANG can be determined that e "(" Book of Jin Shi Le set record "). Shi Le kindly consider its terms, to Chang as the necessary condition for battles military governor, the door suddenly opened in North City (the secret door) 20 Road, in Xianbei when the military siege, until their team loose, that is ordered from the sudden hole door Chang rate of crack attack, Meng Wang Jun passage end of the paragraph is really regrettable that the Department of Military Titans, not be able to fall back. Barrier gate at the end is really regrettable that chase for Shi Le ambush by the prisoners. Jun Wang Jun, see Titans captured, have been defeated, Kong Chang win the Xianbei lying dead more than 30 years, by Kai Ma 5000. Collection Yu Zhong Lu dependents paragraph illness, Tuizhun Example Yang. Shi Le billet end of the paragraph also released, and complimentary gift heavily, and in Example Duan Yang alliance, then withdraw troops withdraw Duan also in western Liaoning, from preferred Shi Le Duan. Chang-also returned thistle (now Beijing Southwest), Lun Yu, Zhang jackal surrender Shi Le. Shile to offensive letters are (Jizhou legacy, this Hebei ji xian), prefectural governor to kill the king as Shanxi and Hebei. Wang Jun forces from fading.
Jin Jianxing first year (three years of the Han Jia-ping, 313) in April, Shi Le Shi Hu led the troops to capture life Ye City.
Jin Jianxing years (Han Ka Ping four years, 314 years) the first month, Jin Ting to Wang Jun as the big Sima, the military governor quiet, Jizhou various military, Liu Kun as the major general, military governor and the state (government today southwest of Taiyuan) all military, and Congregation of the Mission were to Xiang country. Shi Le was paralysis Wang Jun, a King pawn hidden essence, to show weakness, double the favor to make, and also the book Wang Jun, pretend to be persuaded into the middle of March went Youzhou; the same time send a letter to date song, its Please grant and mok, Quang Binh public to demonstrate their loyalty. Wang Jun messengers return, said Shi Le strength is weak, without a Janus-faced. Wang Jun was more arrogant lazy, no longer alert.
February, Shile then led troops into the attack day and night You state. Pak Army to people (now Hebei longyao West), the fears Liu Kun and Xianbei, Karasuma Ju-Bing phase attack, unmanning not OK. Zhang Bin said: "When a man attacks an enemy, when the unexpected. Jun Yan by day No, not at GU have three of the consideration exists?" Shi Le said: "Of course for it and how?" Zhang Bin said: "You state Pengzu the far, the only war 3, all this disaffection, but also for the enemy, this is no outside support to anti-I. Youzhou hunger Jian, everyone Shushi, deserted, a few weak brigade, this is not within the armed forces to Royal I . If the armies in the suburbs, will fall apart. this is not three Jing, General military thousands of miles in order to be able to sign Youzhou suspended also. Light from the military, not 2 late. to make three-move, and potential spin foot toe. should be made Electrical Do not post, also. and Liu Kun, Wang Jun Jin winnow basket though the same name, in fact, enemies. If the repair 笺 in Kun, please send quality, Kun will be pleased to have me, hi to eliminate dredging, dredging and hit the end I did not save also. "Shi Le, said:" Wu Suo not, Hou has the right, and what the suspect Zai Fu "(" Book of Jin Shi Le containing remember ")! Messenger was sent messengers and Liu Kun, Liu Kun really not only did not help Wang Jun, and Shi Le given to enter the convenience.
Shi Le lowly origins, early years, suffering untold rear. His wealth of military ability, degree of political awareness is also quite, since than Liu Bang (the Han emperor Liu Bang), Liu Xiu (ie Han Guangwu), with contempt Cao Cao (the Weiwu Cao Cao), Sima Yi widows and orphans in order to get the world bully. Scholars read "Han" to him, Liu Bangli read Li's six generations of its advise, the Shi Le was shocked, and said how can this unity of the world. Zhang Liang discouraged to hear that, before quickly said, "depends on a the ears." Shi Le deeply ashamed that he was a barbarian, and even created a "people" in the title to give their tribe name. Whenever the word barbarian put in front of him, and have been out of their murder. Later in his death Zumie, his "people" of the dusty mass also even no remaining residue. Shi Le principal staff officer Zhang Bin Han Chinese, he scored after Jizhou county fort wall, collecting "dressed people", composed of "gentlemen's business." After Zhao Jianguo, the "laid the Nobles" distinction Shishu. Personnel selection methods, generally also follows the Nine-rank system. Shile often listened, as stream, for the subjects as to discourage something, sometimes though not consent, for the time being suspended, that is to "minister of the gas directly into the I also."
History contains "Le Additions Xuan-Wen, Mission, Sung Confucianism, Chong Xiang and training more than ten primary schools in the country four, Jane Qiangzuohaoyou to teach the children of hundreds of people, and prepared the attack Tuo Wei," although when the primary schools in the Shang and Zhou already exists, but as has been improved when the University of the Western Han Dynasty, the construction of primary school education is also Shile formally established, so to Shi Hu era "early, Dr. Le Chi Tai Primary School, to a complex home country son, Dr. TA. Ji Election to the Board of Civil Society denounced outside Germany, while the potential of young children over the door for the U.S. government "can see the real post-primary schools Zhao played a role in the education of children. (At the time of generation of primary school, said the text.)
In other words Shile school in each county have established official responsible for local education. And the establishment of local schools, recruiting 150 people per county, to pass three exams to graduate, as a country to train reserve cadres.
Liu Yuan is finished if the pioneer is finished a master of Emperor Xiaowen, Shi Le no doubt that 20 years took over the baton. Although subject to the limitations of the times, he could not as thorough as Emperor Xiaowen, but compared with the later Yuan and Qing rulers, Shile you had better open more.
Although Shi Le was illiterate, but he is not dumb, often a lot of heroes who allusions, Shi Le was no exception
6 Guardian (long) evil Quan
Stone of Prince Philip, 330 set up as a crown prince, following the stone Ledeng Ji. 334 to Shi Hong Shi Hu, Hong mother Cheng, Shi Hong, Shi Hui brothers confinement, immediately ordered the killing.