姓: | 刘 | |||||||||||||||
名: | 渊 | |||||||||||||||
字: | 元海 | |||||||||||||||
网笔号: | 光文皇帝 | |||||||||||||||
庙号: | 高祖 | |||||||||||||||
陵墓: | 永光陵 | |||||||||||||||
八王之乱爆发后,成都王司马颖执政镇邺,又署刘渊为宁朔将军,监五部军事。其时由于中原战乱,并州境内的汉族居民大都流徙江南,在并州胡汉势力的分布和力量对比发生了重大变化,匈奴刘氏贵族见有机可乘,开始策划“兴邦复业”,起兵反晋。刘渊的从祖父刘宣对其族人说:“昔我先人与汉约为兄弟,忧泰同之,自汉以来、魏晋代兴、我单于虽有虚号,无尺土之业,自诸王侯,降同编户。今司马氏骨肉相残,四海鼎沸,兴邦复业此其时也,左贤王元海姿器绝人,斡宇超世,天若不恢崇单于,终不虚生此人也。”不久,并州刺史司马腾与安北将军王浚联合进攻司马颖。司马颖想以匈奴为外援,遂拜刘渊为北单于、参丞相事。刘渊托称要回并州招募五部匈奴,于是返回左国城(今山西离石县)。刘渊回到离石后,被诸部匈奴共推为大单于,二旬之间,拥众五万。西晋永兴元年( 304年自称汉王,改年号为元熙,追尊刘禅为孝怀皇帝,立汉高祖以下三祖五宗为神主以祭之,立妻呼廷氏为王后。署置百官,以从祖父刘宣为丞相,经师崔游为御史大夫,宗室刘宏为太尉,建立汉国。
西晋永兴二年( 305年),司马腾再次出兵讨伐刘渊、部将司马瑜、周良等驻军汾阳,刘渊派武牙将军刘钦等前往阻击,前后四战四捷,刘钦大胜而还。这年离石发生大饥荒,刘渊派太尉刘宏、护军马景等驻守离石,自率大军开赴上党壶关(今山西壶关县)。
光熙元年( 306年),司马越为太傅,进表原并州刺史司马腾为东燕王,以刘琨为并州刺史。刘琨到并州后,由于饥荒与战争,此地百姓难以自存,吏民万余人由李恽等率领,随司马腾流亡冀州,组成“乞活军”。留居并州的汉族居民不足二万。刘琨只好到上党组织军队,得三百余人,受到刘渊部将刘景的攻击,在上党无法立足,遂转战至晋阳(今山西太原市南)。其时,侍中刘殷、王育等向刘渊进言说:“殿下自起兵以来,已历数载,但仍偏守一方,王威未震。如能集四方兵力,并力一战,拿下河东,建立帝号,再挥师西南,攻克长安,然后以此为都城,征发关中之兵,取洛阳,灭西晋则易知翻掌了。这也正是高祖皇帝创立基业的方略。”刘渊听了大喜,遂发兵攻克了蒲阪(今山西永济县)、平阳(今山西临汾市)据有河东全境。这时,中原起义的汲桑、王弥、石勒及鲜卑陆逐延等都纷纷归降刘渊,迅速在并州形成了各族人民共同反晋的巨大浪潮。
永嘉二年( 308年),刘渊正式称帝,迁都平阳,国号为汉。宗室刘氏以亲疏远近为等级,都封郡县王,异姓以谋谟战动相次封为郡县公、侯。以刘宣为丞相,刘宏为太尉,刘和为大司马,刘欢乐为大司徒,呼延翼为大司空,呼延攸为宗正。
永嘉四年( 310年)七月,刘渊病重,以陈王刘欢乐为太宰,长乐王刘详为太傅,楚王刘聪为大司马、大单于。不久病卒,历位六年。庙号高祖;谥号光文皇帝;葬永光陵;曾用年号:元熙(304年十月—308年九月);永凤:(308年十月—309年四月):河瑞:(309年五月—310年六月)。
咸熙中,为任子在洛阳,文帝深待之。泰始之后,浑又屡言之于武帝。帝召与语,大悦之,谓王济曰:“刘元海容仪机鉴,虽由余、日磾无以加也。”济对曰:“元海仪容机鉴,实如圣旨,然其文武才干贤于二子远矣。陛下若任之以东南之事,吴会不足平也。” 帝称善。孔恂、杨珧进曰:“臣观元海之才,当今惧无其比,陛下若轻其众,不足以成事;若假之威权,平吴之后,恐其不复北渡也。非我族类,其心必异。任之以本部,臣窃为陛下寒心。若举天阻之固以资之,无乃不可乎!”帝默然。
永嘉二年,元海僭即皇帝位,大赦境内,改元永凤。以其大将军刘和为大司马,封梁王,尚书令刘欢乐为大司徒,封陈留王,御史大夫呼延翼为大司空,封雁州郡公,宗室以亲疏为等,悉封郡县王,异姓以勋谋为差,皆封郡县公侯。太史令宣于修之言于元海曰:“ 陛下虽龙兴凤翔。奄受大命,然遗晋未殄,皇居仄陋,紫宫之变,犹钟晋氏,不出三年,必克洛阳。薄子崎岖,非可久安。平阳势有紫气,兼陶唐旧都,愿陛下上迎乾象,下协坤祥。”于是迁都平阳。汾水中得玉玺,文曰“有新保之”,盖王莽时玺也。得者因增“泉海光”三字,元海以为己瑞,大赦境内,改年河瑞。封子裕为齐王,隆为鲁王。
和字玄泰。身长八尺,雄毅美姿仪,好学夙成,习《毛诗》、《左氏春秋》、《郑氏易》。及为储贰,内多猜忌,驭下无恩。元海死,和嗣伪位。其卫尉西昌王刘锐、宗正呼延攸恨不参顾命也,说和曰:“先帝不惟轻重之计,而使三王总强兵于内,大司马握十万劲卒居于近郊,陛下今便为寄坐耳。此之祸难,未可测也,顾陛下早为之所。”和即攸之甥也,深然之,召其领军刘盛及刘钦、马景等告之。盛曰:“先帝尚在殡宫,四王未有逆节,今忽一旦自相鱼肉,臣恐人不食陛下之余。四海未定,大业甫尔,愿陛下以上成先帝鸿基为志,且塞耳勿听此狂简之言也。《诗》云:‘岂无他人,不如我同父。’陛下既不信诸弟,复谁可信哉!”锐、攸怒曰:“今日之议,理无有二。”于是命左右刃之。景惧曰:“惟陛下诏,臣等以死奉之,蔑不济矣。 ”乃相与盟于东堂,使锐、景攻聪,攸率刘安国攻裕,使侍中刘乘、武卫刘钦攻鲁王隆,尚书田密、武卫刘璿攻北海王乂。密、璿等使人斩关奔于聪,聪命贯甲以待之。锐知聪之有备也,驰还,与攸、乘等会攻隆、裕。攸、乘惧安国、钦之有异志也,斩之。是日,斩裕及隆。聪攻西明门,克之。锐等奔入南宫,前锋随之,斩和于光极西室。锐、攸枭首通衢。
After the outbreak of the Eight Princes, Chengdu Wang Sima Ying Ye town governance, but also the Department of Liu Yuan was Ningshuojiangjun, five military prison. The time since the war the Central Plains, and most residents in the state of Han Chinese migration in the Yangtze River, and the state of Hu and Han in the distribution of power and the balance of power has undergone major changes, the Huns Liu nobility see their chance to start planning, "helped rally the nation to resume business," raise an army against Jin . Liu Yuan Liu Xuan from the grandfather of their tribe, said: "Xi Han is about my ancestors and brothers, with the Thai concern, since the Han, Wei Dai-xing, although I Chanyu virtual number, not a foot of land for industry, since all princes, down with the family code. fratricidal this Sima, universal with people, prosperous country This is the time to resume business, Zuoxian Wang Yuan Hai Zi device must people turn buildings over the world, if not restore Chong Chanyu days, finally the truth of Health This is human. "shortly, and prefectural governor and security Sima Teng joint attack North Division of General Wang Jun Ma Ying. Sima Ying would like to Hun as foreign aid, then thanks to Liu Yuan for the North Chanyu, reference something the prime minister. Liu Yuan asked to return to and State, said the recruitment of five Huns, then left the country returned to the city (today Shanxi Lishi County). Back Lishi Liu Yuan, the Huns were tribes were pushing for the big Chanyu, between the second ten days, pro-public 50000. The first year of the Western Jin Yongxing (304 claiming Kingship, changing era name for the element Xi, Zhuizun Emperor Liu Chan Wai as filial piety, the following three Zuwu Zong Li Han emperor to sacrifice of the altar, Li Ting's wife calls for the queen. Department home Baiguan to declare as prime minister from his grandfather Liu, Yu Cui by division for the royal doctor, for the imperial family Liu Qiu, build up the country.
Mitsuhiro first year (306 years), the more Tutor Sima, Sima into the form of the original and the prefectural governor for the East Yan Wang Teng, and to Liu Kun as the prefectural governor. Liu Kun to and the state, due to famine and war, the people here is difficult to self-existence, Answer to thousand people, led by Li Yun, etc., with the Sima Teng Jizhou exile, formed a "living begging the military." Stay and less than 20,000 residents of the state of Han. Liu Kun had to the party armed forces, have three hundred people, by the Ministry of Liu Yuan Jing-attack base in the Party can not, then he moved to Jinyang (now south of Taiyuan in Shanxi). The time, sijung Liu Yin, Wang Yu and other words to Liu Yuan Jin said: "His Highness has since raised his army, has been listing the set, but still attached to one side, Wei-no shock. If set four troops, easy exchange of a war, to take Under the east of the river, the establishment of Timor number, and then commanded the troops on Southwest, captured Chang'an, then this is the capital, made off in the levy soldiers, to take Luoyang, poverty is easy to know Fanzhang the Western Jin Dynasty. This is the foundation of the strategy of creating the Emperor Gao Zu. "Liu Yuan heard rejoicing, then his troops captured the Gamasaka (now Yongji County, Shanxi Province), Binh Duong (now Shanxi Linfen city) east of the river, according to a territory. At this time, Ji Sang Chung Yuan Christian uprising for Gas, Shi Le and Xianbei Lu Yan and so clique are surrendering by Liu Yuan, and the state formed rapidly in the common people of all the great wave of anti-Jin.
Yongjia years (308 years), Liu Yuan official emperor, moved the capital Pingyang, the country for the Chinese. Royalty Liu closeness to the scale to have sealed the king counties, seeking a different surname to move with time labeled mo war counties public, Hou. As the prime minister of Liu Xuan, Liu was Qiu, Liu and for large Sima, Liu joy for the Tai Situ, Huyan wing for large Sagong, Huyan Yau is being examined.
Bao's wife Huyan, Weijia Ping Chi child in the gantry in, Eer a big fish, the top two corner, Villa dorsal scales and to sacrifice the jump, the long time is going. Witches and wizards are differences, said: "This Jiaxiang also." The Night's Dream Once people see the fish into the left hand to a thing, as large as half an egg, before the project is very, Professor Hu Yan's, said: "This is a fine day, clothes of be blessed with children. "Wu told the leopard, the leopard said:" Kat attest. I Xi Zhang Jiong from Handan Stuart's mother phase, cloud your children and grandchildren when I, III, will be major chang, imitation carry on like a match. "naturally March 10 born per sea, left the text in name, then submitted name Yan. Shed the milk teeth replace the milk teeth Yinghui, year-old mother was worried Pi jump howl, Aigan near neighbors, clan tribe Xiangong admire. When Sagong Taiyuan Wang Chang Wen and Yoshiyuki and removal hanging contribute to funeral expenses. Studious child, teacher was Shangdang Cui Yu, Xi "Mao", "Kyoto's easy", "Ma Shang", especially good "Zuo Zhuan", "Sun Wubing Law," are a little chorus, "History "" Han ", philosophers, without exception, overview. Chang Wei Zhu Ji with his disciples, Noritaka said: "I view the book for each transmission, often rustic land with no weapons, reduced irrigation without text. Tao Hung by the people, a thing of wonder who, solid man of integrity, the disgrace. Two students met high Monkey King can not build the industry, both public and are not open Xiang Xu Taizong of the United States, Xi Zai! "So then learn military affairs, obviously in the minority, Yuanbishanshe, muscle. Attitude instrument burly, eight feet four inches in length, to be more than three feet long, be careful with red hair of three, three feet six inches long. Yi Cui has Tunliu of, xiangling Yu and other public teachers, are good with people, and see element sea, frightened and with that said: "This person appearance is very, Wu Suo no also." So deep with respect, to promote sub-node en . Taiyuan Wang Hun virtual breasted friends, and life thanks to child economic Yan.
Later Qin cool the defeat of Emperor domain consultative generals, Shangdang Li Xi said: "Your Majesty, the Huns sincere to send five of the people, leave the sea for a general element of the number, the drum line of the West, may be the period may be." Hole Xun Yue : "Li Kung words, the reason patients are not entirely exterminate." Xi excitedly said: "The King defended by Hun Yuan sea Xiaobing, Feng Xuan Shengwei, where there are endless for!" Xun said: "Hai Yuan If Pingliang state, cut the tree function, they may have difficulty Liangzhou side ear. dragons have clouds and rain, non-complex Chizhong Wu also. "Emperor Naizhi. For Gas from Luoyang East after the return, per-site in nine sea preserves the shore. Weeping that Mi said: "Wang Hun, Lee Xi Qu see the townships know, every match up, slander lends into the room, deep XI'AN willing, adequate damage. I love this no official, but a single step out of. Fear of death Luoyang, John and another son. "because of the generous Xu Xi, Zongjiu shouts and natural light tone, sitting by whom runny nose. King of Qi Yau 9 when compared to removal as the smell of glass, see Yuan sea in turn, all made on the emperor said: "His Majesty did not inter Liuyuan Hai, Chen Ning fear and the state shall not be long." Wang Jin Hun said: "Long Hai Yuan who muddy the King and Wang Baoming. and extremely large letter customs Jin sides and lofty morality, Ruzhi He Meng of a non-paternity child murder suspect to show non-Hong Jin Tak. "emperor said:" Hun word is also. "
Ying as Huang Tai brother, younger brother of dollars and the sea was too XiaoWei Tuen ride. Emperor Hui Ying cutting, secondary to swing Yin, Hai Ying Fu Yuan leave the country, General, Governor North Kimori things. And six military defeat, Ying Hai-Yuan General for the championship, closing Lunu Bo. And the prefectural governor East win public Teng, On the North, General Wang Jun, from the army attack Ying, Yuan Yin said, the sea, said: "This year two towns overbearing, over thousands of public, Kong Fei Old Guard, and nearly all Shishu can Yuzhi, Please His Royal Highness also said that five to go to the national crisis. "Ying said:" five of the public to keep their hair has not? Even if they could send the Xianbei, Karasuma Jin-speed such as the situation, it is easy to be as evil? Wu Yu Feng Cheng Yu Also Luoyang, avoid its Fengrui, Xu Chuanxi world to Nishun and rule. Junyi collecting? "Yuan Hai said:" His Highness the son of Emperor Wu, there Distinction in the royal family, Wayne optical contact, four-Hai Qin Feng, Shu Bu His Royal Highness thought to be dead to vote footer who zai, How difficult is issued has almost! Wang Jun Shuzi, East win thinning is, how can evil with His Highness Zhengheng! Highness stage beyond Ye Gong, weakness in people, to almost Luoyang reusable? vertical up to Luoyang, authoritarian no longer in the Royal Highness. Paper Xi-foot book, who man mailer! and East Hu defended by no more than five, like His Highness Mian Fu Sze Chung, Jing to the town of, as to His Highness to two destroyed East win, 3 Xiao Wang Jun, head of the second shaft may be about to happen and hanging carry on. "Ying Yue, thanks to the sea for the North Chanyu element, reference the prime minister the military. Element Sea-to-left Chinatown, Liu Xuan and other big Chanyu number, the second ten days between the public has 50 000, are in Lishi.
Wing Hing first year, per the sea is for the altar in the southern suburbs, unauthorized or Hanwang bit, order said: "I Taizu former emperor to have already been taken to be of high, open profile cause. Taizong Emperor Hsiao-wen weight to Matilda, Sheng-ping Han Road. King Sejong Takatake Extension Soil Resisting the Foreigners, to date over Tang. in cases of Xiao Xuan Emperor Yang Jun Yi in search, multi-disability earnings towards. is my step 3 ancestral Road, King of high power five emperors, so in times of Xia and Shang Pu, Pu over the world Ji's. The element into more secluded, flat short Ai Zuo, Zeichen Wang Mang, monstrous Cuanni. I gave birth to the world capital Zuguang Wu Sheng-wu emperor, recovery Hongji, Si-Han with days, without losing the old material, to serve three lights night and see again, Artifact quiet was undone. Exoteric Takaaki emperor Su-tsung emperor regressive leaf weight Takaaki Hui, Yan-ray and then explain. self and security have been later, Huang Gang gradually ruined the sky further difficulties, the National Unification frequency must. Huangjin sea boiling in Kyushu, group castrate drug flow in the seas, Dong consequent wantonly its wild Bo, Cao Son vicious reverse search. so filial pity Committee abandoned the nations, Lady Gan broadcast more Min Shu, Ji has eventually Thai, Xuan Zhen old Beijing. He did not plan days regret disaster, embarrassment disgrace after the emperor. from Sajik fallen, not ancestral temple of the four ten years since fresh blood carry on. Today lure their sincerely, repent evil Emperor Han, Diego Sima's father and his sons kill each other off. Li Shu, destruction against Inherit . Solitary this rustic for the group of hall push Sosu three ancestors of the industry. Gu hereby costumes, dark, war anxiety extravagant house. But the big shame is not snow the boat without the Lord, title bile habitat ice, Mian from the group discussions. "is the pardon of their territory reign Xi Yuan, Xiao-Huai Zhuizun for the Emperor Liu Chan, Li Han emperor of the following three Zu Wuzong ancestral Erji. Li's wife as queen Huyan. Home Baiguan to Liu Xuan as the prime minister, Cui Yu as royal doctor, Liu was Qiu granted each other thanks to poor.
Then enter orders for Gas Kou Zi Cong and Luoyang, Liu Yao and Zhao solid whom such successor. Wang Yue Ping North East China, General Cao Wu removal, pumping, General Song, Peng silent interval of, the royal forces defeat. Cong such a long drive to Yiyang, mold removal company, General Chunyu Pyeongchang determined Lvyi Deng from the discussion of Chang'an, war in Yiyang, will be so defeat. Cong rely straight, not equipment, Hongnong prefect wall extension false surrender. Night attack, Cong troops were routed and also, Yuan Hai Su Fu Ying division.
And the word Yuen-tai. Eight feet in length, Xiong Yi Timmia instrument, studious Su Cheng, Xi "Mao", "Zuo Spring and Autumn", "Zheng Yi." And for the storage II, within the more suspicion, Yu-En under the no. Yuan Hai dead, and the heir pseudo bit. The Wei Wei Liu Rui Wang Xichang, are being examined Huyan reference Gu Ming Yau only we'd have, say, and said: "Xiandibuwei severity measure, Er Shi Wang Zongjiang three soldiers on, the great King Death Sima hold thousands of suburban living, this will be His Majesty Send to sit for the ear. the scourge of this difficult, sure of the outcome measure is also, as early as moved by the care of His Majesty. "and that You-the nephew also, deep course of the response of their leader Liu Sheng and LIU Qin, Ma told the King so. Sheng said: "Xiandi still funeral house, four kings, not against the festival, now suddenly when Zixiang fish, Chen afraid people do not eat more than His Majesty. Universal yet, just cause of Seoul, more than willing to become His Majesty as Chi Hung Kai Xian Di, and stopped their ears not to listen to this crazy also simple words. "Poetry,": 'Qi no others, than I am with the Father.' Your Majesty neither letter Zhu Di, who trusted Zai Fu! "sharp, angry Yau said:" The meeting today , no reason for two. "So around edge of life. King fear, saying: "but His Majesty Chao, Chen Deng to die mailer, contempt bad carry on." Alliance in the East Hall is the phase, so sharp, King Cong attack, attack Yu Yau Guo Liu rate, so sijung by Liu, Bue Qin-attack Luwang Long, Shang Shutian dense, Bue Liu Xuan Wang Yi in the North Sea attack. Dense, Xuan other people cut off Ben in Cong, Cong to be of a consistent life. Rui Cong know of are prepared also, Chi also, and Yau, will be attacked by other Lung, Yu. Yau, by fear of Yasukuni, there are differences of Chi Chin also, cut the. A day, cutting off and Long Yu. Cong attack Ximing door grams. Rui other Benru Shadows, forward along, chop and light pole in the West Room. Rui, You-owl first thoroughfare.