法兰西第五共和国 List of Authors
Charles de GaulleAlain PoherGeorges Pompidou
Valéry Giscard d'EstaingFrançois MitterrandJacques René Chirac
Nicolas SarkozyFrançois HollandeEmmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
François Mitterrand
法兰西第五共和国  (October 26, 1916 ADJanuary 8, 1996 AD)
Reign1981 AD1995 AD

  In 1946, in the Nièvre elected National Assembly, served as Minister for Veterans, Overseas Territories Minister, State Minister, Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Justice.
  In 1982, as unemployment increased, so cut back public spending liberal policies.
  May 1995, term of office expires retire, but the following year on January 8 died due to prostate cancer. In recent years, has information that he was elected president in 1981 has been suffering from cancer, half the time in office to exercise his presidential powers to the difficulties.
<< Previous King: 夏尔·戴高乐法兰西第五共和国François Mitterrand
(1981 AD1995 AD)
Served alongside: 阿兰·波厄
Next King >>: 乔治·让·蓬皮杜

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