法兰西第五共和国 List of Authors
Charles de GaulleAlain PoherGeorges Pompidou
Valéry Giscard d'EstaingFrançois MitterrandJacques René Chirac
Nicolas SarkozyFrançois HollandeEmmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
Alain Poher
法兰西第五共和国  (April 17, 1909 ADDecember 9, 1996 AD)
Reign1969 AD1969 AD

  Alain Émile Louis Marie Poher (17 April 1909 – 9 December 1996) was a French centrist politician, affiliated first with the Popular Republican Movement and later with the Democratic Centre. He served as a Senator for Val-de-Marne from 1946 to 1995. He was President of the Senate from 3 October 1968 to 1 October 1992 and, in that capacity, served twice as the country's interim president. Candidate in the 1969 presidential election, he was defeated by Georges Pompidou in the second round.

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