卡佩王朝 人物列錶
於格·卡佩 Hugues Capet羅貝爾二世 Robert II le Pieux亨利一世 Henri I
腓力一世 Philippe Ier路易六世 Louis VI le Gros路易七世 Louis VII le jeune
腓力二世 Philippe II Auguste路易八世 Louis VIII le Lion路易九世 Louis IX
腓力三世 Philippe III le Hardi腓力四世 Philippe le Bel路易十世 Louis X le Hutin
約翰一世 John I of France腓力五世 Philippe V查理四世 Charles IV le Bel
腓力二世 Philippe II Auguste
卡佩王朝  (1165年八月21日1223年七月14日)

  腓力二世·奧古斯都(法語:Philippe II Auguste,1165年8月21日-1223年7月14日)法國卡佩王朝國王(1180年—1223年在位)。
   1. 埃諾的伊莎貝拉,阿圖瓦伯爵(女),埃諾伯爵博杜安五世之女,1180年結婚
   * 路易八世
   2. 丹麥的英格博格,丹麥國王瓦爾德馬一世之女,1193年結婚
   * 無子女
   3. 默朗的阿格尼絲,默朗公爵貝爾托爾四世之女,1196年結婚
   * 瑪麗
   * 讓-特裏斯坦
   * 菲利普·於勒佩爾,布洛涅伯爵
   4. 阿拉斯的“一位貴婦”
   * 皮埃爾·夏洛特,圖爾主教

  Philip II Augustus (French: Philippe II Auguste, 1165 年 8 月 21 日 -1 223 years July 14) King of France Capet dynasty (reigned 1180 -1,223).
  Louis VII on September 18, 1180 after the death of 15-year-old Philip II became King of France only. His uncle, Henry I, Earl of Champagne, Archbishop of Reims and Chartres Guillaume Debuluwa Count Thibaud V was declared regent of France.
  Philip II was in 1189 ~ 1192 Third Crusade leaders. Two other major European monarch, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I and King Richard I also took part in the Crusades. No results in this Crusade: Frederick drowned when to cross the river in Asia Minor, Philip II and Richard parted ways obvious contradiction (Philip returned to France in 1191). Richard Saladin separate peace negotiations with Muslim leaders after the way back was the new Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI vassal, Duke Leopold V of Austria captured. Henry VI, became an important ally of Philip II, who opposed the issue of Richard is unanimous. Philip keeps eroding the territorial behavior of Plantagenet Richard finally lead to counter-attack: the Flemish Count Baudoult IX and King Sancho VI of Navarre with the support of Richard I in France, native to Philip attack. Philip got hit one time seemed as Sancho VI of the invasion from the south of France. However, Richard I, very bad luck. Philip difficult to reach with a 5-year truce (January 13, 1199), the siege of his old enemy Richard to the territory of Limoges Fort Challut. He was shot in the Kosovo war, the soon died of his wounds. Philip's campaign management check did not yield any significant results.
  Logical investigation I, after the death of Philip II continued to oppose his successor, John (the youngest son of Henry II). John Philip and the first conflict broke out in 1200, causes the latter marriage with Isabella Angouleme. Isabella Angouleme originally Marche cell count in the 10 World Delu economic Ang's fiancee, her marriage to John Lu Aung families of the economic territory of a possible dowry, then at the request of Philip Gede Lv economic Ang II justice. Philip II seized the opportunity to crack down on John, he asked his capacity as lord vassal, Duke John to France Aquitaine responding. Was John in the course of the rejected, Philip Plantagenet family in France that all territories have been confiscated, King of France. Philip and in 1202 an alliance with the Duke of Brittany Eerdier I,. Aerdier is John's nephew, he has the right to inherit the throne of England, Plantagenet of many French client want to use him to replace the self-willed, John. Philip I of using it to lure Aerdier allegiance to him, agreed pincer John territories (Normandy and Poitou). However Eerdier in July 31, 1203 at Mirabeau in the vicinity was John's surprise, was captured and taken to Rouen. Soon Eerdier mysteriously disappeared, generally agreed that he was ordered to kill John. Philip II was picked to understand the position against John, so again in the Normandy invasion; he destroyed many castles, the concentration of troops to attack Fort William Gaillard. While British soldiers fought bravely, this defense works, or in March 6, 1204 fall. Philip then had fallen into the hands of Normandy. Amazing, in Philip II invasion of Normandy, John was returned to England.
  Bouvines historic battle. It is not only in Western Europe since the fall of Rome, the first casualties occurred in a major battle, but also represents France replaced Germany as Europe's major countries. German history in the future weakening, split, and France in the Hundred Years War, became the number one power in Western Europe.
  Building in Paris
  The object of previous marriages and children born:
  2. Denmark Ingeborg, daughter of Danish King Ward Mayi Shi, 1193 married
  * Mary
  4. Arras, "a lady"
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