一戰中崛起 人物列錶
本傑明·哈裏森 Benjamin Harrison史蒂芬·格羅弗·剋利夫蘭 Stephen Grover Cleveland
威廉·麥金萊 William McKinley西奧多·羅斯福 Theodore Roosevelt
威廉·霍華德·塔夫脫 William Howard Taft托馬斯·伍德羅·威爾遜 Thomas Woodrow Wilson
威廉·麥金萊 William McKinley
一戰中崛起  (1843年元月29日1901年九月14日)

  威廉·麥金萊(William McKinley,1843年1月29日-1901年9月14日),美國政治傢,在1896年擊敗當時的威廉·詹寧斯·布萊恩當選總統。第25任總統(1897年3月4日 – 1901年9月14日),共和黨人。麥金萊曾迫於當時《紐約日報》創辦人威廉·赫斯特帶動的激情主義輿論風潮,發動美西戰爭,占領古巴和菲律賓,鎮壓菲律賓當地的民族起義運動。他對中國實行門戶開放政策,加入八國聯軍入侵中國,鎮壓中國的義和團運動。在他的帶領下,美國開始了內戰後的大規模對外擴張,進入了帝國主義時期。在經濟方面,他實行金本位制度,使美國經濟大大繁榮,被稱為“繁榮總統”。1901年,他被無政府主義者裏昂·柯佐羅滋槍殺身亡。

  William McKinley Jr. (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th President of the United States, and the last veteran of the American Civil War to be elected to the office.
  By the 1880s, McKinley was a national Republican leader; his signature issue was high tariffs on imports as a formula for prosperity, as typified by his McKinley Tariff of 1890. As the Republican candidate in the 1896 presidential election, he upheld the gold standard, and promoted pluralism among ethnic groups. His campaign, designed by Mark Hanna, introduced new advertising-style campaign techniques that revolutionized campaign practices and beat back the crusading of his arch-rival, William Jennings Bryan. The 1896 election is often considered a realigning election that marked the beginning of the Progressive Era.
  McKinley presided over a return to prosperity after the Panic of 1893. He launched the Spanish-American War, widely popular due to the efforts of the yellow press, using the context of Spanish atrocities in Cuba. Later he annexed the former Spanish territories of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam, and set up a protectorate over Cuba. He also presided over the annexation of the formerly independent Kingdom of Hawaii. McKinley was reelected in the 1900 presidential election after another intense campaign against Bryan, this one focused on foreign policy. After McKinley's assassination in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz, an American anarchist of Polish descent, he was succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt.
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