塞维鲁王朝 List of Authors
Septimius SeverusCaracallaMarcus Opellius Macrinus
Marcus Opellius Antoninus DiadumenianusElagabalusAlexander Severus
塞维鲁王朝  (April 4, 186 ADApril 8, 217 AD)
Reign211 AD217 AD

  * Royal Decree issued by Ann Alto, Ninu Si (Constitutio Antoniniana), all of the Roman Empire was born a free man will be given full Roman citizenship, to provide revenue to increase the number of residents with the service.
  Accession to the throne and rule
  In the year AD 213, Caracalla visited the Rhine and the German line of defense against the Great Wall (Limes Germanicus) about six months, he would only ditch and the fence of the local stone and brick into the defense line composed. Yin Tai four times the line of defense, stepped up some great success.
  The legendary British king
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(211 AD217 AD)
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