金雀花王朝 人物列錶
亨利二世 Henry II Curmantle理查一世 Richard I約翰 King John Lackland
亨利三世 Henry III愛德華一世 Edward Ⅰ愛德華二世 Edward II
愛德華三世 Edward III理查二世 Richard II
理查一世 Richard I
金雀花王朝  (1157年九月8日1199年四月6日)

  理查一世(Richard I,1157年9月8日-1199年4月6日)為英格蘭國王亨利二世的次子,接續父位成為金雀花王朝的第二位國王,1189年至 1199年在位。他同時是諾曼底公爵(另稱理查四世)、阿基坦公爵、安茹伯爵。他徵戰沙場總是一馬當先,如獅子般勇猛頑強,所以綽號獅心理查(Richard the Lionheart)。
  理查青少年時住在法國阿基坦,與母親艾琳娜一起。1168年,他受封阿基坦公爵。1184年,由於長兄亡故,他成為王位繼承人。1188年至 1189年,他串通法王腓力二世對父親發動叛亂,成功奪取王位。原因是他父親改立幼子約翰為王儲。
  1190年,理查和腓力二世發起第三次十字軍東徵。1191年,他們占領塞浦路斯,攻下阿卡,但進軍耶路撒冷遭到薩拉丁抵抗而未果。然而,理查和薩拉丁兩人間的英雄相惜情操與風範,卻廣泛流傳後世成為美談。1192年 9月,理查以基督徒自由出入耶路撒冷為條件,與薩拉丁議和。
  但他在回國中途被奧地利公爵利奧波德五世俘虜,並轉交給神聖羅馬帝國皇帝亨利六世。皇帝將他監禁在特裏斐爾絲的山上城堡。理查母後艾琳娜與坎特伯雷大主教華爾特(Hubert Walter)極力奔走,終以 15 萬馬剋在 1194年贖回理查。
  理查的王後是納瓦爾的伯倫加莉亞(Berengaria of Navarre,c. 1165/1170-1230),無子女。歷史傢因此質疑這樁婚姻的實質如何,甚至懷疑理查可能傾嚮同性戀。傳聞對象是一同參加第三次十字軍的法國國王腓力二世。

  1190, Richard and Philip II launched the Third Crusade. 1191, they occupied Cyprus, the capture of Acre, but the resistance to enter Jerusalem, Saladin was rather unsuccessful. However, both Richard and Saladin sentiment among the heroes Xiang Xi and style, but later became his brother's wife widespread. September 1192, Richard to Christians free access to Jerusalem for the condition, and Saladin peace negotiations.
  Richard King as ten years, long-term external campaign, a total of only six months in the country, internal affairs and more control by the Walter. He does not speak English at home a very short time, four prisoners were caused by people's campaign and the heavy financial burden. However, the people are very appreciative of his style as full of medieval knights. Secondly, he often went abroad out, so the power expansion of aristocratic family, was laying the foundation for future constitutional development.
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