江户时代 List of Authors
Emperor Ming isEmperor after the lightAfter the Western Emperor
Nakamikado Emperor
Rensiao Emperor
江户时代  (September 23, 1771 ADDecember 11, 1840 AD)
Tomb: 后月轮陵
Reign1779 AD1817 AD
天明1781 AD1788 AD
宽政1789 AD1800 AD
享和1801 AD1803 AD
文化1804 AD1817 AD

  But his most important piece of deeds, than honorific event. Since the emperor's father missed the Imperial Code of Prince Jen, so he hopes to add too much on his father Emperor's appellation, to show filial piety, however, that this would be confusing higher status Shogunate, oppose the amendment.
  When the Emperor in 1817, gave way to hae in Wales, and died in 1840, the posthumous title of "optical lattice" is the restoration of the Emperor since Mitsutaka not used since the last millennium style posthumous title of the Han, buried in the tomb on wheels.
  * Dawn
  * Culture
  Age Edo era
  Taboo teacher Jen
  Born September 23, 1771 (1771-09-23)
  Father, Prince Jen Kaninnomiya Code
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(1779 AD1817 AD)
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