平安时代 List of Authors
Chun and the EmperorJen King tomorrow
Emperor Uda
Emperor DaigoEmperor Suzaku
Huashan EmperorAn emperor
Emperor after threeShirakawa TennōEmperor Toba
Zonta EmperorAfter the Emperor Shirakawa
Emperor Takakura
After the Emperor Shirakawa
平安时代  (1127 AD1192 AD)
Reign1155 AD1158 AD
保元April 27, 1156 ADApril 20, 1159 AD

  Toba emperor is the emperor Shirakawa after the Second Prince. In 1155, Emperor Konoe died within royal succession to the throne of the problem, place a strong fight. Then the two overlord - that Konoe's father, Emperor Toba and Emperor's brother Zonta Uehata Guards also are dead. Zonta Uehata want to reset, or passed to his son Chung-jen, Wales; and Toba Emperor claims to the throne his son, Prince Masahito. The problem of succession to the throne, Fujiwara's also appeared within the opposition. Fujiwara loyalty through relevant support after the White Emperor Shirakawa, but left long supported the Minister Fujiwara Lai Zonta Uehata. Results Toba Uehata the upper hand, Masahito Prince ascended the throne as the 77th generation of the emperor - Emperor Shirakawa after. This caused dissatisfaction Zonta Uehata, he in 1156 (for keeping the first year) after the death of Emperor Toba, contact Fujiwara Lai Cheung, Yuen Yi for the other prepared to retake the throne. But their plot was detected the following Emperor Shirakawa, emperor of the Wu Shiping Chiang Saen joint, Minamoto no Yoshitomo and so had a pre-emptive. The two sides battle, Fujiwara Lai long shot dead by flow vector. The results, Zonta Uehata lost, went to Ninna-ji became a monk and was later exiled to the field. After 8 years, he repeatedly called back to living in the capital, have not been approved. In 1146, Zonta Uehata in the desolate, depressed and eventually died in poverty.
  On the other hand, Minister Fujiwara Zonta Uehata and left between the close and depend on long-Emperor Toba and Fujiwara Michinori support of Emperor Shirakawa after the confrontation.
  However, the forces of expansion Ping Chiang Saen, so that after the Emperor Shirakawa (Jiaying first year (1169) to enter a monastery after the emperor Shirakawa)-led government forces and a feeling of dissatisfaction with hospital has gradually deepened the antagonism between the parties.
  Ping Chiang Saen wrath of Emperor finally could not stand the practice of ignoring their own. November 14 the same year, he personally led a force from the blessing of the original (now Kobe) to Beijing the next day (15) coup d'etat launched by the so-called government contractor. He will be base housing-led anti-Fujiwara's Qin Gui Ping, about 39 people forced to resign all the Elegance Court and the appointment of Qin Gui's pro-peace to replace. To Ping Chiang Saen was afraid of this Emperor is also a request to forgive him, this time did not spare Emperor Ping Chiang Saen. November 20, after the Emperor Shirakawa were confined in the Toba Palace. Since then the political declaration of suspension of White River School, the all powerful Ping Ping Chiang Saen's regime took over.
  1181, Ping Chiang Saen died. Kiso Yoshinaka's forces will be flat out of Kyoto. In 1183, Emperor Ping's ready to hijack and post-Andrew White River Emperor, and Emperor of the artifact, fled west to be. Emperor Shirakawa after the opportunity to escape and returned to the capital immediately after the hunt Ping's release order. When the secret order spread to Minamoto no Yoritomo, Minamoto no Yoritomo so he sent the source and the Origin of Fan Lai command of 50,000 troops conquered by the Kiso Yoshinaka. August 1183, hosted by the Goshirakawa Uehata, in the absence of artifacts in the case of the emperor, Li 4-year-old Prince of respect into place, is the post-Toba Emperor.
  Later, Minamoto no Yoritomo and Minamoto no Yoshitsune discord. In 1189, after the Emperor Shirakawa Yoritomo led his army expedition to allow the source Mutsu Yu, eliminate the protection of Fujiwara Yoshitsune Thai balance, established the National Aggressive treatment system.
  According to 'Mercedes Story' above, its people's passion for travel, much work, the world that "this kind of crazy い." His father, Emperor Toba of "no paper, no use of force, non-energy, Que Arts." Rated.
  August 23, 1155 - September 5, 1158
  True Emperor alias line
  Mother Fujiwara Tamako
  Ping Shigeko
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(1155 AD1158 AD)
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