飞鸟时代 List of Authors
Minda Emperor
Emperor Tenchi
Day reading of the textEmperor holding system
Emperor holding system
飞鸟时代  (645 ADJanuary 13, 703 AD)
Tomb: 桧隈大内陵
Reign686 AD697 AD

  657 years, the sea of people for the Prince (day reading of the text) Princess. 673 years, the Jin to the Queen. Renshen the chaotic days of reading of the text with the same family being in the military. 686 days after the death of weapons, Powerbut that system. 690 Prince Kusakabe death due to the Orient House, is the throne. Gave way in 697 years, the emperor renamed too. "Leaves Collection" in the poetry of its. Kaohsiung County burial after death Asuka village, Nara Prefecture Hinokuma Great Mausoleum.
  Asuka period times
  Posthumous name roots days of big Japanese Japanese women are superior to Hirono
  I am far from wise mother Ji Su
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(686 AD697 AD)
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