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恺撒 Gaius Iulius Caesar安东尼斯巴达克斯 Spartacus
斯巴达克斯 Spartacus
罗马共和国  (前120年前70年)
籍贯: 色雷斯

  斯巴达克斯(Spartacus,约前120年—约公元前70年)是巴尔干半岛东北部的色雷斯人,罗马侵入北希腊时,他被俘虏,并被卖为角斗士奴隶,送到卡普亚城一所角斗士学校参训。他鼓动同伴们夺取武装,逃到维苏威火山上发动起义。 起义队伍由七十余名角斗士很快发展为十余万人,并多次战胜罗马军队。

  Roman Senate declared a state of emergency, order Crassus commanded force to suppress; then fall, rebels battle in Bulutiya heavy losses, was forced to try to spring a surprise attack 71 years ago the Italian port of Brindisi in southern West, crossing Go to Greece. Roman army siege on all sides, and finally a decisive battle will be in Apulia suppressed the uprising, killed Spartacus, remnants persist in many parts of the fighting in Italy for ten years.
  Spartacus uprising in the Decline of the important battles. In the fall of the former 72, the rebels gathered in the Italian peninsula Bulu Ti Weng, plans by Ji Liji pirate ship through the Strait of Messina to Sicily. But the pirates bad faith, failed to provide vessel, Spartacus self-made raft crossing of the plan did not materialize. At this point, Crassus restoration of the old "Decimation" and the rebels behind the most narrowest land dug a large trench across the sea, cutting off their escape route was withdrawn in Italy. After fierce fighting, Spartacus broke through the block, but in the raid, the army has lost nearly two-thirds.

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