后突厥 人物列表
李思摩 Li Saima阿史那斛勃 A Shinahubo阿史那泥熟匐 A Shinanishoufu
阿史那伏念 A Shinafunian阿史那骨咄禄 Ilterish阿史那默啜 A Shinamochuai
阿史那匐俱 A Shinafuju阿史那默棘连 Bilge Khan伊然可汗 Yi Rankehan
登利可汗 Deng Likehan阿史那骨咄 A Shinaguduo颉跌伊施可汗 Jie Dieyishikehan
乌苏米施可汗 Wu Sumishikehan阿史那鹘陇匐 A Shinagulongfu
阿史那骨咄 A Shinaguduo
后突厥  (?741年742年)


  Ashina bone A state of (? -742), The Turkic Khan, this is a bone A state of leaf protection. 741 July, Que left sentenced Butler Binggong kill kill Denley Khan, Filipi Gamma Khan's son as the Khan; Eer bone A state of leaves was killed protecting more established brother; find it to kill his brother, bone A state of self-care leaves for the Khan. Emperor to the Turkish civil strife, life left Habayashi General Sun Laonuzhaoyu Hui He, Ge Luo Lu, pulling tribes learned that secret. 742 in August, Ashina A state of leaf protection of bone was pulled Khan noted dense, Hui He, Ge Luo Lu 3 killed, pulling honey chiefs learned self-reliance for the Iraqi Shi Jie or Khan, Hui He, Ge Luo Lu from the left , right lobe of care. Turk Yuzhong Secret Que Son Kyoritsu facilities for the Wu Sumi Khan.
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