後突厥 人物列錶
李思摩 Li Saima阿史那斛勃 A Shinahubo阿史那泥熟匐 A Shinanishoufu
阿史那伏念 A Shinafunian阿史那骨咄祿 Ilterish阿史那默啜 A Shinamochuai
阿史那匐俱 A Shinafuju阿史那默棘連 Bilge Khan伊然可汗 Yi Rankehan
登利可汗 Deng Likehan阿史那骨咄 A Shinaguduo頡跌伊施可汗 Jie Dieyishikehan
烏蘇米施可汗 Wu Sumishikehan阿史那鶻隴匐 A Shinagulongfu
伊然可汗 Yi Rankehan
後突厥  (?734年734年)


  Izsan Khan (? -734), The Turkic Khan, son of border gamma Khan. 734 years, the border gamma recorded for the powerful minister Mei sip poisoned, Iranian natural Khan to the throne. However, shortly after Iraq's natural Khan died, brother Denley Khan to the throne.
<< 前一君主: 毗伽可汗 阿史那默棘連後突厥伊然可汗 Yi Rankehan
後一君主 >>: 登利可汗

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