西突厥 人物列錶
阿史那室點密 Istami阿史那玷厥 Touxanth泥利可汗 Ni Likehan
阿史那達曼 A Shinadaman射匱可汗 She Kuikehan統葉護可汗 Tong Shehukehan
莫賀咄可汗 Mo Heduokehan阿史那咥力 A Shinadieli阿史那泥孰 A Shinanishu
阿史那同俄 A Shinatonge阿史那薄布 A Shinabaobu阿史那欲𠔌 A Shinayugu
乙毗射匱可汗 Yi Pishekuikehan阿史那賀魯 A Shinahelu
阿史那泥孰 A Shinanishu
西突厥  (?632年634年)
網筆號: 吞阿婁拔奚利咄陸可汗


  628, Mok Ho A state of the assassination of President leaves care Khan, self-reliance for the Khan, he claimed the Great Khan, the Western Turks refused to accept 10 names. Crossbow complete loss of what the Department of mud elected as Khan. Mud what would not in place, Ying Li Khan child care system leaves that bite force A Secret History, is wantonly leaves care Khan. 630, Mok Ho A state of defeat, was what killed mud. Tribes were pushing for the Western Turks wantonly leaves protect the Great Khan. But wantonly leaves protect the soil suspect what his backers, but also conspiracy to kill what mud, what mud fled Yanqi. 632 autumn leaf protection was wantonly set of base complete loss of the Department of Political Interaction and crossbow attacks, fled to peaceful living, and soon died. Western Turks mud what Li Ying, Lu Khan for the A state.
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