突厥 人物列錶
阿史那土門 A Shinatumen乙息記 Irksi阿史那俟斤 A Shinaqijin
佗鉢可汗 Tuo Bokehan阿史那攝圖 A Shinashetu
佗鉢可汗 Tuo Bokehan
突厥  (?572年581年)
名: 他鉢


  To nephew Ashina photo graph (b Khan Ashina interest in mind Koro's son) system for the east of Seoul V Khan, nephew-step system from the west of Khan. Satisfaction in the Northern Zhou, Qi Xian Houli to please the Turks were the situation, Buddhist, during the reign of Turkic slow down, capture him. 581 Taspar Khan's death, dying asked his son Ashina Um logic, we must stand Khan's son, A History of wood that will be as large logic Khan.
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