烏孫國 人物列錶
獵驕靡 Lie Jiaomi軍須靡 Jun Xumi翁歸靡 Weng Guimi
泥靡 Ni Mi元貴靡 Yuan Guimi星靡 Xing Mi
雌慄靡 Ci Limi伊秩靡 Yi Zhimi烏就屠 Wu Jiutu
拊離 Fu Chi安日 An Ri末振將 Mo Zhenjiang
安犁靡 An Limi
拊離 Fu Chi
烏孫國  (?前33年前30年)

   1. 安日
   2. 末振將
   3. 卑爰疐

  Pat off, is a small Wusun Kun Mi, Ukraine on Tu's son. 33 years ago, Ukraine on the carcass after death, as established by the Han Dynasty. Soon, my brother would kill him on II. On day his son got the support of the Han dynasty, Japanese II fled to peaceful living. Jun Gu Han Tun ink, On-Japanese honored person to pretend to follow regardless of Mo hide three days II to flee, kill him. Protectorate of the Western Lian praise reward regardless of Mo and others hide.
  2. The end of vibration will
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