乌孙国 人物列表
猎骄靡 Lie Jiaomi军须靡 Jun Xumi翁归靡 Weng Guimi
泥靡 Ni Mi元贵靡 Yuan Guimi星靡 Xing Mi
雌栗靡 Ci Limi伊秩靡 Yi Zhimi乌就屠 Wu Jiutu
拊离 Fu Chi安日 An Ri末振将 Mo Zhenjiang
安犁靡 An Limi
元贵靡 Yuan Guimi
乌孙国  (?前53年前51年)


  Element of your extravagant (? - 51 BC), is Wusun Kun Mi Chu Weng go extravagant and grief of the son of Princess Margaret Liu Yuan Weng return your extravagant extravagant at a time when the legislation for the Prince, the former 60 years, died Weng go extravagant, aristocratic Wusun Lijun to be extravagant extravagant as the son of Kun Mi mud. 53 years ago, Yuan's half-brother of your extravagant Wu Kun-site on the massacre of dead mud extravagant. Since Ukraine is not born on the carcass, he stopped Yuan Kun-site of your extravagant inheritance bit. General Xinwu Xian Qiang Han broken removal, maintenance side of Wu-sun. Liu Feng Liao Xiaoyilihai bereavement maid, to persuade Ukraine to slaughter. Ukraine agreed on the Tu reconciliation. The Han dynasty, Yuan Kun-site for large your extravagant, Ukraine on the carcasses of small Kun Mi, are giving seal, and a large Kun Mi six thousand households, small-Kun Mi four thousand families, but the people on the small Kun Wu Mi Tu. Tend to large Kun Han Mi, 51 years ago, a large element of your extravagant reign Kun Mi 3 years, the death of Ukraine on the carcass, the son of Star extravagant Following the establishment.
<< 前一君主: 狂王 泥靡乌孙国元贵靡 Yuan Guimi
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