南匈奴 List of Authors
Luan DibiLuan DimoLuan DihanLuan Dikuo
Luan DisuLuan DichangLuan DixuanLuan Dituntuhe
Luan DianguoLuan DishiziLuan DitanLuan Diba
Luan DixiuliLuan DidoulouchuLuan DijucherenTu Tereshizhujiuchanyu
Hu ZhengchanyuQiang QuchanyuLuan DiwufuluoLuan Dihuchuquan
Yu JianzuoxianwangchanyuChe NiuchanyuXu PūgudouhouchanyuLiu Bao
Luan Diwufuluo
南匈奴  (150 AD196 AD)
First Name: 于扶罗
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 持至尸逐侯单于
Reign188 AD195 AD

  After the death of the Emperor Ling of Han, in the Ebro by the Yellow Turbans Rebellion, with the confluence of the White Wave thieves invaded Taiyuan, Hanoi and other places, have been ordered to campaign against the Dong Zhuo, because of the large General He Jin was assassinated, all Hui and Han soldiers. Later, flee in Lavrova met out by the Emperor Xian of Han Chang'an, he rescue and protect the Emperor Xian.
  In the "Three Kingdoms", and no mention of aliens (the Huns) has to rescue Emperor Xian of Han.
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(188 AD195 AD)
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