南匈奴 人物列表
栾提比 Luan Dibi栾提莫 Luan Dimo栾提汗 Luan Dihan
栾提适 Luan Dikuo栾提苏 Luan Disu栾提长 Luan Dichang
栾提宣 Luan Dixuan栾提屯屠何 Luan Dituntuhe栾提安国 Luan Dianguo
栾提师子 Luan Dishizi栾提檀 Luan Ditan栾提拔 Luan Diba
栾提休利 Luan Dixiuli栾提兜楼储 Luan Didoulouchu栾提居车儿 Luan Dijucheren
屠特若尸逐就单于 Tu Tereshizhujiuchanyu呼征单于 Hu Zhengchanyu羌渠单于 Qiang Quchanyu
栾提於夫罗 Luan Diwufuluo栾提呼厨泉 Luan Dihuchuquan薁鞬左贤王单于 Yu Jianzuoxianwangchanyu
车钮单于 Che Niuchanyu须卜骨都侯单于 Xu Pūgudouhouchanyu刘豹 Liu Bao
栾提汗 Luan Dihan
南匈奴  (?57年59年)
网笔号: 伊伐于虑鞮单于


  Luan mention Khan, No. Iraq was considering cutting leather shoes Chanyu for Wu Chu Hun stay if leather shoes Chanyu son. Meta Han Jianwu years (57 years), in particular, leather shoes Chanyu Qiu floating dead, Luan put Khan established as a cutting in the consideration leather shoes Chanyu Iraq, 59 years (Yongping years), North Hun protection rate in more than a thousand people join themselves to the South Hill Hun, the same year, Iran was considering cutting leather shoes Chanyu death.
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