北匈奴 人物列錶
蒲奴單於 Pu Nuchanyu優留單於 You Liuchanyu北單於 Bei Chanyu
於除鞬單於 Wu Chujianchanyu逢矦單於 Feng Houchanyu
於除鞬單於 Wu Chujianchanyu
北匈奴  (?91年93年)


  In addition to Jian Chanyu, North Hun Chanyu. North Chanyu younger brother for the Hun, Inference for the king the right valley. Han Yong-yuan three years (AD 91), the North Chanyu again as the Eastern Han Geng Kui defeated, I do not know where to flee. In addition to independence for the North Hun Chanyu Jian. Four years (AD 92), the Eastern Han Dynasty sent Qiangbing Nagao Wang Fu, the rate is still more than a thousand cavalry and any attack, eliminated in addition to the Eastern Han Jian to the sum of the Eastern Han Chi award seal. Five years (AD 93), the Eastern Han Dynasty sent Qiangbing Nagao Wang Fu, the rate is still more than a thousand cavalry and any attack, eliminated in addition to Jian.
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