吐蕃 人物列錶
聶赤贊普 gNya-khri btsan-po止貢贊普 Gri-gum btsan-po達日寧色 dMus long dkon pa bkra shis
嚢日論贊 gnam-ri slon-rtsan鬆贊幹布 Srong-btsan Sgam-po芒鬆芒贊 Mang-srong mang-btsan
共日共贊 Gung-ri gung-btsan杜鬆芒波傑 vDus-srong mang-po-rje赤德祖贊 Mes-ag-tshoms
赤鬆德贊 Khri-srong lDe-btsan木奈贊普 Mu Naizanpu牟如贊普 Mou Ruzanpu
赤德鬆贊 Khri-lde-srong-btsan, Sad-na-legs赤祖德贊 Khri-gtsug-lde-btsan, Ral-pa-can朗達瑪 Gldarma
俄鬆 vod-srung乞離鬍 yum-brtan
芒鬆芒贊 Mang-srong mang-btsan
吐蕃  (643年676年)

  667年,祿東贊去世,其孫(漢文典籍記載為其子)論欽陵繼為大相,繼續把持吐蕃朝政數十年。670年春,吐蕃奪取了唐朝的塔裏木盆地,聯合於闐攻陥龜茲的拔換城(今新畺阿剋蘇) 唐朝仮擊,大非川之戰唐朝戰敗,吐蕃和唐朝關係決裂。
  根據蔵文史書,芒鬆芒贊於676年去世, 但有史料稱吐蕃保密了芒鬆芒贊的死訊三年,使唐朝不知道吐蕃的空位。 根據資治通鑒的記載,679年,芒鬆芒贊去世。

  Mountain Pine Mountain Zambia, according to Tibetan tradition of every 34 he was appointed Tsenpo Tubo dynasty, the grandson of Songtsan. 650 years after the death of Songtsan, Mountain Pine Mountain praise young throne, by the large phase Gar Colonial. Gar is committed to the early stability of Tibet within the consolidated east to Tuyuhun, west to Zhangzhung on Tibetan forces, to maintain friendly relations with neighboring countries.
  According to Tibetan historical records, Mountain Pine Mountain Chan died in 676, but said the Tibetan historical secrecy of the Mountain Pine Mountain favor of the death of three years, so that the space Tang did not know Tibetan. According to the Comprehensive Mirror, 679, the Mountain Pine Mountain praise death.
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