姓: | 姬 | |||||||||
名: | 扁 | |||||||||
一次史称“桂陵之战”,发生于公元前353年。魏军在主将庞涓率领下围攻赵国都城邯郸(今河北省邯郸市)。 赵求救于齐。齐侯以田忌为将,以杰出的军事家孙膑为军师,统兵救赵。齐军在孙膑的谋划下,扬言要突袭魏国都城大梁(今河南省开封市)的重要门户襄阳(今河南省睢县内),魏军慌忙回兵,齐军在桂陵(今山东省菏泽县东北)设下埋伏,大败魏军,救了赵国。这种战术,后人称之为“围魏救赵”。
另一次史称“马陵之战”,发生在公元前341年。庞涓统率魏军攻韩,韩求救于齐。齐以田忌、田婴为将, 以孙膑为军师,带兵救韩,直取魏国都城大梁。魏以太子申为上将军、庞涓为将军,率领大军抵抗齐军。孙膑为了迷惑敌方,命令齐军进入魏国的第一天造灶10万个,第二天造灶5万个,第三天造灶2万个,以逐日减灶的方法制造齐军大量逃亡的假象,引诱魏军追击。然后在马陵(今河北省大名市东南)设下埋伏,大败魏军,杀庞涓,俘太子申。这种迷惑敌军的战术,后人称之为“增兵减灶”。
“桂陵之战”后的第三年,齐侯称王,史称齐威王。在此以前,魏侯已经先称王,接着,秦、韩、 赵、燕等国诸侯也先后称王,以表示自己高于其他诸侯,根本不把周天子放在眼里。
姬扁在位期间的秦国,由秦孝公执政。他在公元前359年任用卫国人商鞅进行变法。变法前,商鞅为了使百姓能相信政府,遵守新法,命令人在都城雍(今陕西省凤翔县) 的南门竖起一根木头,悬赏说谁能将木头搬到北门,就赏金子10两。百姓不相信有这么便宜的事,没有人去搬。商鞅又把赏金加到50两,有一个人就将木头搬到了北门。商鞅立即照数发赏。从此,百姓就相信政府言必行,行必果了。接着,商鞅先后两次颁布了新法,宣布废除旧的世卿世禄制度,根据军功重定尊卑爵次等级;废除以井田制为主的奴隶主国家土地所有制,承认土地私有,允许买卖;重农抑商,奖励耕织;建立地主阶级的统治和中央集权的政治制度等。这些措施推行后没有几年,就大见成效,百姓自给自足,社会安定,路不拾遗,人民私下不敢殴斗,为国作战时却勇敢冲杀,争取立功。变法期间,旧贵族多方阻挠和反对。太子带头犯法,商鞅为了维护新法,就处太子的师傅公子虔以劓刑(割鼻),处公孙贾以黥刑(脸上刺字),保证了新法的顺利推行。后来秦孝公死,太子继位,是为秦惠王。这时的旧贵族势力又重新抬头,杀死了商鞅。但是,商鞅所推行的新法已经不可动摇,秦国的封建经济得到了发展,使一个原来是贫穷落后的国家,成为战国七雄中实力最强的国家,为以后攻灭六国,统一中国奠定了基础。
Zhou was flat during the reign of Wang Ji, vassal state of political reform to the development of high tide. 356 BC, Qi Hou Tian Qi because of (the future King Wei) appointment of wise and competent people Zou Ji, Tian Ji and others reform. In order to airing, Qihou ordered both subjects, who could face pointed out that the fault of their own, and give superior awards; criticisms and suggestions in writing to those given to middle Award; even talk behind his fault, but also to the award. Directives, within a few months to move Tingti criticism, suggestions are racing, crowds, so Qihou understand the drawbacks of a number of national policy, their own fault and collect a lot of good national governance approach. In order to rectify the official, Qi Hou asked many times about his courtiers, who local officials in the best? Who is bad? Lot of people say, A (now the Northeast Yanggu County, Shandong Province) and the best doctor Jimo (Shandong Province, this roughness southeast) of the worst doctor. Qihou sent field survey, the situation is the contrary, A barren land rural people lack and want, voice out their discontent; Jimo local security and stability, to ask questions, people live and work. Original, Ada Fu-mei, on the next bully, bribe superiors, let them right and wrong, for their own well; doctor Jimo, integrity, do not bribe their superiors, be stricken defamation. Qihou immediately denounced the Ada Fu, bribe him and say a good word for him after cooking to kill people, reward the doctor Jimo, given the bread of his 10 000. Qihou so not deceived, right from wrong, dispelling evil head of the CIA to make great changes Qi whom the atmosphere, all are loyal, not lying. Qihou they choose wise and competent people, entrusted with the task. Not long afterwards, Qi great order, becoming a major power.
One known to history as "Gui Ling of war", occurred in BC 353. Wei Pang Juan in the Lord, led by Zhao besieged capital of Handan (Handan City, Hebei Province today). Yu Qi Zhao for help. Qihou to Tian Ji to be, to an outstanding military strategist Sun Bin for the army, division, unification army to rescue Zhao. Sun Bin's plan in the Qi, the capital threatened to attack Wei beam (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province) and an important gateway to Yangyang (in Sui County, Henan province), Wei hurried back to soldiers, the Qi in the Gui Ling (now Heze, Shandong Province County Northeast) set an ambush, defeat Wei, Zhao saved. Such tactics, later known as the "Weiweijiuzhao."
Qi up so quickly to strong, mainly because of reuse personnel. Once, King Hui of Wei to show off to the King Wei Wei of the rich, that they have a diameter of 寸许 pearl to light before and after the 12-by vehicles, and asked what David King Wei. King Wei cited a number of men Wenchen generals and said, this is our national treasures. This shame as Wei Hui WANG Qi.
Flat during the reign of the Qin Ji by Xiao of Qin ruling. His appointment in the year 359 BC Shang Yang Weiguo were carried out political reform. Political Reform, Shang Yang in order to enable the people to believe that the Government, to comply with the new law, order in the capital Yung (now Fengxiang town) and put up a wood south gate, offering a reward of that who will be moved to the north gate of wood, the reward sub-10 2. People did not believe something so cheap that no one Quban. Shang Yang reward again add 50 two, one person will be moved to the north gate of wood. Shang Yang immediately made according to the number of reward. Since then, the people believe the Government's image by jumping on the line that results of the. Then, Shang Yang has twice issued a new law abolished the old duke Shilu system, according to military merit replacement pecking Jazz second grade; abolition of the slave owners to field system-based national land ownership, recognition of private ownership of land, to allow the sale; heavy agricultural restraining commerce, farming organizations reward; establish the rule of the landlord class and the centralized political system. A few years after the implementation of these measures, the big bear fruit, people self-sufficiency, social stability, Lubushiyi, people in private not fight, fight for the country Shique brave rush ahead, for meritorious service. Reform during the multi-block and oppose the old aristocracy. Prince to take the lead against the law, Shang Yang in order to maintain the new law, the Office of the master's son Prince Edward Qian to cut off the nose punishment (cutting the nose), Department Gongsun Jia to tattoo punishment (face tattooed) to ensure the smooth implementation of the new law. Later, Xiao of Qin died, Prince Edward to the throne, is to Qin King Hui. At the moment of resurgence of the old aristocracy forces, killing Shang Yang. However, Shang Yang implemented the new law has not wavered, Qin has been the development of the feudal economy to a previous poor and backward country, a Warring States in the most powerful country, after Gongmie six, laid the unification of China basis.
Seven Warring States has carried out political reform in the future to start a more intense merger war.