中山國 人物列錶
中山文公 Zhong Shanwengong中山武公 Zhong Shanwugong中山桓公 Zhong Shanhuangong
中山成公 Zhong Shanchenggong中山王Cuo Zhong Shanwang中山王(妾子)???? Zhong Shanwangqiezici
中山王尚 Zhong Shanwangshang
中山桓公 Zhong Shanhuangong
中山國  (?前380年前350年)

  中山桓公,為戰國中山國君主之一,中山國第三任君主,他為中山武公兒子,承襲中山武公的政權。前406年,為魏將樂羊所滅。約前380年左右復國,初定都於顧,後遷於靈壽,分別於前377年、前376年在房子、中人兩地與趙國軍隊交戰,於南方修築長城以抵禦趙國。在位約30餘年。中山王 即位後,追謚為桓王。

  Zhongshan Huan, one of the Warring States rulers Zhongshan, Zhongshan, the third monarch, he was the son of Zhongshan Wu Kung, Zhongshan Wu inherited public regime. 406 BC, was destroyed by Yang Wei will be happy. About 380 years before the resumption of the country, initially for all the care, later moved to lingshou, respectively 377 BC, 376 BC in the house, both human and Zhao army fighting in the south to resist the construction of the Great Wall of Zhao . Reigned 30 years. Zhongshan king ascended the throne after the posthumous title for Huan Wang recovery.
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