姓: | 姬 | |||||||||
名: | 驕 | |||||||||
姬驕在位期間,齊相田和在公元前391年將齊國國君康公放逐到海上,衹留下一城之地作為他的食邑,田 和成為齊國實際上的國君。公元前386年,姬驕封田和為齊侯,正式將他列為諸侯。這標志着齊國的新興的封建勢力取代了舊勢力
At that time, Chu Guoguo is Dao Wang Jun, who was appointed in 382 BC, an outstanding military strategist, statesman, defending human Qi for Political Reform. Qi rectify the official, strengthen centralized, improving finances, increase the military. This is a powerful blow to the old aristocracy, so stand up quickly Chu, Nanping Baiyue, North off Chen, Tsai and other countries, but also defeated Wei. However, Chu Dao Wang died the second year after the Reform of the old aristocracy hostile rebellion, with arrows shot at the Qi, abolished the New Deal, to Chu's social development has been severely hampered, resulting in very big, Chu failed to develop become unified the force and, ultimately, by Gong Mie Qin.