蜀國 人物列錶
蠶叢 Can Cong柏灌 Bai Guan魚鳧 Yu Fu
杜宇 Du Yu鱉靈 Bie Ling安陽王 An Yangwang
杜宇 Du Yu
名: 蒲卑
網筆號: 望帝

  杜宇(?-?),又名蒲卑,死後號望帝,生卒年不詳,根據二十世紀的考古結果,大約處於商周之交至春秋時期,對應於十二橋文化。據傳說杜宇是第四代在古蜀(今四川省成都一帶)建國的君主,善於耕作, 傳說中他在死後化為杜鵑鳥。根據歷史記載,杜宇治國約200年,在這麽漫長的時間裏,王國裏不太可能衹有一位統治者,因此又有杜宇乃是一個族的說法。
  在杜宇之前,統治古蜀的是魚鳧一族,據史書記載,魚鳧有一天前往湔山(今四川灌縣境內)打獵,但卻在那時突然“仙去”。 亦有認為周代早期位於渭水上遊的(弓魚)國即是魚鳧族人後裔。
  魚鳧死後,揚雄《蜀王本紀》記載杜宇從天降至朱提(今雲南省昭通市),一名名叫“利”的女子,也從江源(今四川省崇州市)的井中冒出,杜宇在娶利為妻後,便在蜀地稱王,填補了在魚鳧去世後,蜀地突然缺少的統治者空位。但《華陽國志》的記載卻正好與之相反,謂杜宇為蜀王,女子梁利從朱提遷來,二人聯姻。 杜宇建國後,除將國都定在郫(今四川省郫縣)外,尚把瞿上(今四川省雙流縣)定為別都, 以有效管理其他地區。
  在杜宇統治蜀地的同時,他和當時位處中原的周朝也有往來,並獻上許多貴重禮物, 以和周朝交好。
  杜宇雖擅長於農耕,但對於治理洪水並無辦法,因此,在他一百多歲時,命當時的宰相鱉靈,治理岷江的洪水,而在鱉靈治理洪水的期間,杜宇趁隙與鱉靈的妻子私通(另有一說,杜宇並未與其妻私通),杜宇後來在於心有愧、認為自己的德行不如鱉靈的情況下,將王位禪讓給他, 隱居於岷山, 傳說其死後,每逢農歷三月,便化為杜鵑,以叫聲催促蜀人趁農時播種。

  Du Yu, also known as Po (?-?), base, after the death of Emperor Wang number, date of birth is unknown, according to the archaeological results of the twentieth century, the turn around in the Shang and Zhou to the Spring and Autumn period, corresponding to 12 bridge culture. Du Yu, according to legend is the fourth generation of the ancient Shu (Sichuan Chengdu this area) the founding of the monarchy, good at farming, after the death of his legend into the cuckoo. According to historical records, Du Yu country about 200 years, in such a long time, the kingdom is not likely that only a ruler, so there Du Yu is regarded as a family argument.
  Prior to the Du Yu, the ruling family of the ancient Shu is Yufu, according to historical records, Yufu one day to Jian Shan (Sichuan Guanxian this territory) to hunt, but then suddenly "cents off." Others think that the early Zhou Dynasty in the upper reaches of the Wei (bow fish) country that is Yufu ethnic descent.
  Du Yu, after the founding, that their achievements than silkworm Cong, Bo Yu Fu irrigation and three in the founding of the monarchy to the high, therefore, he actively expand the territory open Xinjiang, making up the east area of the Jialing River Land west may have Lushan, Tianquan area, north to the Hanzhong, south capable of reaching today's test report. In addition, He also territory in the Munsan into pasture, today's Sichuan Province, Yibin City, Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province into a garden area.
  Abdication seclusion
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