杞國 人物列錶
杞東樓公 Qi Donglougong杞西樓公 Qi Xilougong杞題公 Qi Tigong
杞謀娶公 Qi Mouqugong姒毎亡 Si Meiwang杞武公 Qi Wugong
杞靖公 Qi Jinggong杞共公 Qi Gonggong杞德公 Qi Degong
杞成公 Qi Chenggong姒姑容 Si Gurong姒丐 Si Gai
姒益姑 Si Yigu姒鬱 Si Yu姒成 Si Cheng
姒乞 Si Qi姒遂 Si Sui姒維 Si Wei
姒閼路 Si Elu姒敕 Si Chi姒春 Si Chun
姒乞 Si Qi
杞國  (?前506年前506年)
網筆號: 隱公


  Hidden Qi Kung (formerly 506), named Si Qi is Qi 15 of any sovereign country, Qi Dao Gong's son, inherited his title of nobility. Ascended the throne that year, he incurs the Qi PCT Public brother killed.
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後一君主 >>: 釐公 姒遂

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