甘国 人物列表
王子带 Wang Zidai甘成公 Gan Chenggong甘景公 Gan Jinggong
甘简公 Gan Jiangong姬过 Ji Guo姬鳅 Ji Qiu
甘桓公 Gan Huangong
王子带 Wang Zidai
甘国  (前672年前635年)
网笔号: 昭公


  Prince with (former 672 ─ 635 years ago), or tert-band, Uncle belt, uncle. "Historical Records. 12 Chronology of princes" contains "from teacher Wang five years, from teacher epigenetic tert-belt", Si Yi Yu Gan (now south of Luoyang City in Henan), posthumous Chao, therefore calls Ganzhao Gong. Zhou Hui prince, with the half brother of King Xiang of Zhou. In the era of rebellion and Eastern Zhou Chunqiu king.
  King Hui of twenty-four years (BC 653) in winter, King Hui of collapse. Dispute the throne with King Xiang of fear of the prince, so do not send funeral, difficult to Qi reported. King Xiang of Qi State in the first year in the spring (653 BC) Tao of the organization will be. The first stop will be involved in the princes of the meeting. King Xiang of stability at the throne only after the funeral for the King Hui of hair.
  Expedition 18 years (before 635), Zhou royal prince with the chaos occurred after troops killed Prince with Lord Wen and escort expedition returned.
甘国王子带 Wang Zidai
后一君主 >>: 甘成公

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