网笔号: | 厉公 | ||||||
姬突是郑庄公的次子,母亲是宋国雍氏女 (称雍姞,因雍氏源出姞姓)。
姬突至少有三位同父异母的兄弟,兄长一名 (郑昭公姬忽) ,弟弟两名 (郑子亹及郑子婴)。姬突可能还有八位兄弟
由于郑庄公对所有儿子均十分宠爱,姬忽虽在前701年继位 (是为郑昭公),权位并不稳固。
姬突的母家雍氏是宋国的大臣。当宋庄公知道姬忽即位后,派人把祭足和姬突都召至宋国,然后禁锢他们。宋庄公威胁祭足要拥立姬突,否则便会被杀,又向姬突勒索。祭足被迫带姬突回国即位,是为郑厉公。郑昭公则在弟弟回国前 12 天流亡到卫国。
厉公即位后,国家权力由祭足掌握。厉公对祭足非常猜忌,到了前697年,和祭足的女婿雍纠合谋,企图暗杀祭足。但雍纠的妻子 (即祭仲的女儿) 在得知丈夫的图谋后向父亲告密,结果祭仲把雍纠拘捕处死。厉公得知图谋败露后,无奈地责备雍纠,然后逃到蔡国,开始流亡生涯。祭足迎接郑昭公回国复位。
高渠弥在前695年暗杀郑昭公,改立郑子亹,但次年 (前694年) 子亹又被齐襄公诱捕杀死。祭足改立郑子婴为国君。厉公在栎居住了 17 年。
祭足去世后,厉公在前680年发兵攻打郑国,擒获守将傅瑕 (《史记》载厉公“诱劫”傅瑕)。傅瑕答应协助厉公杀死郑子婴,要求厉公把他释放,厉公同意了。傅瑕回到郑国后便把郑婴和他的两个儿子都杀死,迎接厉公回国即位。厉公复位后,责备伯父原繁在他流亡期间不曾协助他复国,迫他自杀。傅瑕也被厉公处死。
原繁和傅瑕被清算的次序,史籍有不同记载。根据《史记》,厉公是在听完原繁的遗言后,指傅瑕反复不忠而处死他。 《左传》则指厉公是先处死傅瑕,然后才找原繁告知傅瑕的罪名,顺道怪责原繁没有协助自己。原繁乘此责备厉公导人反叛以复位,然后自杀。
接下来的两年均有与郑国有关的战事。郑厉公于前679年初入侵宋国,楚文王则在次年 (前678年) 入侵郑国。郑厉公随后继续清算曾参与雍纠事件的人,包括把大夫强锄处刖刑。
First came to the throne
Li Kung's reign, the state power by the Jizu control. Li is the public distrust of the Jizu to the previous 697 years, and Ji Zu Yong-law gathered to seek in an attempt to assassinate Jizu. However, his wife Yong correct (ie, Ji Zhong's daughter), after learning about her husband's plot informant to his father, the result Ji Zhong Yong correction to the arrest of death. Li public that plot was exposed, but to blame Yong correct, then fled to Cai, began his career in exile. Jizu welcome return to Zheng Zhaogong reset.
High channel Mi previous 695 assassinations Zhengzhao Gong, The Stand, son of Wei Zheng, but the following year (before 694) was again sub-Wei Qi Xianggong trap to kill. Ji Zu Zheng Stand, infant son of the monarch. Li Kung lived 17 years in oak.
FU flaw of the original fan and the liquidation order, history books have different records. According to "Historical Records", the public is listening to the original Li Fan's last words, the mean FU flaw repeatedly unfaithful and killed him. "Zuo" means the death of Li Kung Fu is the first flaw, then try to find the original flaw Fu Fan told the charge of the original fan did not take the opportunity to help themselves to blame. Fan Li took this former public blame the rebel leaders to reset, and then committed suicide.
675 years ago, Dr. Wei Zhou Dynasty of China, edge Pak, Shi-speed, Zhan Father, Son rebellion poultry wish to kneel, crowned king of Zhou Ji decadent. Dr. Yan five countries to jointly defend the country and defeated King Zhou Hui. Li Zheng Zhou Hui Wang received the public was to live in exile oak own city take shelter.