西周 人物列錶
周太王 Zhou Taiwang周公季 Zhou Gongji周文王 Zhou Wenwang
周武王 Zhou Wuwang周公旦 Zhou Gongdan周成王 Zhou Chengwang
周康王 Zhou Kangwang周昭王 Zhou Zhaowang周穆王 Zhou Muwang
周共王 Zhou Gongwang周懿王 Zhou Yiwang周孝王 Zhou Xiaowang
周夷王 Zhou Yiwang周厲王 Zhou Liwang共伯和 Gong Bahe
周宣王 Zhou Xuanwang周幽王 Zhou Youwang周攜王 Zhou Xiewang
周太王 Zhou Taiwang
西周  (?~前1110年)
名: 亶父

  周太王,姓姬,名亶父(拼音:dǎn fǔ,中古拼音:tanx pyox),又稱古公亶父,是西伯君主,周朝之先祖。因廣施仁政,令不少部落歸附。周滅商朝後,認為“王氣”始於姬亶父,故追尊為太王。

  Zhou Tai Wang, surnamed Ji, name of Tan (Pinyin: dǎn fǔ, Middle Pinyin: tanx pyox), also known as the ancient Lord of Tan is the Hebrew monarchy, the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty. Because of wide Shiren Zheng, many tribes join themselves. Weeks off after the Shang Dynasty, that the "King Air" began Kyi of Tan, it was too Zhuizun king.
  According to "Historical Records Zhou Ji," records, ancient Lord of Tan inherited Hou, Gong Liu cause, accumulate virtue and righteousness, be loved by the people. Hoon attack on education and the Rong and Di Zhou family, want to seize property of Tan gave them. Then to attack, to get weeks of family land and population. People very angry and want to resist. Old Company said: "The people crowned monarch, monarch to the people to make profit. Now Rong and Di to attack, to my land and subjects, and subjects him go I go, what is the difference? You want to I fight a lot of people want to kill his son, in this way to me as monarch, I do not have the heart to do it. "So of Tan with family and personal attendants to leave the bin, through the paint water and Jushui, after Yangsan, to settle down under Qishan. Bin to help old people to carry all the weak, reverted to the manifold under the old company. Other people heard the ancient public Rende, and more join themselves. Rong and Di was the ancient custom of public reform, to create a castle houses so that people were living, and set up features, each performs its duties. People live and work, all the king's merit praise weeks too. Mencius, praised the king so loved his concubine too special ginger, not married other wives, chaos in the "no Rouge of the North within the outer non-mining husband."
  Son: Tai Bo, Yu Zhong, Ji Li
西周周太王 Zhou Taiwang
後一君主 >>: 周公季

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