商代 人物列錶
昭明 Zhao Ming相土 Xiang Tu昌若 Chang Re曹圉 Cao Yu
子冥 Zi Ming王亥 Wang Hai王恆 Wang Heng上甲微 Shang Jiawei
報丁 Bao Ding報乙 Bao Yi報丙 Bao Bing主壬 Zhu Ren
主癸 Zhu Gui商湯 Shang Shang大丁 Da Ding卜丙 Pū Bing
仲壬 Zhong Ren太甲 Tai Jia沃丁 Wo Ding大庚 Da Geng
小甲 Xiao Jia雍己 Yong Ji太戊 Tai Wu中丁 Zhong Ding
外壬 Wai Ren河亶甲 He Danjia祖乙 Zu Yi祖辛 Zu Xin
沃甲 Wo Jia祖丁 Zu Ding南庚 Na Geng陽甲 Yang Jia
盤庚 Pan Geng小辛 Xiao Xin小乙 Xiao Yi武丁 Wu Ding
祖庚 Zu Geng祖甲 Zu Jia廩辛 Lin Xin庚丁 Geng Ding
武乙 Wu Yi文丁 Wen Ding帝乙 Di Yi紂王 Zhou Wang
紂王 Zhou Wang
商代  (?~前1046年)

  牧野之戰是我國古代史上規模空前的一場戰爭。周武王在《尚書》中開列了紂王六條罪狀: 第一是酗酒;第二是不用貴戚舊臣;第三是重用小人;第四是聽信婦言;第五是信有命在天;第六是不留心祭祀。其實很多在我們現在對歷史商所有帝王看來,這六條根本不算什麽,甚至有些可以並不認為是罪狀。
  公元前1046年正月,周武王統率兵車300乘,虎賁3000人,甲士4萬5千人,浩浩蕩蕩東進伐商。同月下旬,周軍進抵孟津,在那裏與反商的庸、盧、彭、濮、蜀(均居今漢水流)、羌、微(均居今渭水流域)、髳(居今山西省平陸南)等部落的部隊會合。武王利用商地人心歸周的有利形勢,率本部及協同自己作戰的部落軍隊,於正月二十八日由孟津(今河南孟縣南)冒雨迅速東進。從汜地(今河南滎陽汜水鎮)渡過黃河後,兼程北上,至百泉(今河南輝縣西北)折而東行,直指朝歌。周師沿途沒有遇 到商軍的抵抗,故開進順利,僅經過6天的行程,便於二月初四拂曉抵達牧野。周軍進攻的消息傳至朝歌,商朝廷上下一片驚恐。商紂王無奈之中衹好倉促部署防禦。但此時商軍主力還遠在東南地區,無法立即調回。於是衹好武裝大批奴隸,連同守衛國都的商軍共約17萬人(一說70萬,殊難相信),由自己率領,開赴牧野迎戰周師。
  公元前1046年,商朝滅亡後,周武王封紂王的兒子武庚於殷地(今河南商丘)以祀殷後,留在殷墟管理商朝遺民,武庚卻不甘心做周的臣子。周初,武王死後(公元前1043年),其子成王年幼(13歲),周公攝政(稱鹹王)。周公姓姬名旦,是周文王第四子,因封地在周,稱周公,後封魯國,但未到魯即封。他輔佐武王伐紂曾兩次東徵,並為西周奴隸製國傢製定了各種典章制度,製禮作樂,是我國西周初年著名的政治傢。公元前1041年,武庚聯合了管、蔡二叔以及商的屬國奄、徐、楚等十幾個國傢一同嚮西進軍,反周陣營聲勢浩大。如《尚書大傳》雲:“管叔、蔡叔疑周公,流言於國曰:‘公將不利於王’,奄君、薄姑謂祿父曰:‘武王既死矣,今王尚幼矣,周公見疑矣,此百世之時也,請舉事!’然後祿父及三監叛也。”(管叔鮮,文王三子;蔡叔度,文王五子;霍叔處,文王八子。事監視商朝遺民,故謂三監)周公旦在千鈞一發之際,於公元前 1040年舉兵東徵,平定叛亂。公元前1039年,周公殺武庚,滅東方50國;管叔鮮被殺,將蔡叔放逐,霍叔被廢為庶人。把微子(紂王兄)封於殷地,以代殷後,爵為宋公,以後為宋國,都於商丘。武庚的後人便以他字中的祿為姓氏,稱為祿氏。武庚戰死,叛亂平定,殷人見復國無望,衹好紛紛出逃。
  新華網北京7月22日電(記者戰豔 桂娟)考古專傢們在商代第一個都城--河南省偃師商城內發現規模龐大的石砌水池遺跡,證實商代帝王池苑確實存在。《史記》中記載,商紂王“以酒為池,縣(懸)肉為林,使男女裸,相逐其間,為長夜之飲”。考古專傢們在偃師商城內發現的“池”,經研究與史籍記載相近,是供商代帝王娛樂的池苑。
  商代池苑的確認雖有賴於偃師商城的發掘,但是商代池苑的最初發現,卻是在鄭州商城。那裏出土的兩個水池遺址,曾一度被認為是“提供生活用水的蓄水池”。偃師商城建於公元前1600年,於1983年被發現。遺址南北長約1100米,東西寬約750 米,內有宮殿、廟宇、祭祀場所、青銅作坊、供水和排水係統等,是迄今為止保存最完好、並經過大規模發掘的商代都城遺址。

  The first prominent leader of the Shang Dynasty - Yin Dynasty. According to "Historical Records - Yin" record: Yin Qi, Mu Yue Jian Di, a song state Shi Zhinv for Ku plays Princess. Three's bath, see black bird fall of their eggs, Jian Di swallow the take, because birth to deeds. Qi Zuo-Yu long flood control active. Nai Ming Shun Qi said: "The people are not pro-, five items are not training, Ruwei Stuart and deposited five to teach respect, five teaching in the broad." Sealed in business, child's surname. Qi Xing Yu Tang, Yu, Yu occasion, exploits with the people, people with peace.
  "Historical Records" King Zhou in Shang
  Di Yi Kai Cheung Master said micro child, Kai home base, shall not be heir. Minority carrier Xin, Xin mother is, the symplectic is heir. Di Yi collapse, sub-Xin Li, is Di Xin, the world is that of Zhou. (Residual loss of good, saying Zhou Yi) Dynasty Zhou Jie identified disease information, and smelled very sensitive; material extraordinary strength, hand grid beast. Be content to distance the bridge, and made enough of non-decorated. Pity the ministers to be able to high world to sing, that are already out under the. Wine Yin Yue, favorite in the women. Love Da Ji, Da Ji's words are from. So to make a new division Juan Yin Sheng, North Lane, dance, extravagant extravagant pleasures. Thickness in real Lutai war tax, and surplus grain giant bridge. Ethrel dog Marchi material, filling yards palace. Masuhiro dunes Court station, and more birds to take home one animal gadfly, slower than the ghosts. Great Opera at the sand dunes best to liquor pool, hanging meat for the forest, by men and women Luo phase during which the drink for the night. Yuan Wang and princes have side people who are heavy so the provision of Zhou, there Baoluo the law. ... ... More promiscuous than Zhou. Micro child does not listen to a few remonstrance, is with less teachers, less teacher then went to seek the dry said: "To the ministers who had to struggle with death." Zhou is a strong remonstrance. Zhou anger, saying: "I have heard heart has distributed to them saints." Profile control than dry, and watch his heart. Jizi fear, is the Yang Kuang for the slave, then prison of Zhou. Yin Grand Preceptor, Grand Preceptor is offering holders of its instrument Ben weeks, King Wu of Zhou was then cutting rate of princes. Zhou also send soldiers from the Makino. Jiazi day, Zhou defeated. Zhou into, Teng Lu Tai, clothing the gem of clothing, went to the fire and died. King Wu of Zhou then cut head, county white flag. Kill Da Ji. Jizi release of prisoners, closure of the tomb of Bi Gan, table capacity of the Lu business. So that the government Pangeng practice. China Yin Tai said. Then King Wu of the emperor. The emperor later demoted number, number is the king. The princes after Yin Feng, is week.
  First of all, "King Zhou," No. God is not official, is insist on descendants of the Malicious in his head, which means "good loss dilapidated." Then somehow people
  As Zhou Fangguo expeditions in the West Bank the right, a strong national power quickly, since the Zhou Hou quarter, only two generations of experience to the Hebrew JI Chang, Zhou Fangguo territory has been opened up, "third world, there are the other", but King Wen met with King Zhou in Shanxi licheng evil a, was beaten defeated, if not from the army, division, late-bloomer in the business Dongyi Kingdom Dongyi rebellion in eastern instigation, I am afraid of King Wen's reunification will be the end, the King Wen captured prisoners in Youli likely to occur in the war, the end is likely to be the King Zhou killed JI Chang, and not as stated in the history books were released to go home?
  Barbarians though good bow, but the military business bronze arrowheads, build, compact and sharp, their long range, lethality, but it also forces combat units in the business even the "Elephants", ancient books, said: "As for the service business child in the Dong Yi. "elephant ivory easily pierce the Dongyi's chest and then the body into the air, the Yi groups of troops poured down. By King Zhou of commercial military command burst rush ahead, surrounded by layers, the Yi people's forces captured most do?
  But this long-running campaign has almost caused the collapse of a major business dynasty. That King Zhou of Shang King Wu of Zhou at western army out with a point to the east, the city defense forces are very weak, then the part of the rebellion led by tribal business under the Jones raid on a military exploits as Makino and then Shang's army far away in the southeast, unable to help, Makino commercial military battle, not the Shang Dynasty's elite division, but the temporary armed slaves and prisoners.
  Makino war of unprecedented scale in China in the ancient history of a war. King Wu of Zhou in "Shang" listed in the King Zhou six counts: first, alcohol abuse; the second is not Guiqi old veterans; third is re-villain; the fourth is to listen to women's words; fifth is believed to have life in days; The sixth is inattentive worship. In fact, many companies in our history now seem all kings, the six did not matter, even some you can not think counts.
  1046 BC the first month, car 300 soldiers commanded by King Wu of Zhou, Huben 3000, Jiashi 40,005 thousand mighty East into cutting business. The same month, Zhou Jun Jin arrived Mengjin, where and anti-business-yung, Lu Peng, Pu Shu (tops in this Chinese water), Qiang Wei (Wei River tops this year), bang (home now Shanxi Lu Ping South) and other tribes join forces. King Wu operators to use the favorable situation of people go weeks, the rate headquarters and coordinated their military operations of the tribe, in the first month on the 28th by the Mengjin (today Bangladesh County South) rain quickly eastward. From the creek to (today Xingyang sishui Town) crossed the Yellow River, the hardships in the north, to the spring in (today Huixian West) off the east line, pointing Chaoge. Zhou did not encounter commercial division along the resistance forces, it entered the well, only after 6 days of travel, easy to arrive at dawn in February fourth day Makino. Zhou Jun, the news spread Chaoge attack, a panic up and down the court business. King Zhou had no choice among operators rush to deploy defenses. But this time the main force is still far from commercial forces in the south-east, could not immediately transferred back. So he had a large number of armed slaves, together with the army guarding the commercial capital of about 17 million people (some say 700,000, is very difficult to believe), led by their own, marched against the army of Zhou Makino.
  February fifth day morning, Zhou Jun lineup finished a solemn oath-taking, known to history as "Mushi." Listen to the sounding of denouncing the King Zhou of Shang King Wu's favorites evil of others, do not worship ancestors, luring four of sinners and runaway slaves, cruelty to hurt the people, and many other crimes, and aroused anger from the sign of the enemy soldiers heart and fighting spirit. Then King Wu has solemnly declared that the operational requirements of combat and military discipline: every step forward six, seven steps, we must stop Qu Qi, in order to maintain formation; each stab attack four or five or six or seven times, but also Stop Qu Qi, to hold our ground. Yan Shen who are not allowed to kill down to the collapse of the military business. After the oath-taking, King Wu ordered the military to the commercial launch an attack. He started to "cause division Shangfu husband and 100 teachers," that is so part of Shang elite shock troops led the military to the business challenges in order to contain confuse the enemy and disrupt its footing. Commercial army of slaves and prisoners of war yearned for King Wu, when they have the uprising, turned around and spears, to help combat commander week. "Soldiers are back to battle for the opening of King Wu." King Wu, the momentum of "Great Death (main) Chong Chi Tai Zhou division," the enemy heavy rush ahead. So hundreds of thousands of military public business fall apart instantly. King Zhou to do to see the trend, on the evening of desperate escaped Chaoge, board Lutai self-immolation die. Zhou Jun Cheng-sheng onslaught, captured Chaoge, destroyed the Shang Dynasty. Later, King Wu divide our forces go out, around the feudal Shang conquest and root out the remnants of the Shang Dynasty. Since then, standing for hundreds of years of Shang Dynasty perish.
  Makino war is the beginning of China's famous ancient wars car wars, which ended six years rule of the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou dynasty, the ruling order of the Central Plains region, for the Western Zhou ritual slavery flourishing of civilization, opening the way for later development of history had a profound impact. And it reflects the strategy and operational art, the ancient military thought the significance of the development should not be underestimated.
  BC in 1046, after the demise of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou's son King Zhou Wu Geng Feng Yin to the (now Shangqiu) Yi Si Yin, the management of the Shang Dynasty to remain in the Yin Ruins, Wu Geng was not willing to do weeks servant. Early Zhou Dynasty, King Wu's death (BC 1043), his son King Cheng of young (13 years), Zhou Gongshe government (called salty Wang). Duke surnamed Ji Ming Dan, is the fourth son of King Wen of Zhou, as a fief in a week, said the Duke of Zhou, Lu after the closure, but Lu is not reached closure. He adjuvant Validity twice Crusade, and the Western Zhou state slavery laws and institutions to develop a variety of, ritual music, the early years of China's Zhou famous politician. BC in 1041, Wu Geng joint the pipe, Cai Ershu and business vassal Um, Xu, Chu dozen countries along the west march, anti-week camp massive. Such as "Book of mass communications," saying: "Guan Shu and Cai Shu doubt the Duke of Zhou, rumors in the country said: 'the public will not help the king,' Um Jun, thin regardless of the father that Paul said: 'King Wu king is dead men, and now Wang Shang Youyi, See Duke suspected men, and the Best Solar is also the time, please uprising! 'and then rebel Lu is also the father and three supervisors. "(Guanshu fresh, Wen Wang Sanzi; Tsai Shu degree, Wen Wang Wuzi; Huo Shu Department, text bastard child. something to monitor business Korean Dynasty, so that the three supervisors) Once in the nick of the occasion of the Duke of Zhou, Ju-Bing Crusade in 1040 BC, put down rebellion. BC in 1039, killing the Duke of Zhou Wu Geng, off the East 50 States; Guanshu fresh killed, the Tsai-tert-exile, Huo Shu was spent for the common people. The Micro-Sub (King Zhou brother) closed at Yin, the order on behalf of the Yin, the Jazz for the Song Gong, after the Song, all in Shangqiu. Wu Geng's descendants will be his word as the name of Lu, known as Paul's. Wu Geng died, rebellion put down, Yin people see no hope of recovery, had to have fled.
  The demise of each dynasty, almost all with a woman related to ancient Xia and Shang and Zhou Dynasties are no exception. Xia Jie Ambergris time, when King Zhou in Shang Da Ji, Zhou You Wang
  According to Sima Qian's statement is: King Zhou self-immolation die, Da Ji as King Wu killed. Another "Shi" in the quoted Jung as saying, after weeks of division into Chaoge, Da Ji income for the Duke of Zhou, who later became the Duke of Zhou Shi Ji, the teacher from the week after entering Chaoge, no more derogatory words Daji , get some side confirmed.
  King Zhou Daji later life can only be regarded business partner, on Da Ji, Shang King Zhou not to mention toe, if Di Xin Da Ji being among the favorite of those years, with political power, why Radha own tribe, still not able to the upper hand then?
  1. Business King Zhou did exist during the Jiuchiroulin
  Scholars have basically rejected the pool is mainly used to "provide water" argument. Du Jinpeng said Yanshi each with multiple wells near the palace building shows that people can draw well water nearby, more importantly, in the pool and there are many wells nearby, use and age of the same pond, wells unearthed in the Kap Shui use of pottery. Parallel with the pool and kept well, to prove the main purpose is not to provide the pool water.
  Shang Chi Court confirmed that although the excavation depends on Yanshi, but Shang Chi Court initially found that it is in the Shang City. Excavated the site where the two pools, was once considered to be "to provide a reservoir for water." Yanshi was built in 1600 BC, was discovered in 1983. Sites north and south is about 1,100 meters, 750 meters from east to west, there are palaces, temples, worship places, bronze workshops, water supply and drainage systems, is by far the best preserved, and after large-scale excavation of the Shang capital site.
  In fact, King Zhou Yuan You let men and women in the sand dunes in streaking, is not necessarily immoral. Ancient times as "Happy Valley" and a relic, in order to solve the problem of unmarried men and women. Zhou, they are still organizations where men and women in the mulberry grove, "Ben." "Zhou Li" states: "in the Spring months, so will men and women, therefore, also, No Ban." In certain seasons of the year, Zhou Zhaoguan parties will designate certain areas as the Happy Valley, so not married men and women gathered here, meet sex partners, cohabitation can not perform marriages.
  From archaeological discoveries, the tomb of the Zhou Dynasty, more than half are single grave, only one commercial Zhou Rengu sleep in the grave, a rare double tomb or grave together. It also shows examples of a family wedding was also not widely accepted, marriage has still not widely available. To some extent followed the custom of the primitive society, not marriage or group marriage, customs and history has a single relationship. Primitive society, there is no marriage habits.
  King Zhou of the historical contributions
  3. To break the slave aristocracy "hereditary" system, boldly promoted from the lower number of new, innovative line of services for.
<< 前一君主: 帝乙商代紂王 Zhou Wang

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