东丹国 人物列表
耶律倍 Ye Lvbei端顺皇后 Duan Shunhuanghou耶律安端 Ye Lvanduan
端顺皇后 Duan Shunhuanghou
东丹国  (?930年940年)
名: 萧氏


  Side along Empress Xiao's (? -940), The Liaoning Chinese emperor Wang Yelv times are wives. Days were five years (930 years) in November, fled Laos Yelv times, they go to Later Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong of Liao Xiao's life photo management Dongdan States national policy. Together with three years (940) July Tiger, who died Queen Princess Shaw demise. Shigehiro two decades (in 1051), Liao Xingzong by posthumous title Empress Xiao Shun's side.
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